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Parts of Speech Pronoun

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1 Parts of Speech Pronoun
Pronoun – a word used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns Antecedent – the word that the pronoun stands for (sometimes it is not stated in the sentence) 1.The girl bought herself a new dress. 2. Susan read the book and returned it to the library. 3. Who said that? 4. I thought you said everybody would help.

2 Personal Pronouns – refers to the one speaking (first person), the one spoken to (second person), or the one spoken about (third person) First Person – I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours Last fall, I visited my best friend in Maine. Second Person – you, your, yours Did you say that pen was yours? Third Person – he, him, her, she, his, hers. It, its, they, them , their, theirs The coach gathered the kids around him and gave them a pep talk.

3 Ralph hurt himself at the park. Sarah wrote herself a note.
Reflexive Pronoun – reflects an action back upon the subject; they add necessary information to a sentence. Ralph hurt himself at the park. Sarah wrote herself a note. Intensive Pronouns – emphasize a noun or pronoun but do not add information to a sentence. I myself will write the report . Amelia designed the costumes herself. (both are formed by adding –self or –selves to a personal pronoun)

4 Demonstrative Pronouns: used to single out one or more persons or things referred to in a sentence
THIS THAT THESE THOSE That is a photograph of the space shuttle. These are the names of those who volunteered. **NOTE- When used to modify a noun or pronoun they are adjectives. This card is my favorite. Relative Pronoun – introduces a subordinate clause (a clause that can not stand alone) THAT WHICH WHO WHOM WHOSE The Bactrian camel, which has two humps, is native to Asia. (subordinate clause/can not stand alone) Ray Charles is a performer who has had many hit songs.

5 Indefinite Pronouns: refers to a noun that may or may not be specifically named Everyone completed the test before the bell rang. Neither of the actors knew what costume the other was planning to wear.

6 Interrogative Pronouns: introduce a question WHAT WHICH WHO WHOM WHOSE
WHO – subject form -used as the subject of the verb (who or what the sentence is about) Who is your favorite quarterback? Who brought the food? (When asking a question the answer is he/she – use who) WHOM – object form -direct object of a verb or object of preposition For whom was the letter intended? (for is prep) By whom was the picture painted? (by is prep) Whom are we waiting for? (When asking a question the answer is him/her - use whom)

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