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Energy Resources Ch. 9 Bingo

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1 Energy Resources Ch. 9 Bingo
Mrs. Hill Eighth Grade Science

2 Any natural substance, organism, or energy form that living things use
Natural Resource

3 Any natural resource that can be used and replaced over a relatively short time

4 A natural resource that cannot be replaced or that can be replaced only over thousands or millions of years Nonrenewable

5 The process by which used or discarded materials are treated for reuse

6 Natural resources that humans use to produce energy
Energy Resources

7 Nonrenewable energy resources that form in the Earth’s crust over millions of years from the buried remains of once-living organisms Fossil Fuels

8 An oily mixture of flammable organic compounds from which liquid fossil fuels and other products, such as as asphalt, are separated; also known as crude oil Petroleum

9 Gaseous fossil fuels that are commonly used for heating and generating electricity
Natural Gas

10 A solid fossil fuel formed underground from buried, decomposed plant material

11 A process in which rock and soil are stripped from the Earth’s surface to expose the underlying materials to be mined Strip mining

12 Rain or snow that has a high acid content due to air pollutants
Acid rain

13 A photochemical fog produced by the reaction of sunlight and air pollutants

14 The last stage in the process of coal formation after bituminous coal; it is ninety percent carbon

15 The second stage in the process of coal formation, in which sediment buries the peat and increases the pressure and intensity; seventy percent carbon Lignite

16 The third stage in the process of coal formation, in which the pressure and intensity increase and the lignite is changed; eighty percent carbon Bituminous

17 An alternative source of energy that comes from the nuclei of atoms
Nuclear Energy

18 A process in which the nuclei of radioactive elements are split and energy is released

19 Energy from the Sun solar energy

20 Energy in wind wind energy

21 Technologically updated windmills that are often used in clusters on wind farms and used to produce energy Wind turbines

22 Electricity produced by falling water
Hydroelectric energy

23 Organic matter that contains stored energy
Biomass energy

24 Alcohol which is burned as a fuel or mixed with gasoline to make a fuel mixture

25 Energy produced by heat within the Earth’s crust
Geothermal Energy

26 The main component of natural gas

27 Quiz Questions Look at the slides for this Power Point. The slides with a marks the words that will be on the quiz. It will be a matching quiz. You will need to match the word with the defintion. Bonus Question: Name as many of the eight alternative resources we have studied.

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