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The Impact of Gender Difference Between Employees and their Management on Employee’s Job Satisfaction in Islamic Banking Sector in Kingdom of Bahrain Prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "The Impact of Gender Difference Between Employees and their Management on Employee’s Job Satisfaction in Islamic Banking Sector in Kingdom of Bahrain Prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Impact of Gender Difference Between Employees and their Management on Employee’s Job Satisfaction in Islamic Banking Sector in Kingdom of Bahrain Prepared by Abdulaziz Adel Hamad Al Jar Dr. Sameh M. Reda Reyad, CMA

2 Introduction Job satisfaction defined as the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about their current job. People can have attitudes about various aspects of their jobs such as the kind of work they do, their coworkers, supervisors or subordinates and their pay. Organizations aim to increase their profits, they need to motivate and increase the their employees’ job satisfaction. Higher banks employee’s job satisfaction have positive impact on their customers satisfaction; therefore, leads to higher banks profits.

3 Introduction Based on the latest studies, the similarity and difference between the gender of employees and the gender of their managers has a different impact on the employees’ job satisfaction. The significant and remarkable development in recent years in the Islamic banking sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the main reasons why we focus on study the impact of the gender of the manager with the gender of the employee on the job satisfaction of the employee in Islamic banks only, Bahrain is the host of the largest pool of Islamic financial institutions in the Middle East.

4 Introduction The conflicting in the results of the several studies make us confused on how the gender difference between the employees and their managers impact the employees’ job satisfaction. This study establishes to clarify and eliminate that ambiguity in the Islamic banking sector in Bahrain. Also it will assist those Islamic banks to get the overall job satisfaction for their employees, in order to increase the customers’ satisfaction which lead to increase profits banks’ income.

5 The objectives of the study
To examine the impact of gender difference between the employees and their managers on the employee’s job satisfaction in Islamic banking sector in Bahrain. To find out how satisfied are the employees from manager’s point of view. To compare between how satisfied are the employees from manager’s point of view with how are the employees satisfied from their point of view.

6 The Literature supporting the study
The Study scanned the Literature that supporting the study in: Job Satisfaction. Factors of job satisfaction. Measuring job satisfaction. Job Satisfaction in Banking Sector. Gender and Job Satisfaction. Gender of the employees, management and job satisfaction

7 The Literature supporting the study
Many studies examine the impact and the relation between the gender and the job satisfaction and they could not define the role for the gender in the job satisfaction. Some of these researches reported that the women are more satisfied in their jobs than the men (De Rijk, Nijhuis & Alexanderson, 2009). While other researchers found that men are more satisfied in their job than women (Sousa-Poza, 2003). Some researchers did not find any differences between the genders on their job satisfaction (Bender, Donohue & Heywood, 2005; Eskildsen, Kristensen & Westlund, 2004).

8 The Methodology used to obtain the data
Two data resources were used in this paper to be studied and analyzed. The primary data resources provided from the respondents answers given in the distributed questionnaire. The other research source is the secondary data resources, which are collected from the results and findings of studies, published documents and literature related to the current paper. These data are based from the latest literatures concerning to the job satisfaction aspects, the role of the gender on the job satisfaction and the impact of the gender of the employees and their management on the job satisfaction.

9 The Methodology used to obtain the data
In order to gather all the necessary information needed for this research, quantitative data would be gathered through questionnaires distributed to the employees and managers in the Islamic retail banks. The data will be processed into information , analyzed, and evaluated in order to come up with a specific conclusions and recommendations. The use of descriptive analysis will clarify the results on a larger basis, as each of the given questions in the questionnaire is answered, each will be analyzed; the frequency and percentage will be calculated then the conclusion and recommendations will be based on statistical tests.

10 The Methodology used to obtain the data
There were two types of questionnaires; one was the employees’ questionnaire while the other one was the managers’ questionnaire. The questionnaires gathered comprehensive information concerning the gender of the respondent, the Islamic bank, work experience in the Islamic banks, management treatment of employees, job performance description, salary, management support of new ideas, staff appraisal and other factors that influence the level of job satisfaction among employees.

11 The Methodology used to obtain the data
The Likert scale was used to gauge the responses from a scale of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 signifying strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree respectively. The responses were transformed from the string type to numeric codes by using the automatic recode function in the SPSS software. The statistical analysis was divided into three namely: reliability analysis, descriptive analysis and the empirical analysis.

12 The Methodology used to obtain the data
Reliability analysis was performed using the reliability function in SPSS with the alpha model. Also the Normality test and descriptive analysis are also done by using the built-in functions in SPSS. Empirical analysis was attained by using non parametric tests like Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test.

13 Key findings of the research
The male employees in the Islamic retails banks in Bahrain are more satisfied in their job than the female employees. There is no significant difference on the job satisfaction between the employees who work with managers of similar gender and employees who work with managers of different gender. The female employees who work with male managers are more satisfied than female employees who work with female managers. A contradiction observes between the result of both manager and employee questionnaires.

14 The impact of this research on the community
Moving forward along with the findings of the research and increase the number of the employees who work with the male managers in order to make them more satisfied whichincrease the customers’ satisfaction which lead to increase profits banks’ income. This will positively impact the community. Studying the factors which are negatively impacting the job satisfaction of the employees in order to enhance them and make them as positive factors for the job satisfaction. by doing this, the employees will be more satisfied with manager of any gender and this will positively impact the community.

15 Future research Apply the same study on other sectors like the government sector or other private sectors. This will give a clear picture if the current results can be generalized in kingdom of Bahrain or it varies from sectors to others. Specially that the Islamic banks in some how have religiously conservatives.

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