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To Guarantee the Future of Brazilian and German Industries

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1 BRAGECRIM Brazilian – German Collaborative Research Initiative on Manufacturing Technology
To Guarantee the Future of Brazilian and German Industries Through Basic and Strategic Technology Research Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tilo Pfeifer RWTH Aachen University 14th May 2008, Brasília, Brazil

2 Manufacturing Technology
Manufacturing technology plays an essential role for the sustainable development of Brazil and Germany Innovative production/products are promoted through basic research Transfer of knowledge and technology to the industrial applications It acts along the complete value added chain From energy provision, to raw material exploration, product develop-ment, machining, distribution, until to final use, repair and recycling Many German companies have production plants in Brazil São Paulo: one of the major concentrations of German companies in the world Many Brazilian products are part of the daily life in Germany Many Brazilian researchers have studied in Germany 342 students graduated in Germany in 2005 Traditional relationships between universities in GER and BR Several partnerships were established in the last years Most of these partnerships are focused on manufacturing technology There is up to now no network or connection between these research cooperation initiatives Source: Embraer, Volkswagen

3 Milestones of the Cooperation
October 2005: Meeting of the presidents of FINEP and DFG in Brazil Decision: Increase the support for research cooperation between Brazil and Germany within the field of Manufacturing Technology (MT) March 2006: First national meeting in Germany April 2006: First coordination meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May 2006: Detailing the research topics with researchers at DFG in Germany July 2006: Definition of the Coordination Committee August 2006: Questionnaire (requirements and expectations) September 2006: 1st Workshop – Strategic Plan November 2006: Project Drafts Dezember 2006: 2nd Workshop – Implementation Plan March 2007: Meeting of DFG/CASPES/FINEP in Aachen, Germany April 2007: Creation of a Reference Term (for FINEP) November 2007: Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage / Encontro Econômico Brasil-Alemanha Presentation of BRAGECRIM BRAGECRIM can be a pilot project within SIBRATEC

4 Aim of the Cooperation Main goal (long term):
To reach the highest level in Manufacturing Technology along the whole value added chain: World Class Production To concentrate on innovation and bring results in short time to the industry To enforce the competitiveness of both countries in the global market To customize and turn available the production of high innovative products Quality and Metrology Supply-Chain Logistics .... Market / Customer Requirements Innovative Products / Customer Satisfaction Machining Process Product Planning

5 Framework Project TPS LEAN Quality German Institution Brazilian Kanban
Just-in-time .... LEAN Organization Administration .... Quality and Metrology Supply-Chain Logistics .... Customer Product Planning Machining Process Quality Zero-defect Six-Sigma CIP .... Collaborative Innovative Improves efficiency and competitiveness

6 Project Ideas for the First Phase
# Topic 1 Cognitive metrology for flexible SMALL SERIES PRODUCTION 2 Developing strategies to optimize the application of COMPUTER TOMOGRAPHY in production measurements 3 LMP - IWF cooperation research on MICRODRILLING 4 Improving GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAINS 5 SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS system supporting collaborative networks of small and medium sized enterprises 6 INTEROPERABLE, DECENTRAL PLANNING PROCESSES 7 Integrated design and evaluation of LOGISTIC NETWORKS 8 Holistic optimisation of SCULPTURED SURFACES MANUFACTURING 9 Federative FACTORY DATA MANAGEMENT (FFDM) based on service oriented architecture (SOA) and … 10 Remanufacturing oriented PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT 11 Brazilian-German collaboration framework for PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT application in global … 12 A quick-test method for the characterization of IN-PROCESS PROPERTIES of conventional grinding wheels 13 Development of scientific fundamentals for a REFERENCE TORQUE MEASURING SYSTEM 14 Production of EDM electrodes by LAYER MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUE (LMT)

7 Partnership Brazil - Germany
Florianópolis UFSC CERTI Curitiba  PUC-PR Fortaleza  UFC Porto Alegre  UFRGS Rio de Janeiro  PUC-RIO  INMETRO Salvador  UFBA  SENAI Campinas  UNICAMP Piracicaba  UNIMEP São José dos Campos  ITA Aachen RWTH Aachen University Fraunhofer IPT Berlin TU Berlin Fraunhofer IPK Braunschweig TU Braunschweig Bremen University of Bremen Clausthal- Zellerfeld TU Clausthal Dortmund University of Dortmund Frauhofer IML Darmstadt TU Darmstadt Ilmenau TU Ilmenau Paderborn University of Paderborn Stuttgart Fraunhofer IPA São Carlos  USP

8   Implementation Plan
April 2008: Deadline for mobility projects proposals May 2008: Evaluation of mobility projects proposals June 2008: Start of mobility projects July-Oct. 2008: Preparatory trips and cooperation visits to detail the full projects Oct.-Nov. 2008: Submission of full project proposals Dez. 2008: Evaluation of full project proposals 1st Quarter 2009: Start of full projects

9 Thank you for your attention!
Obrigado! Danke! BRAGECRIM

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