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Chapter 8 Infants 9-12 Months

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1 Chapter 8 Infants 9-12 Months
“Raring to go!” Chapter 8 Infants 9-12 Months

2 What is the 9-12 month old doing?
Growth-- increase in weight = 1 pound per month Motor development _p Gross motor: Waddlers vs. toddlers Fine motor: The Hands become powerful! Pincer vs. palmer; “bye-bye”, pointing; used to convey interest and explore Senses- Vision is more acute (sharp) Differentiated hearing; Baby can? Feeding is a multi-modal experience! AND baby has a more acute sense of bitterness Breast-feeding is still a good and viable option. Less likely to use mouth for exploration Egocentrism and symbolic thought

3 Sensorimotor stage Egocentrism and symbolic thought- demonstrated by object permanence.; infant understands one thing stands for another. Object permanence- indicates the ability to hold information in the mind even if it the object or person is not in view . However, memory is not long. “Surface level” imitations– infant does not necessarily understand complexity or the adult word. Example of this? Attention span at this age is determined by personality and maturation (development). How to engage and expand ? Learning through imitation is prominent at this age; but do motor abilities alone contribute to cognitive development? (Piaget and current theorists)

4 Language and Communication
Gesture vocabulary Receptive vs. expressive language: guides/age-based-handouts.html learn-to-talk.html Language Acquisition Theories – see p. 206

5 Language and Literacy Development
Home environment and language: Receptive language-processing meaningful sounds, words, phrases and sentences, how one receives language. Expressive language-Uttering meaningful sounds, words, phrases and sentences Language and literacy development – Ways to support it: Talking to babies and toddlers in simple language Respond to children’s cues and language attempts Sharing cardboard books with babies an frequently reading to toddlers Providing simple art materials such as crayons, markers and large papers

6 Vygotsky - socio-cultural theorist https://www. simplypsychology
Vygotsky - socio-cultural theorist Sociocultural theory- focuses on how children acquire the ways of thinking and behaving that make up a community’s culture through social interaction, especially cooperative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society.

7 Social skills? Emotional skills? (attachments)
Early self-regulation  later prosocial The goal is a securely attached infant; focus on quality of attachment ( the degree of security felt) Secure attachment  later resilience Self-concept– how is this influenced? What are the subtle and not-so subtle ways?

8 Play Construct ideas for the different types of play—how will you provide for or reinforce these? (objects? Environment? Role of the adult or other children?) Discovery Play-Baby’s perform actions to find out about materials and objects in her world. Symbolic Play- Activity that involves the process of using objects, actions or words to stand for something else; may incorporate pretense or make-believe. Also, include observational learning and role modeling.

9 Needs at this age? Movement and stimulation Language
Social connections and emotional support Pro-social skills-learned behavior that is intended to help or benefits others such as sharing. Nutrition/mealtimes…how long should they sit?

10 D e v e l o p m e n t a l V a r i a t i o n s
PDD- Pervasive Developmental Disorder OR PDD-NOS ASD- Autism Spectrum Disorders

When? How ( at this age?) toddlers/guidance/lesson-2 Why or the goal?

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