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Presentation for Raby Bay Meeting 20th November 2017

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1 Presentation for Raby Bay Meeting 20th November 2017
20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

2 Councillor Wendy Boglary
Present concerns:- area within 9m of revetment wall – 3 concerns Levy – 2 concerns 4. Refund of Levy 5. Going forward , future revenue raising On the 14th November there was a meeting with Committee member Tony Lovett, Councillors Mitchell & Boglary and council staff where these issues were discussed. 1. Structural integrity 2. Amenity 3. Access if works required 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

3 Councillor Wendy Boglary
Structural Impact of construction within 9m of revetment wall Presently within the Redlands Planning Scheme:- The Canal and Lakeside Structure Overlay triggers the requirement to obtain a planning approval where development is proposed within 9m of a revetment wall. To demonstrate compliance with the code, the necessary design certificates must be provided to Council. Certification is required to ensure that any works within 9m of a revetment wall will not cause any movement or damage to the existing revetment wall and canal frontage. 9 meters canal Any construction triggers a Planning application which must have an engineers certificate that signs off on the integrity of the wall. 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

4 Councillor Wendy Boglary
New City Plan - Advice from State Gov. at the time of drafting is that these matters should not be regulated through local planning scheme as it is a building matter (ie. covered by the Building Assessment provisions) and not a planning matter. - Therefore there is No overlay – there is an editor’s note provided to emphasise to building certifiers that they should always obtain the appropriate engineering certification prior to approving any structures. - This matter now will be dealt with through the Building Assessment provisions contained in the Building Code of Australia. National Construction Code (Building Code) Building Assessment provisions Deals with the structural integrity 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

5 Councillor Wendy Boglary
Concerns are that the there is no specific requirements in the National construction code relating to the structural integrity of revetment walls. 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

6 Councillor Wendy Boglary
2. Amenity In the current Redlands Planning scheme, development that is set back 4.5m or more from the revetment wall is deemed to comply with the ‘amenity’ aspect of the Canal and Lakeside Structures Overlay Code. Going forward……in the draft City Plan, development that is set back 9m or more from the revetment wall is deemed to comply with the ‘amenity’ aspect of the Canal and Lakeside Structures Overlay Code. Where development is located within 9m of the revetment wall an application will need to be lodged and assessed by Council only for amenity. 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

7 3. Access if works are required on revetment wall
If construction has been or is approved within this area, or even over the revetment wall, which parties are responsible for the removal of the structure if revetment wall repairs are required? If the structures are wholly or partly within the canal (i.e. development that is ‘prescribed tidal works’), Council will apply standard conditions that require the structure to be removed at the owner’s expense when repairs or maintenance activities are undertaken; 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

8 Councillor Wendy Boglary
Concerns Current Planning Scheme Structural Amenity Access New Planning Scheme 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

9 Councillor Wendy Boglary
Actions from meeting discussions:- Draft amendment provisions for Council’s consideration that provide more specific guidance on the type of development that will be approved within 4.5m of a revetment wall (e.g. open air design or decks to maintain view lines from adjoining properties and within the canal) Officers agreed this might be possible to strengthen the draft planning scheme provisions. However more detailed discussions and scope of exactly what needs to occur would have to be had for clarity. Also, it is uncertain whether the State Government would accept such changes to the planning scheme. Officers will meet again with Raby Bay Canal Assoc. to work out the details. As the overlay was only placed in the City Plan in 2013 council could go back to the State and say this is one of cases where Redlands would like to incorporate more specific provisions, that are relevant to Redlands, as the Building Assessment Provisions are not explicit on this matter. If the previous suggestion wasn’t permitted by the State Government, Council could then suggest they make the Building Code more specific. For example, this could occur by advocating for specific wording to be included that canvasses impacts on revetment walls. This could be reflected in Building Assessment Provisions within the National Construction Code or Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 1.4 (QDC MP1.4) Suggested that DA Assessments for this area should be also referred to Council’s marine engineering department or they amend the works list to send to DA so there is greater communications between the two areas. Council Response: City Planning and Assessment worked in partnership with the Marine Infrastructure Team to develop our existing referral system. There is scope increase the number/type of applications that are referred to the Marine Team if they wish for this to occur. As discussed in previous correspondence provided to the RBRA with regard to a development approval that was obtained for a specific property, referrals were not required in this instance as per the agreed protocols that are in place. 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

10 Questions on these two concerns?
20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

11 Councillor Wendy Boglary
4. Refund of Raby Bay Canal special charge Letter distributed to Ormiston Raby Bay Special Charge contributors. Given out here tonight also. My attempt to give clarification on the “Refund 101” 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

12 Councillor Wendy Boglary
20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

13 Councillor Wendy Boglary
20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

14 Questions on the Refund?
20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

15 5. Future method of Revenue raising
Community consultation – Canal and lake waterways and revetment walls Meetings have commenced with stakeholder groups as part of the citywide engagement process on how the maintenance of revetment walls and canal and lake waterways at Raby Bay, Aquatic Paradise and Sovereign Waters are managed and funded into the future. Council provides maintenance by dredging the waterways so they remain navigable, and repairing the revetment walls that protect houses and other properties from erosion. Since all ratepayers currently contribute to the canals and lake upkeep through general rates, it is appropriate that all ratepayers have the opportunity to have their say. Those who own canal or lake waterfront property in these estates benefit most from these maintenance activities and also pay the most. However, the estates are also home to some of our city’s most popular parks and the main waterways are also used by other residents and attract events such as the Raby Bay Triathlon. The consultation will ensure city ratepayers can have a say and help answer these questions that have been hot topics for many years. Community engagement opportunities will include open house displays, library displays , pop up stands, an online survey and a telephone survey. Separate meetings with ratepayer associations or estate ratepayers have already commenced. In addition, a Citizens’ Advisory Panel will comprise 40 residents who will be randomly selected and representative of different parts of the Redlands – Canal and Lake, Coastal, Inland and Island.  These residents will come together over four occasions including an orientation and background meeting as well as three deliberative workshops. The Panel will hear from experts and local residents and will have the time and information to carry out detailed deliberations and provide a report to Council. The Citizen’s Advisory Panel is being managed by two of Australia’s best community engagement consultants, Max Hardy and Articulous Communications. The Market Research via telephone survey will occur towards the end of the process to test the recommendations of the Citizens’ Advisory Panel. More information is available on Council’s website and Council’s Your Say page 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

16 Councillor Wendy Boglary
20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

17 Councillor Wendy Boglary
Scroll down to… click on Your say page 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

18 Councillor Wendy Boglary
20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

19 Councillor Wendy Boglary
20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

20 Councillor Wendy Boglary
Meeting held last week with Mayor Karen Williams, Councillors Mitchell and Boglary plus council staff to discuss communications with residents. Important to be inclusive of all information to ensure residents have all information and an understanding. I explained as my groups of Sovereign Lake and my divisions portion of Raby Bay were relevantly small I was able to letterbox drop information directly and use . This has been successful in reaching residents. From this meeting it has been proposed that a specific Newsletter with all information be distributed to those that pay a special charge in the three areas, Raby Bay, Sovereign Lake and Aquatic Paradise. 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

21 Councillor Wendy Boglary
Questions? 20/11/2017 Councillor Wendy Boglary

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