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make sure you have signed in to this training.

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Presentation on theme: "make sure you have signed in to this training."— Presentation transcript:

1 make sure you have signed in to this training.

2 president training if trump can do it, you can too

3 Give [the number rolled] of random facts about yourself
being president icebreaker Role the dice! Give [the number rolled] of random facts about yourself

4 being president what am I expected to do? Discuss in pairs what you feel are the main responsibilities of being a president within your society!

5 being president what am I expected to do?
You’re a visible leader of your society, who all members feel able to get in touch with if they have a question/problem. You lead your committee, supporting them with their own roles and making sure everyone is communicating. You will usually be the person the SU contacts if we want to meet with your society. You keep an eye on the overall plan for your society, making sure you’re meeting the aims in your constitution. You chair your society’s meetings. You lead on elections for new committee members.

6 being president don’t be overwhelmed!
The President has a lot of responsibilities but remember you have a whole committee to help you Don’t be afraid to delegate! The Opportunities team is always here to help if you have any questions or problems Don’t forget your degree! Remember to enjoy it! You’re a volunteer – make the most of that!

7 your members

8 your members getting them and keeping them!
On green post its: How do you make sure your members love being in your society? On pink post its: Why might members become dis-engaged? Think about what makes you personally want to become or stay a member of a group!

9 your members getting them and keeping them – the basics
Get your society’s name out there – there are loads of ways you can market yourself Make sure you hold events – people will lose interest if you never do anything! Keep members up to date, so they know when to turn up to things Be diverse – members will appreciate having lots of different things to do Show all your members some appreciation and make them feel included!

10 your committee members
looking after them! All your committee members have their own role, so nobody should be doing too much Check in with your committee members regularly to see how they’re doing and if they need any support There may be some conflict but it’s important to make sure everyone is listened to Find out when people’s deadlines are – try to work around these!

11 your committee members
what should they be doing? Treasurer – keep track of the subs account, find the best quotes for things you need to buy Secretary – organise storage, members with information, book rooms, plan events Health & Safety Officer – handle risk assessments Equality & Diversity Officer – plan ways to make sure members feel included Union Council Rep – attend Union Council and report back

12 meetings and events

13 meetings and events what’s important to consider?
People will look to you to lead these or delegate further You should hold at least one AGM a year, or normally one big meeting per semester You’ll chair this meeting, make sure it doesn’t go on too long and you come to agreements Be confident – you’re in charge!

14 meetings and events qualities of a good meeting – your role
Plan what you’re going to talk about before the meeting Invite the right people Establish yourself as chair at the beginning of the meeting and introduce people Explain what you’re there to talk about and try to stick to it Encourage everyone to share their thoughts Bring people back on track if they get distracted Sum up what you’ve talked about at the end of the meeting

15 resolving conflict

16 resolving conflict when conflict arises
What are people likely to disagree/argue about in your society? Pay attention – is someone acting ‘off’; do people have a lot going on? Prevent – ensuring people are doing their tasks and asking for help if they need it; making sure there are set processes in place Solve – don’t just leave a problem to grow; don’t try to resolve over internet, meet face to face; try to identify the problem, negotiate and ensure everyone is in agreement Even if your committee are the best of friends, you may still have disagreements, try to solve them before they escalate!

17 resolving conflict contracts
It’s important that you don’t sign any contracts without first consulting the Union Includes sponsorship deals and agreements to use copyright material We’re happy to give you advice – just let us know what you’re trying to do!

18 your society’s future planning ahead
Important to reflect on each event What’s the plan for your society? Next month Next year

19 the app

20 the app eXpense365 One of your responsibilities as part of the main 3 committee members is to approve all payments from your society account Reimbursements are done through the app You can download it for android and IOS Ask your treasurer for more detailed information about invoices etc. All information about finance is found in the Finance section in the committee hub on the website

21 useful contacts

22 useful contacts opportunities department

23 useful contacts other departments

24 useful contacts other departments

25 career central

26 please fill in the feedback forms!

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