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Setting the stage for real options theory in ship design and naval force structure planning ASNE – SNAME Joint Panel SD-8 (Naval ship design) Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting the stage for real options theory in ship design and naval force structure planning ASNE – SNAME Joint Panel SD-8 (Naval ship design) Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting the stage for real options theory in ship design and naval force structure planning ASNE – SNAME Joint Panel SD-8 (Naval ship design) Meeting October 14, 2011 Dr. Norbert Doerry Technical Director, SEA 05 Technology Group SEA05TD Oct 2011 Approved for Public Release Doerry

2 It’s hard to predict the future!
It’s hard to make good design decisions today for an uncertain future How should one value the ability to defer a decision to when the “future is better known?” How much of what type of modularity / flexibility should a ship design provide? Oct 2011 Approved for Public Release Doerry

3 This is an important issue
Actual Service Life Cruisers: 26.3 years Destroyers: 25.4 years Frigates: 19.8 years Philip Koenig, Don Nalchajian, and John Hootman, “Ship Service Life and Naval Force Structure,” ETS 2008. Since World War II, the Navy has not been successful in keeping surface combatants operationally relevant for their design service life. Modularity and Flexibility technologies that can help keep ships operationally relevant have been well known since mid 70’s, but have not been systematically adopted Current requirements and decision processes do not inherently consider the value of modularity and flexibility in keeping ships operationally relevant Can REAL OPTIONS THEORY help? Oct 2011 Approved for Public Release Doerry

4 Approved for Public Release Doerry
Workshop Objectives Identify the opportunities for Real Option Theory in force structure planning and ship design. Identify the barriers in using Real Option Theory in force structure planning and ship design. Agenda 0830 – Refreshments Introduction to SD-8 panel by Fidel Sanchez Setting the stage for real options theory in ship design and naval force structure planning by Dr. Norbert Doerry Introduction to Real Options Theory by LT Jon Page Introduction to the DSTO and Operations research/Navy Force Structure efforts by Dr. Kurt Brinschwitz SERC efforts in Real Options Theory by Dr. Kevin Sullivan, University of Virginia and SERC Open Discussion Recap on findings by Dr. Norbert Doerry Adjourn Oct 2011 Approved for Public Release Doerry

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