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Dairy Production.

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1 Dairy Production

2 Objectives Explain the importance of the dairy industry;
Define terms associated with dairy production List 7 breeds of dairy cattle & their breed characteristics; Label the internal and external parts of a dairy cow; Breakdown the cycle of milk production; Describe technologies used on the dairy and their importance; and Evaluate a class of dairy cows and describe valuable traits.

3 Objective A: Explain the importance of the dairy industry
MILK 50 U.S. daily milk production is ________ million gallons. Youth across the nation drink ______% of all milk consumed. Milk is one of the ______ foods known to man! 46 oldest

4 CHEESE 7.4 Mozzarella Pizza
Utah Cheese production total is ________ million pounds. 30% of the nations cheese production is __________ 70% of mozzarella is used on ____________. 7.4 Mozzarella Pizza A4

5 WHY?? ICE CREAM 18.2 47 Chocolate
Utah Ice Cream production is ________million gallons per year. _______million Americans eat ice cream daily. Utah’s favorite flavor of ice cream is _________? 18.2 47 Chocolate WHY?? A5

6 Why dairy? Dairy foods are the richest source of _________ a critical nutrient for everyone. Dairy products contribute _____% of the calcium available in the U.S. food supply. 9 Essential Nutrients Calcium Vitamin D Protein Potassium Phosphorus Riboflavin Vitamin A Vitamin B12 Niacin Calcium 95% A6

7 Other assets…. Disease Prevention Recent research shows – weight loss
Osteoporosis Hypertension Strokes Recent research shows – weight loss advantages A7

8 Happy Cows-Farm Livin’
Happy Cows- Sunshine Happy Cows-Farm Livin’ Since dairy products are important to our overall health, how can producers improve the quality of their milk?

9 B: Define terms associated with dairy production
Calf: Young Bovine Bull: Male Bovine Steer: Castrated male bovine Heifer: Female bovine who has NOT delivered her first calf Cow: Female bovine who HAS delivered her first calf Colostrum: The first milk produced, rich in nutrients for newborn calf Freshen: To calve and begin giving milk Dry Cow: Cow no longer giving milk

10 C: List 7 breeds of dairy cattle & their breed characteristics;
2 1 3 6 4 5 B1 Source:

11 D: Label the major internal and external parts of the dairy cow
Internal Parts: Mammary System Median Suspensory Ligament Fine Membrane (Between quarters) Alveoli Outer Wall

12 Key External Parts Pins Hooks Rear Udder Attachment Milk Vein Udder
Fore Udder Attachment Teats

13 E. Breakdown the cycle of milk production
Heifer is bred and delivers a calf 9 months later Dry cow rests for a few months until she calves again Cow is placed in the milk herd where she stays for months When cow’s milk production declines, she is bred again and “dried” (stops producing milk)


15 Brainstorm some ideas…
Objective F: Describe technologies used on the dairy and their importance How far have we come? Brainstorm some ideas…

16 1-Milking Machines and Parlors
Hand milking milk ~6 cows an hour Milking parlor with automatic machines can milk ~100 cows an hour C5

17 2-Storage & Cooling 1861 Mechanical Refrigeration available 1938 Bulk tanks begin to replace milk cans From the milk can to at least a gallon tank that automatically cools the milk. C6

18 3-Artificial Insemination
Increases genetic quality and diversity Today it’s used almost exclusively on ALL dairies. 4- TMR – Total Mixed Rations Important for good health and high milk production Quality feed= high quality milk and lots of it C7

19 5- Record Keeping and Computers
DHIA Dairy Herd Improvement Association Record keeping system for dairies Computer programs to better track animals: Production Pregnancy Illnesses C8

20 6-BST What is BST? Bovine Somatotropin
a naturally-occurring protein hormone Regulates milk production and growth in lactating dairy cows. In 1994 Monsanto Company received approval for the commercial marketing of bST with the trade name POSILAC® C9

21 How does it work? bST has 3 functions in a very specific order.
1- Bone Growth: if animal is not fully grown, it stimulates bone growth 2-Maintenance: If cow doesn’t have sufficient nutrition and body fat, bst will help add body condition 3-Milk Production: Once bone growth and maintenance are balanced, BST increases milk production. C10a

22 Safety Cows Cows supplemented with bST are healthy & have increased yields in milk Milk composition is unaffected Reproduction is unaffected Performance of calves born to cows treated with bST is excellent Humans bST is a protein hormone, not a steroid hormone bST does not alter the chemical composition in milk The U.S. FDA has approved human consumption of milk and meat from dairy cows supplemented with bST C12

23 It is the CHOICE of the dairy producer
Why WOULD Dairy Producers use BST? Increased milk production = increased profits Why would they NOT use BST? Concerned about public perception It is the CHOICE of the dairy producer C13

24 -Style & Attractiveness
Objective G: Evaluate a class of dairy cows and describe valuable traits. General Appearance: -Style & Attractiveness -Straight back -Depth


26 Mammary System -Udder – shape & attachment -Teats – Size & placement
-Mammary Veins – Large, long & crooked


28 Dairy Character -Body: Deep with great capacity and spring of rib
-Rump: Long level with wide pin bone -Femininity

29 Judge a class of Dairy Cows

30 1

31 2


33 3

34 4


36 2 1 3 4

37 Official Reasons 1 - 4 - 2 - 3 #1: Greatest depth of body and spring of rib. Most length from hooks to pins. Good clean dairy character. #4: Less depth of body than #1. Close pair with #2, but places above due to greater length from hooks to pins. #2: places below #4 because she has less spring of rib #3: is an obvious bottom of the class. She has least amount of body depth and spring of rib.

38 FFA Application: Dairy Cattle Judging
Judge classes of dairy cattle Give oral reasons

39 Bell Quiz What was the purpose of the “California Happy Cow” commercials? Define: Cow, bull, heifer, steer List 3 nutritional benefits of dairy products What breed of dairy cow gives the highest quantity of milk? Which dairy breed gives milk with the most butterfat?

40 Bell Quiz 3/22/10 Draw a diagram of the cycle of milk production on a dairy farm

41 Bell Quiz 3/24/10 Study your Dairy Production Notes for the quiz!!

42 Cheese Munster Blue Processed American Brick Brie/Camembert Provolone
Swiss Feta Cheese Romano Havarti Blue Brick Brie/Camembert Cheddar (mild) Cheddar (sharp) Cream/Neufchatel Edam/Gouda Monterey (Jack) Mozzarella

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