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Technical English (ENGG 1305) Course Objectives and Outline

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1 Technical English (ENGG 1305) Course Objectives and Outline
The Islamic University of Gaza- Civil Engineering Department Technical English (ENGG 1305) Course Objectives and Outline By Husam Al-Najar

2 Course Description: English Technical Writing, is designed to teach engineering students how to effectively communicate technical information. Specifically, it helps students learn how to report technical information to a non-technical audience in both oral and written formats. We will work to better understand and develop our writing process, composing with word and image. Course Objectives: Use Prewriting Techniques to overcome the “blank page syndrome متلازمة”. Write rough draft Provide students with opportunities فرص to improve their English communication skills in the context of سياق their own interests, disciplines تخصصات and/or future career aspirations تطلعات Give students further opportunities to exploreاستكشاف how to use English as a tool for inquiry الاستفسار learning, thinking and communicating within their chosen fields or areas of interest. To be able to speak & Write technical English

3 Text Book: Mark Ibbotson, Cambridge English for Engineering, Cambridge
Course outcomes: • Develop language skills for greater accuracy and precision دقة • Learn how to persuade audience إقناع الجمهور • Deliver presentations and receive constructive feedback, • Participate in discussions and debates مناقشات وحوارات • Produce clear technical documents وثائق • Practice writing, using relevant professional formats صيغ • Enhance تحسين your confidence in using English in various engineering contexts Text Book: Mark Ibbotson, Cambridge English for Engineering, Cambridge

4 Unit 6. Technical development Unit 1. Technology in use
Course Outline Unit 6. Technical development Unit 1. Technology in use Unit 7. Procedures and precautions Unit 2. Material Technology Unit 8. Motion and Control Unit 3. Components and assemblies Unit 9. Theory and Practice Unit 4. Engineering design Unit 10. Pushing the boundaries Unit 5. Breaking point Final Exam Midterm Exam Grading System: 15% Class participation Homework, Quizzes, and Presentation & Report 20% Mid term Exam 50% Final Exam

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