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Imperial Expansion and Collapse

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1 Imperial Expansion and Collapse
324 B.C.E. – 650 C.E.

2 Mauryan Empire 324 B.C.E. – 184 B.C.E.
Core of empire was the Kingdom of Magadha. Plentiful agriculture and iron resource Founded by Chandragupta. Expanded by him, Vindusara, and Ashoka until it included most of subcontinent.

3 Mauryan Emperors Ashoka Chandragupta

4 Map of Mauryan Empire

5 Mauryan Government Capital at the walled and moated city of Pataliputra. Establishment, including a large army, was paid for by: 25% tax on agricultural products of the empire State monopolies on mines, shipbuilding, and armaments.

6 Ashoka Most famous Mauryan emperor Ruled from 269 – 232 B.C.E.
Converted to Buddhism after seeing effects of warfare in south Buddhist policies of government are preserved in edicts inscribed on rocks and pillars throughout his empire.

7 Pillar with Inscription

8 Collapse of the Mauryan Empire
Collapsed in 184 B.C.E. Northern India fell into a period of political fragmentation Included rule of Northwest by the Shakas and Kushans Accompanied by economic development in which guilds of artisans and merchants played a dominant role

9 Literature Period of political fragmentation also characterized by cultural development that included the writing of the: Ramayana Mahabharata Includes Bhagavad-Gita Period also saw developments in herbal medicines and linguistics

10 Bhagavad-Gita Addresses contradiction between duty to society and duty to one’s own soul. Suggests this contradiction can be resolved when one is aware that any form of disciplined action taken without regard for personal benefit is a service to the gods.

11 New Dynasties Andhra dynasty established in an independent state in the Deccan (2nd century B.C.E. to 2nd century C.E.) Southern India divided among 3 Tamil kingdoms: Cholas Pandyas Cheras Period of great artistic achievement

12 Gupta Empire Began with the kingdom of Magadha
Brought northern and central India under their control, but not the southern part. Guptas controlled iron deposits, established state monopolies, and collected a 25% agricultural tax. Never were as strong as Mauryan Empire.

13 Gupta Control Used army to control core of the empire.
Provincial administration was left to governors who often made posts into hereditary and subordinate kingdoms and kingship groups. Exercised power as a “theater-state” Redistributed profits and luxury goods from trade Dazzling dependents with elaborate ceremonies in return for gifts and other favors

14 About the Gupta Very little archaeological data and few contemporary accounts from which we can learn about the Gupta. Court supported mathematics and astronomy Gupta invented our “Arabic” numerals and the concept of “zero”.

15 Women in the Gupta period
Lost right to inherit and own property Could not participate in key rituals Treated like lowest varna (Shudra) Married very young In some places, a widow was required to burn herself on her husband’s funeral pyre. Ways to escape low status: Join religious community Be a courtesan

16 Hinduism in the Gupta period
Development of the classic form of Hindu temples. Featured: Exterior courtyard Inner shrine Wall decorations

17 Trade and Collapse Gupta India was linked to the outside world by extensive trade networks. Trade with southeast and east Asia was particularly flourishing. Gupta empire collapsed under the financial burden of defense against the Huns.

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