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Let’s Play Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Play Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Play Jeopardy

2 Everest Jeopardy Go to the next slide by clicking mouse.
Choose a category and number value clicking on the button. When you answer the question you can click on the green button to find the correct answer. To select a new question click on the red game board button. From the game board you can click on the blue button to see the score board.

3 Score Board Basic Jeopardy Weathering 1 Erosion 2 Deposition 3 Which One Is It? 4 Miscillaneous 5 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 Weathering 100 the process that breaks down rocks into smaller and smaller fragments. See Answer

5 Weathering 100 A weathering Score Board

6 Weathering 200 Plants and ice wedging are examples of which type of weathering? See Answer

7 physical or mechanical weathering
Weathering 200 A physical or mechanical weathering Score Board

8 Weathering 300 Rocks break down into small pieces called See Answer

9 Weathering 300A sediment Score Board

10 Weathering 400 Name the 5 agents of weathering See Answer

11 wind, water, ice, waves, ice and gravity
Weathering 400A wind, water, ice, waves, ice and gravity WWWIG Score Board

12 Oxidation is an example of which type of weathering?
See Answer

13 Weathering 500A chemical weathering Score Board

14 Explain how glaciers cause erosion.
See Answer

15 Erosion 100A By picking up rocks and sediment and carrying it along as it moves downhill Score Board

16 A valley formed when a glacier erodes a mountain
Erosion 200 A valley formed when a glacier erodes a mountain See Answer

17 Erosion 200A U-shaped valley Score Board

18 Erosion 300 The agent causing of all mass movement erosion on Earth
See Answer

19 Erosion 300A gravity Score Board

20 Erosion 400 Name something that might be a factor in increasing the amount of erosion See Answer

21 Erosion 400A Steep inclines No plants growing Heavy rainfall Etc…
Score Board

22 Erosion 500 Erosion from waves can cause the elimination of rock material from the shore creating…. See Answer

23 Erosion 500A Sea caves Sea cliffs Sea arches Sea stacks Score Board

24 Deposition 100 Hills formed from of windblown sand
(Builds up in ridges and drops off sharply on the opposite side) Answer

25 Deposition 100A Sand dunes Score Board

26 all of the materials carried and deposited by a glacier.
Deposition 200 all of the materials carried and deposited by a glacier. Answer

27 Deposition 200A Glacial till Score Board

28 Deposition 300 This type of deposition is caused by rivers and is fan-shaped, finger-like extensions of sediment, rocks and nutrients in a larger, slower moving body of water Answer

29 Deposition 300 A delta Score Board

30 A mass of rocks and sediment deposited by a glacier
Deposition 400 A mass of rocks and sediment deposited by a glacier  Answer

31 Deposition 400A moraine Score Board

32 Deposition 500 Give a specific example of deposition. Need to include:
Agent – what is causing the erosion Landform – a possible landform caused by that type of deposition Answer

33 Deposition 500 A Meandering river – caused by the erosion and deposition of sediment along the river Moraine – caused by the erosion and deposition from a glacier Sand dune – caused by the erosion and deposition by wind Score Board

34 The process in which eroded material is dropped
Which is it? 100 The process in which eroded material is dropped Answer

35 Which is it? 100A deposition Score Board

36 Which is it? 200 How are canyons formed? Answer

37 Erosion from water or glaciers
Which is it? 200A Erosion from water or glaciers Score Board

38 Which is it? 300 The carrying away of sediment by wind, water, waves, ice or gravity Answer

39 Which is it? 300A erosion Score Board

40 The process of abrasion is an example of …
Which is it? 400 The process of abrasion is an example of … Answer

41 Which is it? 400A Physical weathering Score Board

42 Which is it? 500 Landslides and mudslides would be considered fast moving examples of ….. Answer

43 Which is it? 500A erosion Score Board

44 Miscellaneous 100 a large mass of moving ice that forms by the compacting of snow by natural forces. Answer

45 Miscellaneous 100A glacier Score Board

46 How are alluvial fans and deltas similar?
Miscellaneous 200 How are alluvial fans and deltas similar? Answer

47 They are both fan shaped and made by deposits from stream erosion
Miscellaneous 200A They are both fan shaped and made by deposits from stream erosion Score Board

48 Miscellaneous 300 occurs when a material, such as iron, in rocks is exposed to oxygen and water. Answer

49 Miscellaneous 300A oxidation Score Board

50 Creep, landslide, rock falls, and mud flows are all types of _________
Miscellaneous 400 Creep, landslide, rock falls, and mud flows are all types of _________ Answer

51 Miscellaneous 400A Mass movement or Mass wasting Score Board

52 Miscellaneous 500 sudden and rapid movement of a large amount of material downslope. Can carry away plants and animals. Answer

53 Miscellaneous 500A Landslide Score Board

54 Scoreboard Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

55 References Microsoft Clipart
Created by Mary Frederick

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