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Unit 3 The Human Body.

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1 Unit 3 The Human Body

2 Organization of the Human Body
Chapter 6 Organization of the Human Body

3 Life Homeostasis Cells Tissues Organs Body systems Human body

4 Cells Cell membrane Cytoplasm Organelles

5 Question True or False:
Tissues are the smallest living structure in the body.

6 Answer False Cells Tissues Smallest living structures in body
Cells with similar function grouped together

7 Cell Components

8 Organelles Nucleus Mitochondrion Lysosomes Ribosomes Golgi apparatus

9 Organelles Centrioles Endoplasmic reticulum Vesicles

10 Tissues Epithelial Connective Nervous Muscular

11 Question Which of the following types of tissues holds parts of the body in place? Muscular Epithelial Connective

12 Answer C. Connective Connective tissue Epithelial tissue
Holds parts of body in place Epithelial tissue Covers Muscular tissue Allows movement

13 Describing the Body Anatomical position Body planes Directional terms
Body cavities Abdominal regions

14 Anatomical Position

15 Body Planes Midsagittal plane Frontal plane Transverse plane

16 Sagittal Plane

17 Frontal and Transverse Plane

18 Question Which of the following planes divides the body into front and back portions? Midsagittal Frontal Transverse

19 Answer B. Frontal Frontal plane Midsagittal plane Transverse plane
Divides body into front and back portions Midsagittal plane Divides body into right and left sides Transverse plane Divides body into top and bottom portions

20 Directional Terms Lateral Medial Anterior (ventral) Posterior (dorsal)
Inferior (continued)

21 Directional Terms Superior Caudal Cephalic (cranial) Deep Superficial

22 Directional Terms Distal Peripheral Proximal Apex Base

23 Question True or False:
The medial side of the foot would be the inside aspect of the foot.

24 Answer True Medial Lateral Toward midline or center of body
Medial aspect of foot would be inside portion Lateral Opposite of medial Away from center of body or toward sides

25 Body Cavities Posterior (dorsal) body cavity
Cranial or spinal Anterior (ventral) body cavity Thoracic, abdominal, or pelvic Smaller cavities Orbital, nasal, or buccal (continued)

26 Body Cavities

27 Question True or False: The cranial cavity contains the spinal cord.

28 Answer False Spinal cavity Cranial cavity Located within spinal column
Contains spinal cord Cranial cavity Located in skull Contains brain

29 Abdominal Regions Epigastric Right and left hypochondriac Umbilical
Right and left lumbar Hypogastric Right and left iliac

30 Regions

31 Question Which of the following regions is located just below the sternum (breastbone)? Hypogastric Hypochondriac Epigastric

32 Answer C. Epigastric Epigastric region Hypogastric region
Located just below stomach Hypogastric region Located over pubic area

33 Answer C. Epigastric Hypochondriac regions
Located below ribs on either side of epigastric region

34 Abdominal Quadrants

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