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Mixed Medium The distinction between the medium of speech and the medium of writing at first seems clear-cut: either things are written or they are spoken.

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Presentation on theme: "Mixed Medium The distinction between the medium of speech and the medium of writing at first seems clear-cut: either things are written or they are spoken."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mixed Medium The distinction between the medium of speech and the medium of writing at first seems clear-cut: either things are written or they are spoken. In practice the situation is more complex. When we choose to use either one of these mediums, the reason for our choice may require us to bear in mind the existence of the the other, and that then influences the nature of the language we use. (David Crystal: Encyclopedia of the English Language,292).

2 Mixed medium texts Mixed medium texts are written or spoken texts which feature characteristics of each other. Cornbleet and Carter call these texts ‘which don’t seem to fit the rules’ or don’t fall into neat categories

3 Written texts with features of spoken texts
‘We’ve looked at the nature and analysed the language of each. We’ve plotted texts on a continuum according to the degree to which they exhibit individual features. Even so you could probably go out right now and find hundreds of texts which don’t seem to ‘fit the rules’. They don’t match up in every respect, they don’t play the game. Maybe you’ve already done that as you go along. If so, that’s great. It means you’ve realised that you can’t take anything for granted with language and that you’ve become awareof language in action around you.’ (LSW 91)

4 Advertising texts Advertising texts often give preference to the language of spoken discourse, because it seems less formal and distant and helps them interact more effectively with their readers and potential customers. If a written advertising text sticks too closely to the language and grammer of writing it may appeal less or even alientate the reader. As Cornbleet and Carter point out, written texts that use the language of speech have the effect of hearing, in our heads, someone speaking directly to us.

5 Task 1 :Daewoo text How is interaction with the reader achieved in this text? Find examples of simple core vocabulary as opposed to marginal or more latinate vocabulary; Find examples of sequences of short utterances; Are there any examples of adjacency pairs? What kinds of conjunctions are used? How do the pronouns increase the sense of interaction?

6 Monlogue The number of participants involved in a speech event fundametnally influences the linguistic character of the use of language In a monologue only one particpant is involved and traditionally it is associated with writing and reading; In a dialogue two are necessarily involved and it is associated with speaking and listening.

7 Monologues. In a monlogue, the speaker does not expect a response, even though an audience may be present. Nevertheless, although no response is expected from listeners, monlogues may employ certain of the language features more usually associated with spoken language to increase participation.

8 Task 2 Compare the radio monologue (LSW p. 102 (written to be spoken) with the written to be read version (LSW p.104): What differences in grammar do you notice? Why do you think punction like exclamation marks and words in Italics are missing from the first text? Think about the function of direct speech in the first text. Can you identify any other aspects of spoken discourse in the first text which are absent from the second one? Can you account for these differences by thinking about the purpose of these texts?

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