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Electronic Document Management Software

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1 Electronic Document Management Software
RASTEREX Electronic Document Management Software Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

2 Maximum efficiency at the click of a button!
RxIndex - The database Maximum efficiency at the click of a button! Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

3 Are you still chasing paper copies ? Where the NM is the drawing?
Why not try RxIndex ?? Where the NM is the drawing? Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

4 What is RxIndex ? Easy-to-use document management and retrieval system for all types of documents, drawings, pictures and associated information. Can be a stand-alone program, or a network-wide management system. Matches from the search is presented in a list with pop-up QuickView icons. Database with programmable data fields and action buttons allowing a great flexibility. Data base file is Oracle compatible. Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

5 Why RxIndex ? Helps the user to keep track of any kind of document file at any time. The user interface is extremely user friendly and easy to operate. Search for a document using any combination of the registered details, with key words typed in or selected from a pop-up list. Links the drawing department to the rest of the company. The screen layout is completely customizable. Extremely fast search. Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

6 What is RxIndex ? Data fields Search result list Quick view
Action buttons Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

7 What is RxIndex - Technical specification..
Fully configurable browse list. Browse By Quick-View icons with list. Index files are proprietary fast-search format. Import Files imported by on-screen function, with Quick-View verify if required. Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

8 What is RxIndex - Technical specification..
Number of fields limited only by the single-screen display space. Field widths up to 999 characters. Multi line fields. Fully configurable names, entry types and specifications. Multiple key fields per screen, up to 60 key fields. File size limit 1,000,000,000 bytes. Fast search by start of word, wild cards, date-range, number range. Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

9 What is RxIndex - Auxiliary Screens
Multiple auxiliary screens configurable from single data base for individual users. Allows strict security and access control. Access Control Users may be restricted to specific screens, fields or buttons. Any button may be made conditional on field contents (e.g. release status). Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

10 What is RxForm ? Advanced database screen-builder.
Sets field size, position, attributes and alignments. Programmable function buttons and data fields. Advanced script-language like-JavaScript & VB Script. Configures drop-down lists and reports. Existing database may be used by creating a new Form with existing Data. Script for buttons, event handling scripts for auto functioning. Auto fill, predefined list or key list. Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

11 What is RxForm ? Data fields Tools Inbuilt Functions Properties
Quick View windows Script Editing Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

12 What is RxForm - Technical specification
ASCII parameter file format. Field Help texts. Multiple Search keys, separate search list layouts. Multiple Report keys, separate report layouts. DDE input and output. One version for Network and Single user. No limitation on search list length. Bit maps on rectangles. Bit maps (icons) on buttons. Grid and Undo in the Form painter Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

13 What is Quick View ? Snap shots of files. Maximum files size 20 KB.
Stored together or apart from the data files. QuickView made by batch processing using RxMakeQV or by RxHighlight/RxView. QuickView produced for a wide range of CAD, document and image formats. Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

14 Raster to Vector Conversion Software
RASTEREX Raster Editing & Raster to Vector Conversion Software Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

15 Fully Automatic Raster to Vector Conversion Software
Rx Spotlight Pro Fully Automatic Raster to Vector Conversion Software Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

16 Raster & Vector Data Raster Vector 1 Pixel X = 2.27, Y = 3.41 DPI
Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

17 You Have Two Options Scanning & Vectorising Manual Redraw
If You’ve Got The Time & Money Protects Your Future Investment Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

18 Which Option is economical
Out of Two Options Which Option is economical Which one is better Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

19 Manual Redraw of your hardcopy using AutoCAD
EXAMPLE : 1,000 drawings x 12 hours = 12,000 man hours COST: 12,000 man hours x Rs. 200 =Rs. 24,00,000/- Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

20 Scanning & Vectorising using Rasterex Software
EXAMPLE : 1,000 drawings x 3 hours = 3,000 man hours COST: 3,000 man hours x Rs. 200 = Rs. 6,00,000/- Rasterex So You Save Rs. 18 Lacs & 9000 man hours on 1000 Drawings Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

21 Rx Spotlight The most advanced Raster /Hybrid editor giving you
CAD functionality on Raster Images Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

22 What is Rx Spotlight ? Easy-to-use and very powerful Hybrid editor.
Single Click Vector Conversion. Gives you CAD functionality on Raster Images. Advanced filtering functions. Powerful Calibration and Warping functions. Automatic Correction Tools. Object library available (Raster/Vector and Hybrid). Auto recognizes Drawing Entities, Texts and Symbols. Saves the file in AutoCAD format (.DWG, .DXF etc.). Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

23 Why Rx Spotlight ? Clean-up and modification of scanned files in raster format. Work with part of the image or whole image Filtering functions: Rotate, Align, De-speckle, Thickening, Thinning, Smoothing, Hole remover, Inversion etc. Advanced editing functions: Uses advanced vector editing tools on raster objects Supports AutoCAD fonts & shapes Cut & paste via internal “Clipbook” Create your own Raster object library Import and export of vector files (DWG, DXF, DXB or VCT) Can use existing CAD library Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

24 Raster correction wizard
Automatic deskew Automatic speckle removal Automatic fit-to-paper Batch processing Benefits Minimizes user input Joins broken lines Grouping/Exploding/Merging Changing Scale Easy Printing One command !!! Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

25 Why Rx Spotlight ? Birds-eye Editing tools Clipbook Snapping
Properties Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

26 What is RxSpotlight ? The Calibrate function enables you to create as many calibration points as you need for removing the distortion in you image Adjusted calibration points Calibration points Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

27 What is RxSpotlight ? The unique Hatch recognition function allows you to edit the hatch area - scale it, change pattern, or even create solids. Recognized hatch Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

28 What is RxSpotlight ? Automatic search and replace of raster objects with the contents of the active clipbook page (Raster, Vector or hybrid object). Object to be replaced Replace objects Matching Accuracy adjustment Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

29 What is RxSpotlight ? The Intelligent Trace function is perfect for maps etc. It asks you where to go when it finds an intersection. Traced Object Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

30 What is RxSpotlight ? The Warp function allows you to change the form of any selected raster area, both rectangular and polygonal. Warped object Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

31 What is RxSpotlight ? Everything you draw is in vectors. The result can be saved as raster, vector or as hybrid. The editing can be done graphical or parametric. Vector text Recognized Symbol Vector editing tools Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

32 Raster / Vector layering
Both Raster and Vector layers Layers can be defined according to thickness, color, entities etc. Unlimited number of layers Logical names for layers Raster layers stored as separate files Line Width & Line Type Visibility of Layer Color Setting of logical name Layer locking Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

33 Some more features Raster/Vector layering
Raster/Vector correction wizard One Touch Conversion & Editing with smart object selection Search, find and replace connected raster objects with symbols Raster, vector and hybrid symbol library New OCR module for text recognition in technical drawings Color Image Processor for separating colorized information to monochrome layers TWAIN scanner support And more Reprographics India Phone # / , /32, ,

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