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Shape Positive/Negative Shapes Organic/Geometric Shapes Figure/Ground.

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Presentation on theme: "Shape Positive/Negative Shapes Organic/Geometric Shapes Figure/Ground."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shape Positive/Negative Shapes Organic/Geometric Shapes Figure/Ground

2 Shape:A two-dimensionalclosed or implied closed configuration
Shape:A two-dimensionalclosed or implied closed configuration. The two categories of shape are organic and geometric shape l o n d o n

3 Depending on its location relative to the ground, the figure can become dynamic or static, leaden or bouyant.

4 Organic shape: Free form shape, also called biomorphic
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5 Van Gogh’s Cypress Trees

6 Geometric shape: A shape created by mathematicallaws and measurements, such as a circle or a square.


8 Native American, Woven Basket, BMA, Baltimore

9 Positive shape: The shape of an object that serves as the subject for a drawing. The relationship between positive shape and negative space is sometimes called figure/field, foreground/background, or solid/void relationship.

10 Franz Kline, Untitled, 1957

11 - I'

12 Alexander Calder, painted welded steel

13 Implied shape: a suggested or incomplete shape that is "filled in" by the viewer.

14 Figure Ground Ambiguity
Figure ground ambiguity is the visual illusion with two alternate viewpoints. In this version of figure ground, a pair of objects share a similar edge. This illusion is created by the inversion of figure and ground. A well-renowned figure example is Rubin’s Vase, developed by psychologist Edgar Rubin. In this image the black positive space forms two faces that appear to be ready to kiss, and the inverse negative space forms a vase. Visually the concentration on either the white or the black makes the illusion alternate between the vase and the faces.




18 Ambiguous Figure/Ground
Cezanne Rocks Near the Caves above the Chateau Noir, 1904

19 Figure/Ground Reversal
Figure ground reversal is the inversion of background and foreground. M.C. Escher Sky and Water I 1938


21 Volume: The quality of a form that has height, width,and depth,the representation of this quality.
Mass:The illusion of weight or density.



24 Integration: Geometric & Organic Shapes Positive & Negative Space


26 Elizabeth Murray



29 Project #3 Positive and Negative Space
The object behind this problem is to make it impossible to cut a positive shape and ignore its negative twin. If the positive shape you cut it clumsy, its negative space will be clumsy also, but neither can be discarded. If the cuts are not repeated symmetrically, the choice of an asymmetrical cut will require a search for asymmetrical balance. Changing the identity of a shape - Destroying a Square - Cut a 5” square of black construction paper. Then cut it up and use the pieces to make a design on white 9”x12” Bristol board in which observers will not recognize the original square. Do that same with a circle. Use all the pieces. Reassembling the identity of a shape – Using a 5” Square of black construction paper. Cut it into pieces. Arrange them on a white 9”x12” Bristol board in such a way that the design still retains the original shape. Do the same with a circle. Use all the pieces.

30 Destroying the identity of a shape (Circle)

31 Destroying the identity of a shape (Square)

32 Reassembling the identity of a shape (Circle)

33 Reassembling the identity of a shape (Square)

34 NOTAN – The play of light and dark
Nōtan is a Japanese design concept involving the play and placement of light and dark elements as they are placed next to the other in the composition of art and imagery


36 Notan


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