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The Community Gatekeeper Training Project

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1 The Community Gatekeeper Training Project
A key element in building suicide safer communities


3 Suicide in BC a cumulative tragedy
Everyday someone in BC dies by suicide There’s over 500 suicides yearly; over 4,000 in Canada 75% of these deaths occur in middle aged & older males Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in youth Estimated 20 suicide attempts for every death – that’s 27 suicide attempts daily


5 Suicide Prevention on the Ground Our place in the bigger picture
Suicide for the most part is preventable. 90% of people who make one attempt do not go on to make another.

6 Suicide Prevention on the Ground Our place in the bigger picture
Suicide prevention is everybody’s business. If we know what to look for, how to ask & what to do we can help prevent suicide attempts & deaths.


8 You’re someone who is there to listen when people need to talk—and with Community Gatekeeper training you may be able to help save a life.


10 Suicide Prevention on the Ground Our place in the bigger picture
People who consider or attempt suicide often feel overwhelmed, isolated, worthless, helpless, hopeless. Compassionately supporting a connection to caring others in our communities is a key first step.

11 Suicide Prevention on the Ground Our place in the bigger picture
Many of us will find ourselves in a position to help but are afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. Basic training in suicide prevention can alleviate this fear & teach you how to help prevent immediate risk of suicide.

12 safeTALK Training Slides
a suicide-safer community © 03/2008 LivingWorks Education

13 Suicide Prevention on the Ground Our place in the bigger picture
We all have a role to play. Training to recognize & respond to risk is a critical element in building a suicide safer community.


15 Gatekeeper Training who is a gatekeeper?
Trusted & respected community members to whom others go to for support Individuals familiar with community resources & comfortable with encouraging help seeking “Regular” citizens - coaches, elders, teachers, clergy, community or friendship centre staff, HR reps, union stewards, employment counsellors, first responders, bartenders - YOU! Community members who come in face to face contact with large numbers of people as part of their profession/usual routine and are well positioned to identify persons exhibiting signs of distress, support them in seeking help, link them in a timely way to available support/resources Evidence suggests that the majority of people struggling with suicide do not readily reach out for help but if we as bartenders, HR leaders, clergy, coaches are more aware or attuned to what some of the risks and signs are, we’re better able to reach and Basic premise – everyone can learn the skills to save a life

16 safeTALK Training Slides
a suicide-safer community Suicide alertness for everyone © 03/2008 LivingWorks Education © 03/2008 LivingWorks Education

17 Gatekeeper Training what type of training is available?
safeTALK workshop (1/2 day) Suicide alertness training for everyone Recognize persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to others trained in suicide first aid Simple Tell, Ask, Listen, Keep Safe steps Hands-on skills practice Developed in 2006, used in over 20 countries Gatekeeper training is founded on the principle of breaking the silence. Curriculum developed by a Canadian social enterprise called LivingWorks. As this is Workplace Mental Health I hope she will really stress the necessity of leadership from the top down in order to change workplace culture and create suicide safer workplaces.

18 ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

19 Gatekeeper Training what type of training is available?
ASIST workshop (2 day) Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Learn the skills to help & save a life from suicide Powerful audio-visual learning aids Experiential - skills development & practice Local resources incorporated Reduce suicidal feelings for those at risk Originally developed in ’83 with over 1M people in 30+ countries trained Founded on the principle that everyone can make a difference in preventing suicide The ASIST teaches effective intervention skills while helping to build suicide prevention networks in the community.

20 Gatekeeper Training does it work?
Studies show: Gatekeeper Training increases trainee’s knowledge, skill and willingness to intervene Studies link Gatekeeper Training to reduced suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and deaths

21 Community Gatekeeper Training Project follows curriculum developed by
The training provided through the Community Gatekeeper Training Project follows curriculum developed by LivingWorks Education. Funding provided by the BC Ministry of Health.

22 You can make a difference!

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