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Battle of the Bands with BBYO

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Presentation on theme: "Battle of the Bands with BBYO"— Presentation transcript:

1 Battle of the Bands with BBYO
August 24, 2014 6:00 – 10:00 PM Greensboro JCC Battle of the Bands with BBYO Admission is $10 at the door. If you are new to BBYO, or bring a friend who is, admission is only $5! CUSTOMIZABLE FLYER INSTRUCTION TEMPLATES Right click flyer and select on “Reorder Objects” from the dropdown menu Send flyer template to the back Right click on one of the placeholder images and select “Change Picture” from the drop down menu. Replace the placeholder image with your own image file. If necessary, format the new picture to fit within the frame (you may have to resize or crop the image). When you have placed all your own images, right click poster and select on “Reorder Objects” from the dropdown menu Bring the poster template to the front Customize the text with your own event information Kick-Off the Fall Semester with the Battle of the Bands! Meet and have fun with the teens from your high school that are proud to call AZA and BBG “home.” On Saturday night, we’ll come together for a Battle of the Bands and dance party. It’s kick off to a great year of experiences with BBYO! Pizza, drinks, live music, great dancing and awesome group of guys and girls What you can expect: - A fun event for their teen, planned by their peers. and supervised by adults! What your parents can count on: Want to learn more? Contact Jamie (she’s the teen planning the event!) at or Ellen Goldstein (she’s the Regional Director) at

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