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USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D. Teaching with Technology Spring

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Presentation on theme: "USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D. Teaching with Technology Spring"— Presentation transcript:

1 USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D. Teaching with Technology Spring
Conference 2011 Teaching with Technology Spring After the Academy - What Next? Using Digital Storytelling in the Classroom University of South Carolina - Upstate SNPA 302 Nonprofit Administration and Leadership John T. Long, Ph.D. Digital Storytelling Project

2 2008 Competencies Nonprofit Marketing
USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D. 2008 Competencies Nonprofit Marketing Explain the importance of a marketing philosophy in a nonprofit organization. Explain the nature of public relations activities for nonprofit organizations.  Explain the role of community outreach activities.  Develop strategies for obtaining client feedback.  Discuss strategies for conducting a community needs assessment.  Explain the importance of maintaining information systems. GA Aquarium 42% ROI 4 mths, twitter, myspace, facebook Digital Storytelling Project

3 USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D.
Stanford Social Innovation Audio Lectures - Storytelling for a Good Cause Andy Goodman Communication consultant Storytelling for a Good Cause “How to tell stories so other people will follow?” History has made us a storytelling specie Identify in stories Culture stories we agree are true Stories help us remember Why So Powerful? “It is my belief that storytelling is the single most powerful communication tool that we have.” Andy Goodman, September 2006 Social Innovation Audio Lectures - Why is it about narratives that make it so powerful? History as species that has made us a story telling people Your identify is comprised of stories that make up who you are Cultures stories we agree are true Stories help us remember How to tell stories so other people will follow? Digital Storytelling Project

4 Learning Objectives By the end of the three training sessions, the learner will be able to: Define digital storytelling and why it is important, Identify elements of a digital story, Explore ways to develop purpose, Describe the work breakdown structure, Locate helpful resources, and Use software applications to produce story.

5 Digital Storytelling Definition
USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D. What is Digital Storytelling? (my example) Digital Storytelling Definition Many definitions, but… in general, combining the longstanding art of telling stories with any of a variety of available multimedia tools, including graphics, audio, video, animation, and Web publishing. Digital Storytelling Project

6 Evaluation Elements of a Digital Story
USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D. Overall Purpose of the Story Narrator’s Point of View A Dramatic Question (or Questions) Choice of Content Clarity of Voice Pacing of the Narrative Meaningful Soundtrack Quality of the Images Economy of the Story Detail Good Grammar and Language Usage Evaluation Elements of a Digital Story Story Proposal Storyboard Walk about and peer evaluation rubric Draft viewing? Final evaluation Digital Storytelling Project

7 Elements of a Digital Story
Emotion 7. Soundtrack 2. Point of View 3. Dramatic Question 8.Images 4. Content 1. Puppy Purpose 5. Clarity of Voice 10. Grammar & Language 9. Economy of Detail 6. Pacing

8 “Numbers numb, jargon jars, and nobody ever marched onto Washington because of a pie chart.” – Andy Goodman

9 Purpose of Digital Storytelling
“A good story often comes from looking at the familiar in a new way with new meaning” - Joe Lambert Purpose of Digital Storytelling Inform? - service learning - nonprofit organization - social issue train - Educate? support - Recruit? - staff - board - volunteer Other Purpose?

10 Work Breakdown Structure
USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D. Work Breakdown Structure Step 1 – orientation to project (in-class) Step 2 – idea generation, story proposal (purpose/audience/topic – March 17) Step 3 – storyboarding and script development ( words, copy due in class – March 31) Step 4 – peer “walk about” (March 31) Step 5 – gathering the pieces (pictures, video, etc.) Step 6 – putting it all together (draft digital storytelling) Step 7 – peer evaluation (out of class, via rubric – April 5) Step 8 – classroom film festival (April 12,14) Orientation (intro video, definition, elements, resources) Idea generation (service learning Storyboarding and script development (handout) Gathering the pieces (still images, video clips, voice over narration, soundtrack, sound effects, titles, transitions) Putting it all together (how to, class demo with pictures and stories) Peer evaluation (rubrics) Film festival (introduction and view) Digital Storytelling Project

11 Tools for Creating Digital Stories
USC Upstate - John T. Long, Ph.D. Tools for Creating Digital Stories Microsoft Photo Story Microsoft Movie Maker Apple iMovie Microsoft PowerPoint Many other software options Digital Storytelling Project

12 Let’s Make a Digital Story!

13 Other Programs of Interest

14 Lessons I Think I’ve Learned (this semester)
Increased confidence in presenting DST General Knowledge (thanks DST Academy) Lesson plan Sequence in course curriculum Ways to incorporate DST in less time Practice techniques (picture stories of course topic) Things still to learn DST in process (walk abouts, student evaluations…) Quality of student DST (student evaluation of process) Involve community

15 John T. Long, Ph.D. Nonprofit Administration 800 University Way
Spartanburg, SC 29303

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