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Perfect Peace Tommy's Window Slideshow ♫ Turn on your speakers! CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDES A Message From Jesus Copyright © 2009 Tommy's Window. All Rights Reserved

2 It's not impossible to find that perfect peace
and rest that My Word talks about. "I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me, because he trusteth in Me." Isaiah 26:3

3 Perfect peace is when little things don't disrupt your focus on Me;
What is perfect peace? Perfect peace is when little things don't disrupt your focus on Me; when problems, dilemmas, setbacks, and interferences don't even jolt your connection of faith and trust in Me.

4 and yet you are stable and calm in your assurance of My protection,
Perfect peace is when you find yourself in the midst of great confusion, persecution, perilous times, hectic schedules, or frantic circumstances, and yet you are stable and calm in your assurance of My protection, My perfect control, and My hand in your life and situation.

5 Perfect peace is when nothing can come between your faith and Me.
Perfect peace is when your mind is locked on My channel and cannot be moved.

6 How do you get that perfect peace?
It says it very clearly right there in the verse: "…because he trusteth in Me."

7 Show your trust in Me through your praises to Me.
Start trusting Me. Show your trust in Me through your praises to Me. Show your trust in Me through spending time with Me and casting your cares on Me. And as you do, I will keep you in perfect peace, and you too will gain this spirit of perfect peace within you.


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