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Clint Townson & Paul Brewer

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1 Clint Townson & Paul Brewer
Can I Get a Witness? Differences in Juror Perceptions and Behavior Across Source Types Clint Townson & Paul Brewer Michigan State University University of Delaware

2 Perceived Trustworthiness
Theoretical Basis Previous litigation research has thoroughly scrutinized one explicit type of witness, including eyewitnesses (see Wells & Olson, 2003), expert witnesses (see Vidmar, 2005), and police (see Slobogin, 1996) Compare these three against each other utilizing the Elaboration Likelihood Model – specifically the peripheral route Hypotheses reflect idealized versions of each type Perceived Expertise Perceived Trustworthiness Jury Decision Perceived Source Type

3 Methodological Approach
Four-factor between subjects experimental design (N = 196) Subjects shown a video of witness testimony; label and back-story of witness was manipulated Subjects were then asked to identify the witness, evaluate his credibility, and make a verdict decision Video was exactly the same across the four conditions: eyewitness, expert witness, police witness, and unidentified witness

4 Results – Credibility Assessments by Perceived Witness Type

5 Implications for Trial Consultants
Implication 1: The meticulous process of establishing a given witness’ identity serves a real purpose: induce credibility perceptions for juries Implication 2: Experts are crucial witnesses because of their credibility: any expert’s knowledge and trustworthiness should be made salient in both civil and criminal cases Implication 3: The further use of the ELM in trial research: how might this kind of processing change juror perceptions?

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