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Girls On The Run Los Angeles

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1 Girls On The Run Los Angeles
Team15 - GOTRLA Girls On The Run Los Angeles

2 Team-15 Deepak Earayil : Project Manager & System/Software Architect
Ankith Nagarle : Prototyper & Operational Concept Engineer Aayush Jain : Feasibility Analyst & Project Manager Presha Thakkar : Life Cycle Planner & Requirements Engineer Nidhi Baheti : Operational Concept Engineer & Prototyper Suhani Vyas : Requirements Engineer & Feasibility Analyst Anushila Dey : System/Software Architect & Life Cycle Planner Elaine Lo : Shaper and Quality Analyst

3 Remote Team Member Team’s strong points & weak points (operational view and technical view) concerns & possible solutions; S/P Engineer observations Elaine Lo / Deepak

4 Strong and Weak Points Strong points Weak points
Operational view: hardworking, team members have a good understanding of foundations for project Technical view: quick learners Weak points Operational view: scheduling/time management, communication Technical view: lack of experience

5 Concern and Risk Technical concern Risk
Lack of Experience working with the tools and languages used for developing this system Solution: Evaluate pros and cons of the different tools and come to an agreement on what we think would work best/meet all the win-win conditions Risk The database of new set of students at the beginning of the school year. Can lead to duplicate data if data is not properly analyzed. Solution: We need to have discussion with the Client to decide on the possibility of occurrence of this issue. Can have check boxes next to each row with a select all option and delete button once this issue is resolved.

6 OCD System purpose; shared vision; proposed new system; benefit-chain diagram; system boundary; core capabilities, constraints and goals Nidhi Baheti

7 System Purpose Establish a better Attendance Tracking system.
Enables better monitoring of the program leading to improved program quality.


9 System Boundary Diagram


11 Element Relationship Diagram

12 Desired Capability Goals
Priority Goals OC-1 Modifying girl’s data: The system is capable of adding/editing and deleting girl’s data. Must have OC-2 Modifying volunteer coach’s data: The system is capable of adding/editing and deleting data of volunteer coaches. OC-3 Modifying Program staff’s data: The system is capable of adding/editing and deleting program staff data. OC-4 Class Management: The system is capable of Adding/Editing and Deleting classes. OC-5 Attendance Tracking: The system shall provide the methods to check-in the girls and store the attendance data.

13 Organizational Goals Organizational Goals
OG-1: Improved Attendance Monitoring OG-2: Reduced Paperwork for attendance OG-3: Better tracking of program quality OG-4: Increased support to teams having issues.

14 Win-Win Agreements Agreed Win conditions in each category
Suhani Vyas

15 Capability Requirements
ID Requirement Win condition(s) Priority* CR-1 Admin can add/Update/Delete program staff in the database WC_3277 Must have CR-2 Program Staff can Add/Update/Delete Classes , Girls and Volunteer in the database. WC_3269,WC_3270,WC_3271 CR-3 Volunteer Coaches can View/Access the class roster on the mobile app to Check-in the girls attendance. WC_3268 CR-4 User of the website and application can Reset/Update the password. WC_3425 *Admin hold all the privileges that program staff holds.

16 The maximum budget of the client is $750.
Project Requirements ID Requirement Win condition(s) Priority PR-1 System shall be accessible via Desktop and Mobile device ( iOS and Android) WC_3279 Must have PR-2 The maximum budget of the client is $750. WC_3266 Must have .7 .618

17 Project Requirements Database Server: Tools and Languages :
Web Server: Language: PHP Framework: Symfony Mobile Application: Language: HTML, CSS, Javascript Tool: PhoneGap Platform: iOS and Android Database Server: MySQL Server Symphony, moodle, drupal compared. S is scalable. Upgradable, and easily maintainable ,open source. PhoneGap: It used for hybrid app. Easy to use and has huge documentation support. Uses existing tech html ,css. It is widely used, BBC.

18 Level Of Service Requirements
ID Requirement Win condition(s) Priority LOS-1 Reliability: The system shall be down for no more than 3 to 5 hours a month and preferably not after the school hours. WC_3280 Must have LOS-2 Usability: The system shall be easy and intuitive to use. WC_3281 Can have LOS-3 Maintainability: The system shall be easily monitored and maintained WC_3478 Reliability- Molly has asked to give many web servers options. We went through options like Go daddy and yahoo. We are thinking to use any one of coz it has low down time and it is under clients budget.

19 Prototype/ Product Demo Most significant capabilities, NDI/NCS integration
Ankith Nagarle

20 User Interface Mock Ups

21 If successful : Roster Selection
Mobile App If successful : Roster Selection Login

22 Mobile App Select Week & Session Attendance

23 Website : Login

24 Website : Login Two types of users use the website.
ADMIN : Admin gets the access to all the modules which consists of : Class : It consists of two sub modules : Class Girls Attendance Volunteer User STAFF : Staff gets access to all the modules of Admin except User Module.

25 Website : Home

26 Website : View Class

27 Website : Add Class

28 Website : View Girls

29 Website : Add Girls

30 Website : View Attendance

31 Website : Export Attendance

32 Website : View Volunteers

33 Website : Add Volunteer

34 Website : View User

35 Website : Add User

36 Functional Prototype

37 Functional Prototype We have set up the development environment required for the project. We have started with the Functional prototype of the Web Interface and the Non Functional prototype of Mobile application.

38 Web Server : User Module – User List

39 Web Server : Create User Form

40 Web Server : User Information Preview

41 Mobile App: Home Page

42 Mobile App Menu Option

43 Mobile App : School List Page

44 Mobile App : Roster page

45 Architecture Top-level physical and logical architecture
Presha Thakkar

46 System Context Diagram

47 Artifacts

48 Integrated Use Case

49 Life Cycle Plan Life cycle strategy; Focus on Development phase & transition increment; Key stakeholder responsibilities; Project plan; Resource estimation Anushilla Dey

50 Purpose of LCP Status of LCP Assumptions Duration Personnel Resources
LIFE CYCLE STRATEGY Purpose of LCP Status of LCP Assumptions Duration Personnel Resources

51 Project Plan

52 Project Plan

53 Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders
Name Primary Role Secondary Role Deepak Earayil Project Manager Software/System Architect Ankith Nagarle Prototyper Operational Concept Engineer Aayush Jain Feasibility Analyst Presha Thakkar Life Cycle Planner Requirements Engineer Suhani Vyas Anushila Dey Nidhi Baheti Elaine Lo Quality Analyst Shaper

SYSTEM GOTRLA SUB-SYSTEM MOBILE APPLICATION Attendance Management WEB APPLICATION Attendance Tracking Class Calendar Class Management Student Management Volunteer Management

SCALE DRIVERS DRIVER VALUE RATIONALE PRECEDENTNESS (PREC) LOW None of the team members have experience in developing a similar kind of software. DEVELOPMENT FLEXIBILITY (FLEX) NOM Being a one semester project we have a time constraint . RISK RESOLUTION (RESL) The risk resolution doesn’t completely identify the risk critical items. Many items are identified but not all. Also, when we calculated the amount of time in developing the architecture, it turned out to be about 17 percent TEAM COHESION (TEAM) None of us have the experience in working together as a team.We have different schedule of classes so it is a bit difficult to coordinate with everyone. PROCESS MATURITY (PMAT) We are following the ICSM EPG guidelines and according to it, our PMAT is in level 2.


57 GOTRLA Overview Assuming that every person in the 8 member team can work for 17 hour per week, the project is scheduled to be completed in one semester hence we have 12 weeks time frame. Total time spent by one person would be 12×17=204 work hours Total person month effort calculated from COCOMOII is Therefore according to COCOMOII, the project will be completed in 152 hrs/person month ×10.42 person months = hours. When we divide the total time that the project will take to finish by the time which one person can work, which is, /204 =7.76 persons Therefore, with a team of 8 members and taking the most likely estimates, we will be able to complete the project on time.

58 Feasibility Evidence NDI/NCS alternatives, NDI/NCS evaluation & analysis results; Business case (beginnings, including benefits analysis); Major Risks; Capability and LOS feasibility evidence; 5 Personas Aayush Jain

59 INTRODUCTION Purpose of FED Status of FED Process Feasibility Analysis
Risk Assessment NDI/NCS Feasibility Analysis Business Case Analysis

Criteria for Process Feasibility Analysis Critical on compatibility Internet Connection independence Need high level of services/performances Need high security ii

61 RISK ASSESSMENT 10 7 70 5 35 3 30 Risks Risk Exposure Risk Mitigations
Potential Magnitude Probability Loss The development team would not be available after the project is delivered to the client (Risk of Personnel Continuity) 10 7 70 The team would provide training to the client and its staff. We would also provide training to the person who is going to monitor and maintain the system in the future. Lack of experience of team members (Risk of coming up with the learning curve) 5 35 Evaluate pros and cons of the different tools and come to an agreement on what we think we would be able to use and meet all the win-win conditions Completion of coding, testing and deploying the system by the end of the semester. 3 30 We have created a development plan so that the project can be completed on time.

62 RISK ASSESSMENT 2 10 20 3 9 Risks Risk Exposure Risk Mitigations
Potential Magnitude Probability Loss A team member and the client will be unreachable for a period of time 2 10 20 Other members must step up to fill role and document things properly so that when they return they can be updated quickly and efficiently Lack of coordination/communication among the team mates 3 9 To decide proper time to meet according to the schedule of all the team mates.

Candidate NDI/NCS Components NDI/NCS features PhoneGap supports hybrid application development PhoneGap uses existing technologies such as HTML/CSS Symphony provides access control Symphony supports scalability of application

64 FEASIBILITY EVIDENCE Level of Service Feasibility
LOS-1: The system shall be down for no more than 3 to 5 hours a month and preferably not after school hours LOS-2: The system should be easy and intuitive to use LOS-3: The system shall be easily monitored and maintained.

65 FEASIBILITY EVIDENCE Capability Feasibility
CR-1: Modifying girl's data CR-2: Modifying volunteer coach's data CR-3: Modifying Program staff data CR-4: Class Management CR-5: Attendance tracking

Assumptions : Every camp will have at least two coaches with smartphone. Paper based attendance monitoring system is the reason for low program quality. The program quality will improve by using this application and having real time data. Stakeholders Initiatives Value Propositions Beneficiaries -GOTRLA staff -Coaches -CSCI577a Team15 -Maintainers -Develop a mobile application and a web server for new participants’ check-in system.  -Provide training to the program staff to use the new system .  -Record the attendance of the girls and the coaches.  -Monitor the attendance of the girls and coaches in each roster. Improved attendance monitoring. Improved volunteer support. More efficient processes for volunteer and staff communication. -Volunteer Coaches - Program Staff - Program Participants Costs Benefits -Annual apple store membership cost. -Web Server hosting cost. -Need to hire a maintainer. -Time/manpower spent on creating the system. -Have real time data on attendances. -Reduce the paper work done by the program staff. -Increased number of girls registering for the program.

67 COST ANALYSIS Monetary Cost Non-Monetary Cost Personnel Cost
Hardware and Software cost

68 BENEFIT ANALYSIS ROI ANALYSIS Current activities & resources used
% Reduce Time Saved (Hours/Year) Program Monitoring Program Staff (3hrs/week * 52 weeks) 66% 104 Total ROI ANALYSIS Year Cost (in terms of time saved) Benefit (Effort Saved) Cumulative Cost Cumulative Benefit ROI 2014 35 -1 2015 10 104 45 1.3 2016 15 60 208 2.5 2017 20 80 312 2.9

69 Quality Focal Point Traceability Matrix and summary; Defect Identification review type summary (what & how) by document section or UML, and current defect injection & removal matrix; Quality Management Strategy Elaine Lo / Deepak

70 Traceability Matrix and Summary
OC Requirements Use Case Test Case OC-1 WC_3264, WC_3265, WC_3270 UC-2 TC-01, TC-02 OC-2 WC_3271 TC-01 OC-3 WC_3277 OC-4 WC_3269, WC_3273, WC_3274 OC-5 WC_3262, WC_3263, WC_3268, WC_3278 UC-3, UC-4 TC-03, TC-04

71 Defect Identification Review
Client feedback Peer review/programming Requirements and design testing Bugzilla

72 Defect Injection & Removal Matrix
Defect Description Date Injected Date Removed Program Business Model Incorrect modeling of the business flow 9/19/14 9/21/14 SSAD Missing some use case scenarios 10/13/14 10/25/14  Test Cases Discuss how to handle rainy day cases

73 Quality Management Strategy
Win-win Prototyping Compliance checking

74 Acceptance Test Plan and Cases
Ankith Nagarle

75 Acceptance Test cases Sunny day scenario Web Interface
TC-01: User permissions TC-02: Add/remove data to the database via website from point of view of admin and staff TC-03: Add/remove data to the database via application from point of view of a coach TC-05: Previewing how the reports will look Mobile Interface: TC-04: Saving the attendance as a coach

76 Acceptance Test cases Rainy day cases
TC-06: Multiple coaches record attendance TC-07: Attendance is recorded but then a girl shows up late TC-08: Attendance is recorded but then a girl leaves early TC-09: Error handling TC-10: Handling the web/mob application events when the internet service is not available.

77 Suggestions and Questions?
Things done right & Issues to address

78 Team-15 Deepak Earayil- Project Manager & System/Software Architect Ankith Nagarle- Prototyper & Operational Concept Engineer Aayush Jain- Feasibility Analyst & Project Manager Presha Thakkar- Life Cycle Planner & Requirements Engineer Nidhi Baheti- Operational Concept Engineer & Prototyper Suhani Vyas- Requirements Engineer & Feasibility Analyst Anushila Dey - System/Software Architect & Life Cycle Planner Elaine Lo- Shaper and Quality Analyst Thank You

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