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Fascinating world of Fractions

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Presentation on theme: "Fascinating world of Fractions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fascinating world of Fractions
By Deepika Srivastava

2 About me

3 My current assignments
Professional Development Specialist- Districtwide NGSS roll out Coordinator: Math Grants Mathematics Leadership Institute (Elementary) Moreno Valley Math League (Middle) Saturday Math Academy (High School) Coach, Beginning Teacher Induction Program Lead scorer CAASPP, ETS

4 Why do I have to learn math?

5 Student’s disposition
I HATE Math!!!!! Math is too hard and this new math…. Don’t even talk about it! Math is boring! David did this and Sara did that….really Why do we have to learn this x and y stuff, will we ever use this? Math is the only reason that I don’t have a 4.0 GPA

6 Growth mindset All human capabilities can be developed
Every child has a certain area of expertise and an area of growth Use the area of expertise to work on the area of growth Don’t underestimate the talent or intelligence of young minds Humor will get you through the most difficult days

7 Activity #1 Concept of Denominators
There are three tables in a classroom. Table 1 has one block of chocolate on it, table 2 has two blocks of chocolate on it and, table 3 has three blocks of chocolate on it. Students are all lined up ready to go in and eat the chocolate. These children are allowed to come in one at a time. Chocolate on the table is shared equally among the number of students sitting at the table. However, the chocolate is not shared out until all the children are in the room When a child enters the room, what is he thinking???

8 Activity # 1 ( Continued)
“If the chocolate on the table I sit at is to be shared out equally when I sit down, which would be the best table to sit at?" Let’s figure this out

9 Activity # 1 (Continued)
When the student number 10 comes into the room, they see: 3 people at table 1 3 people at table 2 3 people at table 3 So, what will be the different scenario if student #10 goes to  table 1  table 2  table 3

10 Activity #1 Standards of Mathematical Practices
Construct Viable arguments Model with mathematics Look for and make use of structure

11 Activity # 2 ( Concept of Part/Whole)
Paper folding: Take 3 sheets of square paper, blue, green and yellow. Fold each corner of each sheet of paper so that it is at the center of the square.

12 Activity #2 Set the blue one aside and fold the yellow and green paper again. Fold the corners so that it is at the center of the square.

13 Activity #2 Set the yellow square aside, and fold the green paper . Fold each corner of the green paper so that it is at the center of the square.

14 Activity #2 Now trace the folds in each of the paper and assuming the area of the square paper was 1 sq.unit, write down the area of the square and triangles in fractions.

15 Activity #2 Standards of Mathematical Practices Make sense of problem
Model with mathematics Look for and make use of structure

16 Activity # 3 Making Sense of Division and Multiplication
What is Half of two thirds and what does it look like? & What is two thirds divided by one third.

17 Visually 𝟐 𝟑 𝟏 𝟑 Two thirds divided by one third =2
Half of two thirds=

18 Numerically 𝟏 𝟐 𝒐𝒇 𝟐 𝟑 𝟏 𝟐 × 𝟐 𝟑 = 𝟏 𝟑 𝟐 𝟑 ÷ 𝟏 𝟑 𝟐 𝟑 × 𝟑 𝟏 = 2

19 Real life situation Half of two third of a pizza is one third of a pizza. Two third of a pizza can be divided into two - one third pizza

20 Questions???

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