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9/12/2018 Product Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "9/12/2018 Product Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/12/2018 Product Knowledge

2 Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick
9/12/2018 Four Levels Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick

3 Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick
9/12/2018 Four Levels Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick Reaction What kind of reaction did you get from the participants? How do the participants feel about the program? (Customer Satisfaction) Reaction

4 Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick
9/12/2018 Four Levels Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick Learning To what extent did the participants increase knowledge, improve skills, and/or change attitudes? (Pre & Post Testing) Learning 1. Reaction

5 Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick
9/12/2018 Four Levels Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick Behavior To what extent did their job behavior change? (Observation) Behavior 2. Learning 1. Reaction

6 Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick
9/12/2018 Four Levels Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick 4. Results 3. Behavior 2. Learning 1. Reaction Results What final results occurred? Tracking & Measuring (Quality, quantity, safety, sales, costs, profits, ROI)

7 Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick
9/12/2018 Four Levels Evaluating Training Programs by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick 4. Results 3. Behavior 2. Learning 1. Reaction

8 What are the most common resources available today?
9/12/2018 What are the most common resources available today? Seminars and Lectures Books and Magazines Night School Courses University Extension Courses

9 They are all good… … But they lack three things!
9/12/2018 They are all good… … But they lack three things! Retention Application Proven Results

10 Our Goal: Increase Retention Increase Application Change Behavior
9/12/2018 Our Goal: Increase Retention Increase Application Change Behavior Deliver Results

11 How does the LMI Program help us produce client results?
9/12/2018 How does the LMI Program help us produce client results? We Use… Spaced Repetition Multi Sensory Impact Goal Setting

12 Our process is UNIQUE Controlled environment for meetings
9/12/2018 Our process is UNIQUE Controlled environment for meetings Facilitated classes vs. teaching or lecturing Selected participants Cost effective based on R.O.I.

13 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Triangle of Communication Company Facilitator Participant

14 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Triangle of Communication Company Company communicates goals and objectives to LMI Representative/Facilitator and to the Participant Facilitator Participant

15 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Triangle of Communication Company LMI Representative/Facilitator communicates assignments to Participant and informs Company on assignments and progress of Participant Facilitator Participant

16 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Triangle of Communication Company Participant communicates and reviews weekly progress on assignments and goals to the Company and LMI Representative/Facilitator Facilitator Participant

17 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Triangle of Communication Company Any adjustments or tuning toward the set goals can be made on a weekly basis. Everyone communicates with everyone else. Facilitator Participant

18 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Pre-course meetings with Company Representative and Participant Determine SMART goals Agree on how results will be measured Set up Triangle of Communication

19 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Kick-off Meeting - Goals are reviewed - Each participant receives a program along with CDs - Review lesson and application assignments - Set 14 day goals

20 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Bi-weekly classes for 90 to 120 minutes in length. Class limited to 15 people - Review 14 day goals - Review of lesson assignment - Review application assignment - Assign new lesson and application assignments - Set new 14 day goals

21 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Mid-Course review meeting with Company and Participant - Determine accomplishments - Ensure we are on track with goals Determine what changes still need to be made - Future development discussions

22 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Bi-weekly classes for second half of course Review 14 day goals - Review of lesson assignment - Review application assignment - Assign new lesson and application assignments - Set new 14 day goals - Final lesson - Graduation

23 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System End of course review meeting with Company and Participant - Determine accomplishments - Review goals accomplished Determine what changes still need to be made - Referrals

24 LMI Facilitation System
9/12/2018 LMI Facilitation System Review Pre-course meetings with Company and Participant Kick off meeting Bi-weekly classes for first half of course Mid-course meeting with Company and Participant Bi-weekly classes for second half of course End of course meeting (Graduation) with Company and Participant

25 The LMI Marketing System gets Results
9/12/2018 The LMI Marketing System gets Results Facilitate the program to the goals “No one ever accomplishes anything of consequence without a goal.” Paul J. Meyer

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