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Implementing School-wide Positive Behavior Support

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing School-wide Positive Behavior Support"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing School-wide Positive Behavior Support
Rob Horner University of Oregon OSEP TA Center on Positive Behavior Support

2 Goals and Process Review key activities in implementation of SWPBS
Use SWPBS tools to move individual implementation forward Focus on specific issues facing teams. Overview of implementation process Team planning time Review of Issues/Questions

3 Implementing SWPBS Build Commitment Administrator Faculty
Stated commitment Participation on team for training Participation at team meetings Faculty 80% agree that social behavior is one of top three goals. Three year emphasis

4 Implementing SWPBS Establish PBS Team Team membership Coach
Administrator Schedule of meetings for year Procedures for team meetings defined Working Smarter Matrix developed

5 Implementing SWPBS Self-Assessment
Gather, summarize and report ODR patterns Collect TIC data Action Plan Data Action Plan


7 Implementing SWPBS Expectations Teaching Matrix Teaching Schedule
Specific Behaviors Teaching Schedule Teaching Plans Norwegian

8 Implementing SWPBS Consequence System Rule for what is sent to office
Definitions of problem behaviors Schedule of consequences (minor, major) Office Discipline Referral form

9 Implementing SWPBS Recognition System
An array of positive events defined Schedule for recognizing appropriate behavior (5:1); etc. Reward materials Budget

10 Implementing SWPBS Data used for decision-making
Computer application for summarizing and reporting ODRs Schedule for review by teams, admin, specialists Schedule for review by faculty FTE allocated for data management

11 Implementing SWPBS Function-based support
Functional behavioral assessment procedures defined Behavior Specialist time defined Action team process defined Data system in place for monitoring targeted and individual behavior plans.

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