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CuUnkv sImXpIv tPm{^n tP¡ºv sl¯v C³kvs]ÎÀ {]mYanImtcmKy tI{µw

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Presentation on theme: "CuUnkv sImXpIv tPm{^n tP¡ºv sl¯v C³kvs]ÎÀ {]mYanImtcmKy tI{µw"— Presentation transcript:

1 CuUnkv sImXpIv tPm{^n tP¡ºv sl¯v C³kvs]ÎÀ {]mYanImtcmKy tI{µw
X¿mdm¡nbXv tPm{^n tP¡ºv sl¯v C³kvs]ÎÀ {]mYanImtcmKy tI{µw Aങ്ങmSn¸pdw

2 Ncn{Xw B{^n¡³ hwiw Im«n Xmakw Dbcങ്ങfn Pohnച്ചnê¶Xv
]£nIfnÂ\nìw æcങ്ങn \nìw cà]m\w acs¸m¯pIfn ap«bn«nêì

3 sU¦n¸\n, Nnç³ Kp\nb, aª¸\n, tdmÊv dnhÀ ]\n, shÌv s\bn ]\n F¶nh ]SÀ¯pì
Im«nÂ\nìw \m«nte¡v h\ \ioIcWw {][m\ ImcWw Dbcങ്ങfn \nìw Xmtg¡v DjvWtaJebnepw anXiotXmjWtaJebnepw {][m\ambpw Iméì ssiXy taJebnepw I­Xmbn dnt¸mÀ«v sU¦n¸\n, Nnç³ Kp\nb, aª¸\n, tdmÊv dnhÀ ]\n, shÌv s\bn ]\n F¶nh ]SÀ¯pì

4 CuUnkv CuPn]vXn CuUnkv CuUnkv BÂs_m]nIväkv

5 CuUnkv CuPn]vXn ]IÂ kabw ISnçì þ DZb¯në tijhpw AkvXab¯në ap¼pw
aëjy kmao]yapÅnS¯v Iméì ANTHRAPO PHAGIC s_Ív dqan hscsb¯pì ho«nëÅnse Ccq­ Øeങ്ങfn hn{iançì

6 CuUnkv BÂs_m]nIväkv ]I kabw ISnçì þ DZb¯në tijhpw AkvXab¯në ap¼pw arK kmao]yapÅnS¯v Iméì ZOONO PHAGIC knäu«v hsc am{Xta hcmdpÅq hoSnë ]pd¯v æän¡mSpIfn hn{iançì

7 hfÀച്ച¡v 4 L«ങ്ങÄ ap« emÀÆ sImXpIv ]}¸,

8 ]}¸bn \nìw ]pd¯p hê¶ CuUnkv sImXpæIÄ kmh[m\w CWtNcpì CW tNcenë tijw B¬sImXpIv 1þ2 Znhkw am{Xw Pohnçì. B¬ sImXpæIfpsS `£Ww sNSnIfpsS \ocmWv ( NECTUM )

9 CW tNcenë tijw ap«IfpsS hfÀച്ച¡v
s]¬sImXpIn\v 1 þ 3 hsc »Uv aoÂkv thWw Hmtcm »Uv aoepw Zln¡m³ 2 þ 7 Znhkw thWw 3 »Uv aoenë tijw Hmtcm ¢ച്ചnepw 200 ap«IÄ hsc CSpì cà ]m\¯nsâ Afhëkcnച്ച് F®¯n hyXymkw hcmw Hê PohnX Ime¯n 5 ¢ച്ച് hscbp­mImw

10 ap« þ hncnªndങ്ങÂ Häbmbn ap«bnSpì
Pe\nc¸në sXm«papIfnembmWv ap«IÄ \nt£oç¶Xv shÅ \nd¯nepÅ ap«IÄ \nanjങ്ങൾçÅn Xnfങ്ങp¶ Idp¸p\ndambn amdpw hc­ AhØsb ap«IÄ 6 amkw hsc AXnPohnçw shÅw e`nçt¼mÄ 2 þ 7 Znhk¯nëÅn hncnªv emÀÆIÄ D­mæì {Sm³kv Hmthdnb {Sm³kvanj³ CXnsâ {]tXyIXbmWv


12 Distinguishing characters of Anopheles, Culex and Aedes mosquito eggs
Air bubles Culex eggs (raft) Aedes egg

13 CuUnkv a¬skmWnb As\m^nenkv I}eIvkv

14 Distinguishing characters of Anopheles, Culex and Aedes mosquito eggs
Eggs laid singly singly In cluster (raft) Float & frill present absent No.of eggs (29-147) 140 (eggs may be laid in successive days 16 sittings 200 Not so resistant to drying but can survive up to 3 weeks in mud Can withstand desiccation up-to 6 months Cannot withstand drying Duration of egg stage 2-3 days 2 days 24-36 hours

15 emÀÆ ssk^¬ S}_v Ptem]cnXe¯në apIfnem¡n shůn Xqങ്ങnInSçì.
BÂtKIfpw kq£vaPohnIfpamWv Blmcw emÀÆhfÀച്ച¡v 4 L«ങ്ങfp­v (INSTARS) 3 L«ങ്ങÄ AXnthKw ]qÀ¯nbm¡n \memw L«¯nte¡v ISçì. \memw L«w Bt]£nIambn kmh[m\¯nemWv (3 Znhkw ) Xé¯ ImemhØsb 1 amkw hsc {]Xntcm[n¡m³ emÀÆIÄ¡mhpw

16 Distinguishing characters of Anopheles , Culex and Aedes mosquito larvae
air tube present Ventral hair (1) Ventral hair (2 or more) Anopheles Culex Aedes

17 Resting posture: Distinguishing characters of Anopheline & Culine larvae
Anopheline larva Culicine larva When undisturbed, larvae of Anophelines lie flat along the surface of water In contrast, in a similar situation, culicine larvae hang ‘head down’ from the surface of water keeping the tip of breathing tube (siphon) in contact with the surface of water

18 Anopheles: Rests parellel,
spiracles in 8th seg., presence of palmate hair

19 Culex: Hang downwards, siphon in the 8th seg
Culex: Hang downwards, siphon in the 8th seg. ‘C’ like move, not sensitive to light, not gregarious, long siphon

20 Aedes: Downwards, short barrel shaped siphon, spiracle in the tip, ‘S’ move, light sensitive, gregarious

21 Mansonia: Attached to roots of pistia, respirate through the root cells.

22 Visual recognition of Aedes & Culex larvae
Not gregarious in habit Siphon long & tapered, at least 3 times as long as wide With more than one pair of ventral hair Whip-like or figure “C” movement which propels them rapidly to the bottom of the container Not sensitive to changes of light intensity. A rather strong disturbance required to cause them go to the bottom- return fairly soon to the surface Aedes Gregarious in habit Air tube (siphon) short, about twice as long as wide Siphon with only one pair of ventral hair Move in a characteristic (“S”/“8”) fashion, involving all parts of the body React quickly to changes in light intensity, removal of the cover from the container will disturb them- dive to the bottom

23 ]}¸ \memw L«w ]qÀ¯nbm¡nb emÀÆ ]}¸ L«¯nte¡v ISçì
]}¸ Ptem]cnXe¯n InS¶v HêtPmSn FbÀ S}_|IÄ hgn izknçì Ch ചenç¶hbpw Ne\ങ്ങtfmSv {]XnIcnç¶hbpamWv ]}¸ `£nç¶nà hfÀച്ച ]qÀ¯nbm¡m³ 2 Znhkw thWw ]}¸¡I¯phച്ച് emÀÆ cq]mന്തcw {]m]nച്ച് sImXpImhpì ImepIÄ, NndæIÄ, I®qIÄ, hmbv`mKങ്ങÄ, F¶nh cq]s¸Spì.


25 Anopheles: Comma, short respiratory trumpet, funnel shaped, last ab
Anopheles: Comma, short respiratory trumpet, funnel shaped, last ab.seg. has paddle hair

26 Culex: Comma, tubular breathing siphon, paddle hair absent

27 Aedes: Comma shaped, paddle hair absent

28 Mansonia: Comma shaped, attached to the pistia, if detaches it dies

29 sImXpIv 2 Znhk¯në tijw ]}¸bpsS ]pdwtXmSv s]m«nച്ച് sImXpIv ]pd¯phêì
hmbp henച്ചp \ndച്ച് DZc`mKw hoÀ¸nçì þ Cങ്ങs\ ]}¸bpsS ]pdwtXmSv s]m«nച്ചmWv sImXpIv ]pd¯p hê¶Xv

30 Medically important genera and species of Mosquito
Genus Number of species In World In India Anopheles 364 51 Aedes 888 111 Culex 715 57 Mansonia 23 4 Other genus 121 26 Total 16 genus and 249 species in India 34 genus and 2968 species in the world


32 Anopheline: Culicine: Palpi enlarged at tip Male (club shaped)
Palpi distinctly longer & always papering at tip

33 Female Anopheline: Palpi = proboscis Culicine: Palpi < Proboscis

34 Proboscis of aedes: Slim, straight, decorated

35 Anopheles: Spotted, Clumping of dark 7 light coloured scales

36 Culex: Non spotted with narrow scales on veins, clear wings

37 Aedes: Light scales with brown/black in colour

38 Mansonia: Broader scales asymmetrically arranged, speckled wings

39 Rest Anopheles: creates an angle in resting, Dark pale color
Culex: Parellel to surface dull coloured often brown Aedes: Hunched back, dusty appearance , grey color Mansonia: Hunched back, brown color

40 Culex:Adult Anopheles:Adult Aedes:Adult Mansonia:Adult

41 Breeding habits Anopheles: Fresh water, water tanks
Culex: Water with bio-waste contents Aedes: Artificial containers like coconut shells, tyres, tubes, broken pots,,, Mansonia: Ponds, lakes etc., Pistia.

42 Blood meals Anopheles: Both antropophilic and zoophilic
Culex:Preferably anthropophilic, Aedes: Anthropophilic and zoonophilic Mansonia: Anthropophilic

Vigourous biter Natural enemy: toxorynchitinae 1/100 world’s most invasive species. Can see 2 white lines in the misonotum House hunting mosquito Can bite through socks and shirts Vicious (violent) biter Only 1 white line in the misonotum and divides when reaches scutellam.

44 shÎÀ ÌUn

45 shÎÀ ÌUn F¶m sImXpæ \nb{ന്തW {]hÀ¯\ങ്ങfpsS Bkq{XW¯nt\m, hnebnê¯ent\m th­n sImXpæIfpsS km¶n[ys¯çdntച്ചm, km{µXsbçdntച്ചm DÅ imkv{Xobamb hnhc tiJcWamWv shÎÀ ÌUn

46 shÎÀ ÌUnbpsS e£yങ്ങÄ sImXpæ P\y tcmKങ്ങsfçdnച്ചpw sImXpæ \nb{ന്തW
{]hÀ¯\ങ്ങfpsS BhiyIXsbçdnച്ചpapÅ hnhc tiJcW¯n\v sImXpæ km{µXbptSbpw ap³ Ime tcmK Ncn{Xs¯bpw ASnØm\am¡n A]ISkm[yXm {]tZiങ്ങÄ Xncnച്ചdnbm³ sImXpP\y tcmKങ്ങfpsS s]m«n¸pds¸S ap¦q«n Adnªv {]Xntcm[ \S]SnIÄ kzoIcn¡m³ ZoÀL Ime þ {lkz Ime sImXpæ \nb{ന്തW X{ന്തÄ BhnjIcn¡m³ tcmK¸IÀച്ചm\nb{ന്തW {]hÀ¯\ങ്ങfpsS ^e{]m]vXn Afç¶Xn\v

47 shÎÀ ÌUnbn Fsന്തÃmw hnhcങ്ങfmWv th­Xv?
sImXpæhn`mKങ്ങfpsS km{µXbpw hnXcWhpw cà]m\¯ntâbpw hn{ia¯ntâbpw hnhcങ്ങÄ {]X|Â]mZ\ kz`mhങ്ങÄ sImXpæ\min\n {]tbmK¯nsâ km[yX tcmtKmÂ`h¯nsâ t{kmXÊv

48 kqNnIm {]tZiങ്ങÄ GsXÃmamWv?
shÎÀ ÌUn \St¯­ kqNnIm {]tZiങ്ങÄ GsXÃmamWv? sImXpæ P\y tcmKw F³Uan¡mb Øeങ്ങÄ sImXpInsâ km¶n[yw sIm­pw ]mcnØnXnI {]tXyIXIÄ sIm­pw tcmK]IÀച്ചm km[yXbpÅ Øeങ്ങÄ tcmK¯nsâ s]m«n¸pds¸Sep­mb Øew

49 Ft¸mgmWv \St¯­Xv? hÀjw apgph³ BgvNbnsemcn¡Â c­mgvN IqSpt¼mÄ
amk¯nsemcn¡Â kmlNcyhpw Bhiyhpw Aëkcnച്ച്

50 What are the Other information required on Entomological Surveillance?
Terrain features – Altitude, fauna & flora, type of soil, riverine belt etc. Meterological factors – Temperature, relative humidity, rainfall Agriculture – Agricultural practices, deforestation / aforestation etc. Irrigation – Irrigation practices, projects, dams, water reservation, canals, lift pumps etc. Human lifestyle, socio-economic and cultural aspects etc. Industrialization, housing, living, economic, sanitary conditions, water management, water storage practices, fairs and festivals, migration due to employment, political compulsions, war, etc.




54 House Index Number of positive houses for Aedes larveX100/Number of houses examined

55 Container index Number of positive containers for aedes foundX100/No. containers examined

56 Breteau Index Number of positive containersX100 Number of houses examined

57 ]T\ \nKa\ങ്ങÄ Cങ്ങs\ XmsgbpamsW¦n B {]tZiw A]IS km[yXbnÃm¯XmWv
ഹൌkv C³sUIvkv Ht¶m AXn XmsgbpamsW¦n B {]tZiw A]IS km[yXbnÃm¯XmWv {_nt«m C³UIvkv At©m AXn Xmsgtbm BsW¦n B {]tZiw

58 ഹൌkv C³sUIvkv ]t¯m AXn IqSpXtem {_nt«m C³UIvkv A³ ]tXm AXn IqSpXtem
BsW¦n B {]tZiw A]IS km[yXbpÅXmWv {_nt«m C³UIvkv A³ ]tXm AXn IqSpXtem A]IS km[yXbpÅXmWv

59 {_nt«m C³UIvkv  A³]tXm AXn IqSpXtem BsW¦n ASnbന്തncambn sImXpæ \nb{ന്തW {]hÀ¯\ങ്ങÄ Bcw`n¡Ww

60 shÎÀ ÌUn \S¯pt¼mÄ kÀtÆ \S¯p¶bmÄ¡v sImXpæISntb¡msX {i²n¡Ww

61 നന്ദി

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