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Noisy Bistable Systems with Memory

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1 Noisy Bistable Systems with Memory
Kramers’ law with time-delayed dynamical systems Tomasz Piwonski Physics Department, University College Cork, Ireland

2 Acknowledgements People who did the real work
John Houlihan, Stephen Hegarty and Thomas Busch David Goulding, David Curtin, Ian O’Driscoll, Robin Gillen and Sergey Melnik, Tomasz Piwonski Cristina Masoller

3 Outline What is Kramers’ law Time delayed dynamical systems
A first theoretical calculation Experiment with a bistable laser Experiment using an electronic circuit Asymmetric potential Future work

4 Trapped particle with noise
A particle is trapped in a potential decays to the minimum of the potential. If the particle is randomly kicked by noise, then the position of the particle will fluctuate near the minimum. NOISE

5 Double Potential For potentials with two minima, the particle can decay to two different positions Noise can kick the particle from one minimum to the other. NOISE x(t)

6 Residence time The residence time in one depends on the noise and barrier height From a probabilistic point of view, one can calculate the residence time distribution function.

7 A generic example We can take a simple potential

8 Two state model The dynamics is similar to that of a two state particle s(t)=+/-1 where the probability of switching in a time dt is pdt In this case the Kramers’ time is 1/p

9 Kramers’ formula assumes that the particle has no memory
Each step depends only on the position of the particle and on the noise level Could we derive a formula for systems with memory A first step would be to take into account memory at x(t-). For example, the equation below is a simple extension of the generic potential

10 RTD for system with memory
P(T) Or <p(T)> T ?

11 A potential with memory !
The delay term can be included in the potential And we could apply Kramers’ law

12 Potential and two state model with memory
The potential barrier will depend on the value of x(t-). The two state model can be adapted to describe this effect. In this case the switching rate p depends on s(t-). Tsimring and Pikovsky PRL 87, (2001)

13 Auto-correlation This model can be used to calculate the autocorrelation function

14 Power Spectrum

15 In general state x(t- ) is not known !!!
(for 0<t< ) Transition rates <p(T)> T p1 p2 ?

16 Analytical prediction

17 The first experiment using lasers
We used a micro-cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL). This device emits in two possible polarisation. Near the switching point, the laser spontaneous switch between the two polarizations

18 Kramers’ switching between the two polarisations
The residence time distribution of polarisation switching follows an exponential behavior Willemsen et al, PRL, 82, 4815 (1999)

19 The experimental set-up

20 Laser experiment Laser + Delay Diagnostics

21 The first experimental results
Time trace RTD for X and Y polarization

22 The first experimental results
Residence time distributions

23 Power Spectra

24 Long delay line

25 Schmitt trigger experiment

26 With delay

27 Comparison between the two experiments
Stronger saturation for the Schmitt trigger The “well” is deeper This means that the Schmitt trigger is closer to the two state model and the Vcsel is close to the continuous model In the continuous model, the residence time distribution is not exactly exponential for t>.

28 Residence time distribution

29 Asymmetric potential

30 Power spectra * Stochastic resonance Luca Gammaitoni Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 70, No. 1, January 1998

31 Conclusion Presented a short introduction about the behavior of noisy stochastic bistable systems with memory An experiment using a laser An experiment using an electrical circuit Some analytical results Future direction Study asymmetric potential Spatial extension Coupled systems

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