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The Tragedy of Macbeth Students will read The Tragedy of Macbeth, study the history of the Elizabethan Theater, and study the historical context of the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tragedy of Macbeth Students will read The Tragedy of Macbeth, study the history of the Elizabethan Theater, and study the historical context of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tragedy of Macbeth Students will read The Tragedy of Macbeth, study the history of the Elizabethan Theater, and study the historical context of the play.

2 Artistic Interpretations of the Three Witches

3 Unit Summary Students read The Tragedy of Macbeth and problem solve to bring the play to the stage. Students will become actors, advocates, producers, directors, teachers, and critics. Students will teach and perform an act of Macbeth as a collaborative project.

4 CFQs Essential Question
Have you ever wondered how one action— whether tremendous or trivial—might affect the entire course of your life? Unit Question Why do we still read Shakespeare? Content Question What is a tragedy? How and why does Shakespeare manipulate history?

5 Macbeth Consulting the Vision of the Armed Head by Henry Fusli

6 Macbeth Project: Group Responsibilities
Teach an act of The Tragedy of Macbeth Use objectives to guide you: What do you want the students to understand? What do you want them to do? How do ideas, motifs, and characters develop in this act? Act out all scenes Assess student learning

7 Address the Challenges Students Face
Shakespeare’s language Keeping track of characters, their backgrounds, relationships, motivations, and attitudes That it is a play, an artistic form that is meant to be seen and heard Footnotes Are there hidden messages? Alternate interpretations? Symbolism?

8 William Blake’s Hecate inspired by The Tragedy of Macbeth

9 While Acting . . . Project a clear, articulate voice
Staging should show the relationships between characters as well as the characters’ motivations and action Use space meaningfully, including gestures Engage the audience Show evidence of practice and understanding

10 Dynamic Staging: Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth
“Come. you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty!” ---Lady Macbeth (I.v.38-41)

11 Samples of Student Presentations
Students may present by acting in class or making a film Think creatively Make sure to teach Shakespeare’s language!

12 Student Sample: Mafia Macbeth

13 Students Assess Their Classmates
Make sure to check for your classmates’ understanding. This may take the form of a quiz or a game of any kind.

14 Illustrations in the Order of Their Appearance
Fusli, Henry. The Three Witches. Die Drei Hexen Oil on Canvas. 650x915 mm. Lent by the Kunsthaus, Zurich. Runciman, John. The Three Witches. Circa Ink and body colour on prepared laid paper. 235x248 mm. Lent by the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh. Fusli, Henry. Macbeth Consulting the Vision of the Armed Head Oil on Canvas x1300 mm. Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington. Blake, William. Hecate. Circa 1795, Color pring finished in ink and watercolor on paper. 439x 581 mm. Presented by W. Graham Robertson, 1939. Sargent, John Singer. Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth Oil on Canvas. 221x114.3cm. Tate Gallery, London.

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