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Recent Standards Changes and Revised Site Report Template

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1 Recent Standards Changes and Revised Site Report Template
Pamela Lysaght, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (Retired); Chair, Standards Review Committee William Adams, Deputy Managing Director

2 Self Study and Site Report
New Direction New Terminology

3 Key Features Format requires narrative answers
Each numbered heading references the relevant Standard being addressed Each numbered heading directly corresponds to the Decision Letter

4 Self Study to Decision Letter: An Example
STANDARD 201 SEQ NARRATIVE (a) The dean and the faculty shall have the primary responsibility and authority for planning, implementing, and administering the program of legal education of the law school, including curriculum, methods of instruction and evaluation, admissions policies and procedures, and academic standards. (b) (c) The dean and the faculty shall each have a significant role in determining educational policy. (d) and (e) 5. Standards 201(a) and 201(c).   Describe how the Dean and the faculty have the primary responsibility and authority for planning, implementing, and administering the Law School’s program of legal education, including curriculum; methods of instruction and evaluation; admissions policies and procedures; and academic standards.

5. Standard 201(a) through (c). Describe how the dean and the faculty have the primary responsibility and authority for planning, implementing, and administering the program of legal education of the Law School, including curriculum, methods of instruction and evaluation, admissions policies and procedures, and academic standards. 5. Standards 201(a) and 201(c).  The dean and the faculty have primary responsibility and authority for planning, implementing, and administering the program of legal education; the dean and the faculty recommend the selection, retention, promotion, and tenure (or security of position) of faculty members; and the dean and the faculty have a significant role in determining educational policy.

6 How to Use the New SEQ Narrative and the Site Report Template
Read the Instructions! Don’t delete the numbered headings. Don’t delete the references to the Standards. Don’t delete the query. Provide comprehensive answers to all of the queries. Verify information provided by the law school.

7 Standards Coming into Effect
Standards being enforced in : 301(b) and 302—Learning Outcomes See guidance memo from Managing Director’s Office Outcomes in place by end of 303—Curriculum See guidance memo 304—Experiential Learning—Simulations, Field Placements & Clinics 304 (c) Field Placements 314—Assessment Assessment Plan being implemented by end of 315—Evaluation of program of legal education

8 Recurring Issues Standard 206—Diversity and Inclusion
“concrete actions” Faculty (including adjuncts) and staff Standard 303(a)(2)—First year and additional writing experience, which are faculty supervised Professional skills and Professional Responsibility (enhanced in under 303) Standard 308 (a)—attendance policies Standard 310—Credit hour Standard 316—Bar Passage

9 Employment Reporting Protocol and Statement on Review of Law Graduate Employment Document, document, document Who, when, how Know the key items that need to be documented FAQ’s Powerpoint and audio file Audit Review Process

10 Whom do I call? Questions???
Camille deJorna, , Bill Adams, ,

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