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Key words Rubbing-in Sautéing Dicing Layering

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Presentation on theme: "Key words Rubbing-in Sautéing Dicing Layering"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: Complete your practical tracker for recipes made so far in year 9
Key words Rubbing-in Sautéing Dicing Layering Tomato sauce reduced sauce

2 Dairy Food Commodities Objectives:
To explore the role of milk in the diet To understand how milk is produced through primary processing To know the different types of milk and non dairy alternatives To explore products that are made from milk through secondary processing Key terms: Primary processing Secondary processing

3 Milk – what is milk?

4 Why is milk good for us? It contains good quality protein (HBV) for g……………… and r………………. It is high in calcium for B…………… and T……….. It contains fat for energy and keeping us warm. Word alert: growth Repair Bones teeth

5 Primary and secondary processing
Look at page 274 Task 1 Write a definition of primary processing and give one example Task 2 Write a definition of secondary processing and give one example.

6 Dairy farming Intensive milk production:
This is where cows stay inside a large barn for most of the time but often have access to pasture (grass) outside for a few weeks when they are not producing milk. Most farmers will provide areas for cows to be comfortable with fans and sprinklers and are able to lie down. They are fed and milked regularly each day. Organic milk production: Many people choose to by food which is not intensively produced. Animals (livestock) are produced as naturally as possible and are free-range (allowed to be outside) and in their natural environment eg. grazing on grass. Drugs, , antibiotics and growth promoters (to make them grow quickly) are banned for livestock. Animals are fed organic and naturally produced feed. Small herds of livestock are produced to reduce the spread of disease. Organic standards ensure that dairy cows live outside during grazing season, are fed a healthier diet and are housed in well-ventilated, straw-bedded sheds so they live healthier and longer lives. For further information about organic dairy farming visit this site:

7 Types of milk Why do milks have different fat contents?

8 Preserved milk products
Why are these Milks useful?

9 Other milks – Which are really milk?
Why are non dairy milks useful? Word alert: Vegan Lactose intolerant

10 Where does cream come from?

11 Types of cream

12 What is pasteurisation?

13 Cheese

14 Homework Complete the Milk work sheet tasks
Bring ingredients to make cauliflower or broccoli cheese.

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