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Topic & Transition Sentences

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1 Topic & Transition Sentences

2 Topic Sentence You topic sentence should state the main idea of your paragraph If you put it in your topic sentence that is what your entire paragraph should be about

3 Bad Topic Sentences for Body Paragraph 1
Atiq is a jailer with a bad attitude. At the beginning of the novel Zunaria is a beautiful and educated woman. Moshen is a kind person and oppression causes him to stone a prostitute.

4 Body Paragraph 1 Topic sentence must mention at the beginning of the novel It must state the character’s personality or behavior in the sentence nothing more! One pick one personality trait or behavior for your topic sentence. Two may be overwhelming

5 Good Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentences
At the beginning of the novel Atiq is a frustrated and angry person. At the beginning of the novel Zunaria is kind and amicable wife. At the beginning of the novel Moshen is a warm and open husband.

6 Transition Sentence for Body Paragraph 1
State that the character begins to change Example: As the novel progresses __________ begins to change. As time goes on there are changes that take place within ________ personality. As the pressure of ___(theme)_____ becomes harder to handle _________ begins to change.

7 What should the topic sentence for body paragraph 2 state?

8 Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2
State that the theme is causing the character to change. The topic sentence must include the theme and that the character is changing Example: As the novel progresses Zunaria begins to change due to the theme of oppression. Atiq slowly begins to change due to the theme of suppression. Moshen’s personality begins to change due to the theme of conformity that is present in his everyday life.

9 Transition for Body Paragraph 2
State that the character changes even more. Example As the novel progresses ____________ makes a drastic change. The theme of ________ continues to change _________ drastically. As the novel continues ____________ changes even more.

10 Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 3
State that the character has completely changed due to the theme. Example: By the end of the novel the theme of hysteria causes Atiq to change drastically. Moshen, due to the theme of conformity, is not the same person who he use to be. Due to the theme of oppression, Zunaria is a completely different woman by the end of the novel.

11 Body Paragraph 3 – Concluding Sentence
State that the theme causes the character to change. Example: Due to the theme of _______________ the character ______ undergoes a drastic change.

12 Conclusion Discuss how your theme can affect a person
Restate your thesis in a different way Explain again how your character was at the beginning of your novel and how the theme causes them to change End with a concluding sentence that wraps everything up

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