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Patient Experience Report

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1 Patient Experience Report
Presented By: Lydia Golby - Nursing Lead for Quality Contributors: Customer Care Team, Engagement Team & Quality Team

2 Report Intentions Annual Complaints Report 15-16; Summary; Themes and Trends; Learning and Key Priorities. Update on the position with regards to Patient Experience. Encompassing Customer Care, Engagement and Quality (Assurance and Improvement).

3 Annual Complaints Report – In Summary
In 2009 previous timescales for response to complainants was replaced with timeframes to be agreed with the complainant/representative. In % of timescales agreed with the complainant/representative were met. Future reports will include a breakdown of the length of time agreed with complainants.

4 Themes and Trends in Complaints and Concerns
There has been an annual increase in the number of complaints and concerns received by the Customer Care Team. The Customer Care Team have been actively promoting the service in order to increase public awareness and access to PALS and Complaints services.

5 Learning from Complaints & Concerns
Section 3.5 in the report includes how learning from complaints in Adult Social Care Services has been actioned in order to improve services. Some of the service improvements include:- The development of a patient information suite relating to residential charging on the Services4Me website.

6 Dissemination of learning to provider staff in relation to clear communication and early communication in relation to financial implications in relation to the provision of care. The CCG reviewed and amended the policy for Universal Deferred Payment Schemes. The Community Care Finance Team also now have a checklist and a process in place, in terms of giving information out to service users/families.

7 Key Customer Care Priority for 2016-17
To promote PALS and Complaints locally to ensure we provide an accessible service for all. The Customer Care Team have been actively increasing awareness of the service through promotional visits. Undertake a survey with users of the Paediatric Assessment Unit. This is currently in progress.

8 This Year in brief The components of Experience (Customer Care, Engagement & Quality) are interdependent, inter-related and interconnected – all with the aim of hearing & responding to the voice of the service user. Customer Care Quality Engagement

9 We are working to further develop the ways in which we engage and gain the experience of service users through the three respective mechanisms and how the ‘voice’ of the service user will be harnessed to drive innovation and improvement in the commissioning of services and in service provision. Experience is key to service improvement and can drive innovation in practice.

10 Quality and Customer Care have been working closely to compile and review experience held intelligence when completing a deep dive review. Complaints continue meet 100% of mutually agreed timescales. Engagement activity shows a month on month increase and move up the ladder of engagement. The June audit of Engagement achieved Significant Assurance. Public engagement on ‘what is quality’ has been utilised to drive improvements in General Practice.

11 So What Now? The CCG will continue to promote and encourage the inclusion of experience capacity within our commissioned providers. Engage with the Northern Lincolnshire Research and Development Group. Promote experience within the CCG.

12 Any Questions?

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