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Mapping the European Values and European Symbols in the Lisbon Treaty: A Comparative Member States Analysis Applied in the context of the European Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping the European Values and European Symbols in the Lisbon Treaty: A Comparative Member States Analysis Applied in the context of the European Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping the European Values and European Symbols in the Lisbon Treaty: A Comparative Member States Analysis Applied in the context of the European Integration ( ) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PARMENA olimid, ph.d. Faculty of social sciences Political sciences specialization

2 Aims and objectives The present paper discusses the European values and the European Symbols in the Lisbon Treaty exploring the general and particular provisions of the document and their application in the Member States: recognition of the social and cultural values of freedom, human rights, democracy, rule of law, security social justice good neighborhood good governance. The study also explores, through an applied comparative analysis, the European values and their representation in the Member States in the period mapping: the social, territorial and economic cohesion by safeguarding the citizens’ solidarity, monetary union and social communion of the European Union. Under this direction, the study concludes that the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity ensure and map the achievement of the objectives and aims of the Lisbon Treaty at European, national, regional and local levels.

3 Methods and methodology
  Content analysis Robert Philip Weber Basic Content Analysis, 1990 1.     define de recording unit word, word sense, sentences, theme, paragraph, whole text 2.     define the categories –social, economic 3.     test coding on sample of text 4.     assess accuracy or reliability 5.     revise the coding rules 6.     return to Step 3 7.     code all the text 8.     assess achieved reliability or accuracy

4 Methods and methodology
An experimental design

5 Methods and methodology An experimental design-literature for comparative review
 European representative sample A.    The Essentiality of “Culture” in the Study of Religion and Politics Laura R. Olson, 2011 Theme contemporary American politics. the concept of culture—and more specifically, subculture—might help create more connections across theoretical research traditions (cited work)  how the concept of religion-based subculture is inherent in psychological, social psychological, social movement, and contextual approaches to religion and politics scholarship (cited work)  B. Culturalist Approach to the Concept of the Mediatization of Politics: The Age of “Media Hegemony” Elena Block, 2013 Theme mediatization of politics from a culturalist perspective  individuals and groups develop cultural patterns of media connectivity (cited work)

6 Methods and methodology An experimental design-literature for comparative review
C. Debating Political Identity and Legitimacy in the European Union – Edited by Sonia Lucarelli, Furio Cerutti and Vivien A. Schmidt Cristian Nitoiu, 2012 D. Losing, but Accepting: Legitimacy, Positivity Theory, and the Symbols of Judicial Authority James L. Gibson*, Milton Lodge and Benjamin Woodson 2014 Theme the role of the symbols of judicial authority and legitimacy—the robe, the gavel, the cathedral-like court building  Using an experimental design and a nationally representative sample, we show that exposure to judicial symbols

7 An experimental design-literature for comparative review
symbols (1) strengthens the link between institutional support and acquiescence among those with relatively low prior awareness of the Supreme Court, (2) has differing effects depending upon levels of preexisting institutional support, and (3) severs the link between disappointment with a disagreeable Court decision and willingness to challenge the ruling (cited work) James L. Gibson*, Milton Lodge and Benjamin Woodson 2014

8 1. Define de recording unit word, word sense, sentences, theme, paragraph, whole text Legal Framework Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community (2007/ 2008)

9 2. Define the categories –social, economic. Central concepts
Values (14 items found) Article 1 a the values of respect for human dignity Freedom Democracy Equality The rule of law

10 3. Test coding on sample of text
Lisbon Treaty, article 1

11 3. Test coding on sample of text
Lisbon Treaty, article 1

12 3. Test coding on sample of text
Lisbon Treaty, article 3

13 Matrix Analysis of the EU Values in the Lisbon Treaty
Values_Analysis 1_Article 1a Values Analysis 2_Article 2 Values _Analysis 3_Article 3 a, b, c, Article 6

14 5. Revise the coding rules Values_analysis 1_Article 1a
Pluralism Non-discrimination Tolerance Justice Solidarity Equality between women and men prevail.

15 Values_Analysis 2_Article 2_a
The Union's aim is to promote peace its values the well-being of its peoples.

16 Values_Analysis 2_Article 2_b
The Union shall offer its citizens an area of freedom security justice without internal frontiers the free movement of persons respect to external border controls asylum

17 Values_Analysis 1+2_Articles 1+2
Economic Social Territorial cohesion, and solidarity among Member States.

18 Values Analysis _ article 6
Fundamental rights Guarantees by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms They result from the constitutional traditions common to the Member States, shall constitute general principles of the Union's law."

19 Values_Analysis_Article 3 a
Concept Analysis_3a1 Concept Analysis _3a2 Concept Analysis_3a3 Concept Analysis_3a4 Concept Analysis _3a5 National identities fundamental structures, political and constitutional, regional and local self-government law and order and safeguarding national security the sole responsibility of each Member State ARTICLE 3a para. 2 principle of sincere cooperation+ Mutual respect achievement of the Union's tasks the attainment of the Union's objectives establishing the European Community

20 Values_Analysis_Article 3 b
Concept Analysis_3b1 Concept Analysis _3b2 Concept Analysis_3b3 Concept Analysis_3b4 Concept Analysis _3b5 Union competences Use of Union competences Objectives established within the EU framework at central level or at regional and local level The institutions of the Union National Parliaments Objectives of the treaties ARTICLE 3b principle of conferral principle of subsidiarity Principle of proportionality establishing the European Community

21 Conclusions Content analysis – particular insights
European Union – Member State relationship: fundamental structures: political, constitutional and legal levels Regional and local self-government Principles of cooperation Principles of mutual respect Achievement of the Union tasks

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