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Integrated Units with IntelliTools

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1 Integrated Units with IntelliTools
ATAINS April 2003

2 Introductions Kim Antonius
Bridges Training Specialist/Manager of Bridges Training Program IntelliTools Training Specialist 5 minutes

3 Agenda What are integrated units Overview of IntelliTools products
Features that facilitate integrated units Sample of integrated units 5 minutes

4 What are Integrated Units
Developed to allow the exploration of concepts across subject boundaries Focus on making connections between subject areas and between school and life-learning Provide a basis for using acquired skills and knowledge 5 minutes

5 The IntelliTools Classroom Pack
IntelliPics Studio IntelliMathics IntelliTalk II

6 IntelliPics Studio Multimedia authoring program Electronic Books
Quizzes Early learning activities Colouring books Presentations 5 minutes

7 IntelliTalk II Talking word processor Picture support
Electronic worksheets Reading activities Provide different response formats via palettes 5 minutes

8 IntelliMathics Provides access to manipulative for learning math concepts 8 different math concepts covered with numerous examples in each area Create new math activities using a variety of math gear 5 minutes

9 Why do students use IntelliTools?
To support accommodations and/or modifications to the curriculum via Different mediums for learning Different access modes Intellikeys keyboard Pointing devices Scanning Single switch Traditional access

10 What role do the Itools products play in integrated units?
IntelliPics Studio Introduce the theme via multimedia learning activities IntelliTalk II IntelliMathics Demonstrate learning via writing, target writing goals Reading, word Study activities learn new math Concepts using manipulatives connected to the theme 5 minutes

11 Example: Grade 1- Seasons
science Reading SEASONS math writing

12 Science Curriculum Expectations
Demonstrate and understanding of changes that occur in daily and seasonal cycles and how they affect the characteristics, behaviour and location of living things Investigate changes that occur in a daily/seasonal cycle Describe how living things adapt to and prepare for daily and seasonal change Daily and seasonal cycles Demonstrate and understanding of changes that occur in daily and seasonal cycles and of how these changes affect the characteristics, behaviour and location of living things Investigate changes that occur in a daily cycle and in a seasonal cycle Describe how living things, including humans, adapt to and prepare for daily and seasonal changes Specific Identify the sun as a source of heat and light Compare the different characteristics of the the four seasons (length of day, type of precepitation) Use units of time related to the earth’s cycles (days, months, seasons) Decribe the changes in heat and light from the sun over a period of time (measure and describe outdoor temperature changes at different times of day, observe and describe how the position on the sun influences the length and shape of shadows) Record sunrise and sunset times Record relevant observations, findings, and measurements using written language, drawings, concrete materials and charts (draw pictures of how animals live and what they do at different times of the year) Identify human activities that are based on the seasons Identify characteristics of clothing worn in different seasons and make appropriate decisions.

13 Science IntelliTalk II What to wear? From day to night
How living things adapt to change Changes that occur in the cycle of a day

14 Reading Curriculum Expectations
Read a variety of simple written materials for different purposes (vocabulary building, information and enjoyment) Express clear responses to written materials and relate them to their own experiences Independently select stories and other reading materials Understand vocabulary and language structures appropriate for this grade level Read aloud in a manner that communicates meaning Express clear responses to written materials, relating ideas in them (thoughts, feelings, experiences) to their own knowledge and experience Independenlty select stories and other reading materials Understand the vocabualry and language structions approproate for this grade level Use some conventions of written materials (title, punctuation) to help them understand what they have read Read independenlty using grade appropriate materials Specific Use pictures and illustrations to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words Use simple sound patterns Use phonice to aid in learning new words Use predictable word patterns to determine the meaning of sentences Ipics activity – the snow is falling

15 Reading – IntelliPics Studio
The Snow is Falling Winter Weather Watch Vocabulary quiz Self selected reading Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary

16 Writing Curriculum Expectations
Communicate ideas for specific purposes Organize information so that writing conveys a clear message (sequencing) Write simple sentences using clear punctuation Use some material from other sources to enhance work (e.g. clipart) Correct spelling and word usage for grade level Overall expectation Communicate ideas for specific purposes (write a letter to friend describing a new pet) Organize information so that writing conveys a clear message Write simple sentences using clear punctuation Produce short pieces of written word using simple forms (lists, descriptions) Use some material from other sources to enhance work (e.g. clipart) Begin to revise with help from teacher Correct spelling and word usage for grade level Specific Grammar – simple but complete sentences, apply plural of single syllable words Use a period, use a comma for salutation in a letter Spelling – use phonice to spell unfamiliar words, use capitals at the beginning of sentences, spell words taught by teacher

17 Writing – IntelliTalk II
Winter Weather Poem Winter making compound words Mittens making words from letters Write a story Organize information Word Study Spelling Write simple sentences with clear punctuation

18 Math Curriculum Expectations (data management) Number Sense
Collect, organize and describe data using concrete materials Compare, sort and classify objects according to their specific attributes Identify relationships between objects Number Sense Understand whole numbers by exploring number relationships Sequence numbers Compare and order whole numbers Add single digit whole numbers Data management – overall , collect, organize and describe data using concrete materials, interpret and discuss data Specific – conduct and inquiry using appropriate methods (what is your favorite) Compare, sort and classify concrete objects according to their specific attributes (size, colour) Identify relationships between objects (shape/colour) Number sense Understand whole numbers by explorign number relationships Understand the concept of order by sequencing Compare and order whole numbers using concrete materials Represent fractions Add one digit whole numbers

19 Math Sorting seasons Survey of hot/cold Sorting hot and cold
Hot/cold game

20 ITools Features that Facilitate Integrated Units
Palettes Can be created and shared across software application Importing Graphics Theme specific Access Options Different students can use the same integrated unit using different access options Launchers To help organize units 5 minutes Demo launcher with grade 2 integrated unit Demo shared palettes with sea creatures?

21 Questions

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