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Starter On the index card provided please fill out the following information: Name Grade Class Schedule Mother’s Name and Phone Number Father’s Name and.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter On the index card provided please fill out the following information: Name Grade Class Schedule Mother’s Name and Phone Number Father’s Name and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter On the index card provided please fill out the following information: Name Grade Class Schedule Mother’s Name and Phone Number Father’s Name and Phone Number And/or Guardian’s (Grandparent, aunt, uncle) Name and Phone Number

2 Course Syllabus See handout

3 Progress Reports Official progress reports will be sent home every 4 ½  weeks.  Students will sign for their progress reports and parents will be sent a message alerting them that progress reports have been given out. PowerSchool will be used for student grades and attendance. It is the parents and the student’s responsibility to monitor progress using Powerschool as it will help to ensure success in this class.

4 Final Exam The final exam for this course is a comprehensive exam created by the State of North Carolina. These common exams will be administered during the final week of the semester and will include multiple choice questions. This exam will count no less than 25% of your final grade.

5 Classroom Rules See Bulletin Board

6 Additional Rules & Procedures

7 When You Are Absent If you are absent from class, all work must be made up within five days upon returning to school. See me after school if you need to make up test, need notes, and/or other relevant information.

8 Tardy Tardiness will not be tolerated.
Please see the student code of conduct handbook for further information.

9 Class-work and Homework Policy
All assignments must be turned in on time. All assignments will be turned into the proper bin, unless told to do so other wise. Late work will not be accepted, unless upon teachers discretion.

10 Dismissal The teacher will announce when class is over and students are dismissed, not the bell.

11 Additional Rules Cont. Listen to all directions carefully when they are stated the first time. You are expected to participate in class discussions and not cause class disruptions. Necessary and Proper Clause The teacher may add or delete any rules necessary and proper for the protection of students and the effectiveness of a successful classroom.

12 Out of Bounds Areas DO NOT GO BEHIND MY DESK

13 The Rabbit Hole Effect

14 About Me

15 Rob Co. Bred Grew up in Pembroke

16 Favorite Hobbies & Interest
Singing Music Piano Bass Guitar Traveling Football (GO PANTHERS!!!)

17 Love of my life 2.5 Years!!!

18 Your Turn

19 Assignment Your superhero should include the following:
The Basics: Human Name, Age, Job or School Grade, Favorite Food, Least Favorite Food, Pet Peeve (What annoys them?), Greatest strength, Greatest weakness, and Secret (beside their concealed identity!) Origin Story: When did they become a superhero? How did they become a superhero? Why did they become a superhero? Superhero Basics: What is their superhero name? What is their superpower? Give your superhero a flaw. (Example: Superman had kryptonite.) “No Flaw” is not an acceptable answer! You may short hand questions instead of writing them out. Your superhero MUST have some type of clothing or costume, be creative, original, and colorful. The theme for our school this year deals with superheroes. We normally associated superheroes only to those who have a super power or ability (i.e. Superman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Thor, etc.). However, in reality anyone can be a superhero in our lives. It maybe your mom or dad, brother or sister, best friend, a teacher, or maybe even yourself. Your assignment is to create your own superhero that reflects what you believe a true superhero is to be. Be sure to Include your NAME,DATE, and CLASS PERIOD

20 World Countries Game https://www. sporcle
World Countries Game World History Quiz

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