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Towards the Nuclear Universal Energy Density Functional

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1 Towards the Nuclear Universal Energy Density Functional
Witold Nazarewicz (Tennessee/Warsaw) Milan, May 2007 Introduction Nuclear DFT Successes and challenges Large-amplitude collective motion Unifying structure and reaction aspects (nuclei are open systems) Rigged Hilbert space formulation Summary Emphasis on: novel aspects recent results problems

2 Theory of Nuclei Overarching goal:
Self-bound, two-component quantum many-fermion system Complicated interaction based on QCD with at least two- and three-nucleon components We seek to describe the properties of finite and bulk nucleonic matter ranging from the deuteron to neutron stars and nuclear matter; including strange matter We want to be able to extrapolate to unknown regions To arrive at a comprehensive and unified microscopic description of all nuclei and low-energy reactions from the the basic interactions between the constituent protons and neutrons There is no “one size fits all” theory for nuclei, but all our theoretical approaches need to be linked. We are making great progress in this direction.

3 Bottom-up approaches to nuclear structure
Roadmap Ab initio Configuration interaction Density Functional Theory Theoretical approaches overlap and need to be bridged

4 Old paradigms, universal ideas, are not correct
Near the drip lines nuclear structure may be dramatically different. No shell closure for N=8 and 20 for drip-line nuclei; new shells at 14, 16, 32… First experimental indications demonstrate significant changes

5 Issues Interactions Many-body Correlations Open Channels Interactions
Isovector (N-Z) effects Poorly-known components come into play Long isotopic chains crucial Configuration interaction Mean-field concept often questionable Asymmetry of proton and neutron Fermi surfaces gives rise to new couplings (Intruders and the islands of inversion) New collective modes; polarization effects Open channels Nuclei are open quantum systems Exotic nuclei have low-energy decay thresholds Coupling to the continuum important Virtual scattering Unbound states Impact on in-medium Interactions


7 Weinberg’s Laws of Progress in Theoretical Physics
From: “Asymptotic Realms of Physics” (ed. by Guth, Huang, Jaffe, MIT Press, 1983) First Law: “The conservation of Information” (You will get nowhere by churning equations) Second Law: “Do not trust arguments based on the lowest order of perturbation theory” Third Law: “You may use any degrees of freedom you like to describe a physical system, but if you use the wrong ones, you’ll be sorry!” D. Furnstahl, INT Fall’05

8 2002-2006: very successful period for theory of nuclei
many new ideas leading to new understanding new theoretical frameworks exciting developments high-quality calculations The nucleon-based description works to <0.5 fm Effective Field Theory/Renormalization Group provides missing links Accurate ab-initio methods allow for interaction tests Quantitative microscopic nuclear structure Integrating nuclear structure and reactions High-performance computing continues to revolutionize microscopic nuclear many-body problem: impossible becomes possible

9 Modern Mean-Field Theory = Energy Density Functional
mean-field ⇒ one-body densities zero-range ⇒ local densities finite-range ⇒ gradient terms particle-hole and pairing channels Hohenberg-Kohn Kohn-Sham Negele-Vautherin Landau-Migdal Nilsson-Strutinsky

10 Towards the Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional
Walter Kohn: Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998 isoscalar (T=0) density isovector (T=1) density isoscalar spin density Local densities and currents + pairing… isovector spin density current density spin-current tensor density kinetic density kinetic spin density Example: Skyrme Functional Total ground-state HF energy

11 Justification of the standard Skyrme functional: DME
Another motivation… Let us consider a local two-body interaction The HF interaction energy is: In practice, the density matrix is strongly peaked around r=r’ (cf. TF expression!). Therefore, one can expand it around the mid-point: The Skyrme functional was justified in such a way in, e.g., Negele and Vautherin, Phys. Rev. C5, 1472 (1972); Phys. Rev. C11, 1031 (1975) Campi and Bouyssy, Phys. Lett. 73B, 263 (1978) However, the parameters derived in such a way do not reproduce the nuclear bulk properties precisely enough. Hence, the density matrix expansion should be used as a guiding principle, but the actual parameters should be adjusted phenomenologically. The functional does not have to be related to any given effective two-body force! Actually, many currently used nuclear energy functionals are not related to a force. Exchange-correlation term incorporated


13 From Qualitative to Quantitative!
Nuclear DFT From Qualitative to Quantitative! S. Cwiok, P.H. Heenen, W. Nazarewicz Nature, 433, 705 (2005) Deformed Mass Table in one day! HFB mass formula: m~700keV Good agreement for mass differences

14 Average value: symmetry energy
Empirical Proton-Neutron Interactions and Nuclear Density Functional Stoitsov, Cakirli, Casten, Nazarewicz, Satula, PRL 98, (2007) Average value: symmetry energy

15 Er Ra Pb U spherical Shell systems closure deformed octupole
collectivity Shell closure spherical systems deformed Er Ra Pb U theory (DFT) experiment


17 Bimodal fission 132Sn + 132Sn nucl-th/0612017
A. Staszczak, J. Dobaczewski W. Nazarewicz, in preparation 132Sn + 132Sn

18 Fission pathways in the nuclear density functional theory
A. Staszczak, J. Dobaczewski W. Nazarewicz, in preparation All intrinsic symmetries can be broken Motion non-adiabatic

19 What are the missing pieces?
Density Functional Theory

20 Example: Spin-Orbit and Tensor Force (among many possibilities)
The origin of SO splitting can be attributed to 2-body SO and tensor forces, and 3-body force R.R. Scheerbaum, Phys. Lett. B61, 151 (1976); B63, 381 (1976); Nucl. Phys. A257, 77 (1976); D.W.L. Sprung, Nucl. Phys. A182, 97 (1972); C.W. Wong, Nucl. Phys. A108, 481 (1968); K. Ando and H. Bando, Prog. Theor. Phys. 66, 227 (1981); R. Wiringa and S. Pieper, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, (2002) The maximum effect is in spin-unsaturated systems Discussed in the context of mean field models: Fl. Stancu, et al., Phys. Lett. 68B, 108 (1977); M. Ploszajczak and M.E. Faber, Z. Phys. A299, 119 (1981); J. Dudek, WN, and T. Werner, Nucl. Phys. A341, 253 (1980); J. Dobaczewski, nucl-th/ ; Otsuka et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, (2006); G. Colo et al., Phys. Lett. B646, 227 (2007),… …and the nuclear shell model: T. Otsuka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, (2001); Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, (2005) 28, 50, 82, 126 2, 8, 20 F j< j< F j> j> Spin-saturated systems Spin-unsaturated systems

21 (strongly depend on shell filling)
J. Dobaczewski, nucl-th/ acts in s and d states of relative motion acts in p states SO densities (strongly depend on shell filling) Additional contributions in deformed nuclei Particle-number dependent contribution to nuclear binding It is not trivial to relate theoretical s.p. energies to experiment.

22 Energy differences extracted from calculated masses
J.P. Schiffer et al., PRL 92 (2004) Z=50, 51 Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 59, 432 (2007) nucl-th/ Energy differences extracted from calculated masses 1g7/2 almost filled 1h11/2 almost empty

23 G. Stoitcheva et al., Phys. Rev. C73, 061304(R) (2006)
J. Dobaczewski and J. Dudek, Phys. Rev. C52, 1827 (1995) M. Bender et al., Phys. Rev. C65, (2002) S. Fracasso and G. Colo, preprint, 2007 very poorly determined Can be adjusted to the Landau parameters Important for all I>0 states (including low-spin states in odd-A and odd-odd nuclei) Important for terminating (maximally aligned) states Impact beta decay Influence mass filters (including odd-even mass difference) Limited experimental data available G. Stoitcheva et al., Phys. Rev. C73, (R) (2006)

24 nuclear collective dynamics
Beyond Mean Field nuclear collective dynamics Variety of phenomena: symmetry breaking and quantum corrections LACM: fission, fusion, coexistence phase transitional behavior new kinds of deformations Significant computational resources required: Generator Coordinate Method Projection techniques Imaginary time method (instanton techniques) QRPA and related methods TDHFB, ATDHF, and related methods M. Bender et al., PRC 69, (2004) GCM Shape coexistence Challenges: selection of appropriate degrees of freedom simultaneous treatment of symmetry coupling to continuum in weakly bound systems dynamical corrections; fundamental theoretical problems. rotational, vibrational, translational particle number isospin

25 Correlation energy, low-energy collectivity
Gogny +CSE 518 first 2+ states PN Projected HFB equations: PRC 66, (2002); nucl-th/ Large-scale GCM+proj correlation energy and 2+ state calculations: PRC 73, (2006); PRL 94, (2005); nucl-th/ ; Gogny+CSE: nucl-th/

26 Microscopic LDM and Droplet Model Coefficients: PRC 73, 014309 (2006)

27 Collective potential V(q)
Universal nuclear energy density functional is yet to be developed Surface symmetry energy crucial Different deformabilities!

28 P.H. Heenen et al., Phys. Rev. C57, 1719 (1998)
Shell effects in metastable minima seem to be under control. Important data needed to fix the deformability of the NEDF: absolute energies of SD states absolute energies of HD states Advantages: large elongations weak mixing with ND structures

29 16O 13C7 13N6 The nucleus is a correlated open
quantum many-body system Environment: continuum of decay channels `Alignment’ of w.b. state with the decay channel 16O Thomas-Ehrmann effect 13C7 13N6 1943 2365 3502 1/2 3089 4946 3685 12C+n 12C+p 1/2 3/2 7162 6049 Spectra and matter distribution modified by the proximity of scattering continuum

30 Unique geometries of light nuclei due to the threshold effects
Exotic decay channels Miernik et al. (Warsaw-MSU-Tennessee)

31 Rigged Hilbert space formulation
N. Michel et al, PRL 89 (2002) R. Id Betan et al, PRL 89 (2002) N. Michel et al, PRC 70 (2004) G. Hagen et al, PRC 71 (2005) One-body basis J. Rotureau et al., DMRG Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, (2006) bound, anti-bound, and resonance states non-resonant continuum Michel et al.: Virtual states not included explicitly in the GSM basis Phys. Rev. C 74, (2006)

32 N. Michel et al. PRC 75, 0311301(R) (2007) 5He+n 6He 6He+n 7He
WS potential depth decreased to bind 7He. Monopole SGI strength varied 5He+n He Overlap integral, basis independent! 6He+n He Anomalies appear at calculated thresholds (many-body S-matrix unitary) Scattering continuum essential

33 Homework Density dependence (insights from EFT) Momentum dependence of effective mass Pairing term (induced and direct) How to incorporate dynamics directly into the functional? GCM, QRPA, VAP, CSE first…

34 Superheavy Elements in Nuclear DFT
long-lived SHE

35 What is the next magic nucleus beyond 208Pb?

36 Crazy topologies of superheavy nuclei due to the Coulomb frustration

37 rods Self-consistent calculations confirm the fact that the “pasta phase” might have a rather complex structure, various shapes can coexist, at the same time significant lattice distortions are likely and the neutron star crust could be on the verge of a disordered phase. Liquid crystal structure? deformed nuclei Skyrme HF with SLy4, Magierski and Heenen, Phys. Rev. C 65, (2002)

38 Early 2003 Idea behind RIATG conceived
November 2003 First RIATG meeting, Tucson November 2003 NSAC Theory Report March 2004 RIATG Charter approved October 2004 Second RIATG meeting, Chicago September 2005 Blue Book finalized September 2005 Third RIATG meeting, Detroit July 2006 JUSTIPEN launched Nov 2006 UNDEF SciDAC-2 funded (DOE and NNSA) Dec 2006 INCITE award (DOE/SC; 5M processor hours) Jan 2007 RISAC NRC/NAS report endorses FRIB May 2007 NSAC LRP endorses FRIB and theory effort

39 Thank You Conclusions CSM and DFT DFT
A comprehensive description of nuclei and their reactions is coming Exotic nuclei are essential in this quest: they provide missing links Bridging theoretical approaches Bridging ab-initio and SM (effective interactions) Ab initio and DFT (nuclear matter, density dependence) EFT, RGT and DFT (effective operators) Fermionic and Bosonic (algebraic) Bridging structure with reactions (in both directions) Bridging finite with bulk CSM and DFT DFT Thank You


41 Example: Threshold anomaly
E.P. Wigner, Phys. Rev. 73, 1002 (1948), the Wigner cusp G. Breit, Phys. Rev. 107, 923 (1957) A.I. Baz’, JETP 33, 923 (1957) R.G. Newton, Phys. Rev. 114, 1611 (1959). A.I. Baz', Ya.B. Zel'dovich, and A.M. Perelomov, Scattering Reactions and Decay in Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics, Nauka 1966 A.M. Lane, Phys. Lett. 32B, 159 (1970) S.N. Abramovich, B.Ya. Guzhovskii, and L.M. Lazarev, Part. and Nucl. 23, 305 (1992). The threshold is a branching point. The threshold effects originate in conservation of the flux. If a new channel opens, a redistribution of the flux in other open channels appears, i.e. a modification of their reaction cross-sections. The shape of the cusp depends strongly on the orbital angular momentum. a+X a1+X1 at Q1 a2+X2 at Q2 an+Xn at Qn Y(b,a)X X(a,b)Y a+X

42 Threshold anomaly (cont.)
Studied experimentally and theoretically in various areas of physics: pion-nucleus scattering R.K. Adair, Phys. Rev. 111, 632 (1958) A. Starostin et al., Phys. Rev. C 72, (2005) electron-molecule scattering W. Domcke, J. Phys. B 14, 4889 (1981) electron-atom scattering K.F. Scheibner et al., Phys. Rev. A 35, 4869 (1987) ultracold atom-diatom scattering R.C. Forrey et al., Phys. Rev. A 58, R2645 (1998) Low-energy nuclear physics charge-exchange reactions neutron elastic scattering deuteron stripping The presence of cusp anomaly could provide structural information about reaction products. This is of particular interest for neutron-rich nuclei

43 Coupling between analog states
in (d,p) and (d,n) C.F. Moore et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 17, 926 (1966)

44 C.F. Moore et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 17, 926 (1966)

45 Density dependence

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