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Jim Martin, Kendra Williams-Diehm, & Amber McConnell

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1 Jim Martin, Kendra Williams-Diehm, & Amber McConnell
Evolution of a Graduate Degree Program: Combining Transition and ABA to Better Student Post-School Outcomes Jim Martin, Kendra Williams-Diehm, & Amber McConnell

2 Agenda Oklahoma Problems
Initial Sooner Scholar and Transition Scholar OSEP Programs and Results Second Round of Doctoral and Master Transition Oriented OSEP Funded Programs and Results So Far

3 Problems In Oklahoma and SW US

4 Implementation and Capacity Issues
 Poor Transition Implementation in State and SW US  Very Low Indicator-13 Scores When Files Actually Examined  In-Service Educators and Administrators Know Little to Nothing About Transition and Effective Transition Education Practices  Only one SPED Teacher Prep. Program Included a Transition Course in the Required Sequence of Courses

5 National Perspective  Majority of educators do not know how to effectively implement transition requirements (Blalock et al., 2003) Promotion of transition and self-determination is linked to successful post-school outcomes Only 35% of the top-rated special education programs require a stand-along course in transition education for teaching licensure (Williams-Diehm, Rowe, Johnson, in press)

6 Predictors of Becoming a Professor
 Being full-time doctoral student is a strong predictor of doctoral graduates becoming higher ed professors PROBLEM: Over 95% of OU doctoral students attended part-time and none focused on transition  Receiving support and mentoring  PROBLEM: Very few to no OU doc students received stipend and tuition/fee waiver support Doctoral Issues

7  Pay so low teachers have no discretionary funds left to obtain a master's degree.
Low pay makes paying back student loans very difficult  NO transition education sequence existed in the program  NO model transition programs for students to observe Master Degree Issues

8  Solution One  Most doctoral graduates stay in state or other close states  Create doctoral transition specialty track  Students Learn and Research Transition Education Students Learn to Teach Transition Education Concepts and Practices  Solution Obtain OSEP Doctoral Leadership Grant focusing on transition. Had to do this first to establish core of leaders.

9  Solution Two  Need special educators who make transition education practice a priority  Need instructional transition education Leaders at state and district offices (OSDE, Rehab, and Districts)  Need a means to cover master students' tuition and fees and incidental expenses  Solution: Obtain OSEP Personnel Prep Grant

10 Sooner Scholars: Preparing Doctoral Students Who Are Native American, Hispanic, and African American for Higher Education Positions with an Emphasis on Transition, Self- Determination, and Applied Research 2012 – 2016 Secondary Transition Education Scholars – Master’s Degree Leadership Grant Thanks to U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs

11 Sooner Scholars - Doctoral (2006 - 2010)
Components Full-tuition and fees  Meaningful stipend  Conference expenses  Offices and support at the OU ZC  Focus on Transition Education Benefits  Created Transition Sequence  Focused energy on transition programming and research  Other students came to study full-time

12 Sooner Scholar Results
 11 Admitted  7 initially & 4 later  7 obtained Ph.D and completed transition focused dissertations  4 went into higher education  2 went into public education (state or district) 1 became private publishing company researcher Collateral Benefits  4 additional students joined "cohort"  All 4 obtained Ph.D and did transition dissertations  2 went into higher ed 1 went into district research office 1 went into private sped research agency

13 Sooner Scholar Capacity Building Results
Sooner Scholars (Doctoral) Became  OU Transition Researcher and Instructor  OU Health Sciences Center Professor Focusing On Transition  Professor Established New Required Transition Course  Professor and Department Chair  District Transition Specialist 

14 Transition Education Master Degree Scholar Outcomes 2012 - 2016
 5 annual cohorts of 8 to 9 students (43 total) Target: 40 graduates, 39 finished   4 did not complete for various reasons: 39 will finish  7 became OU doctoral students studying transition Collateral Benefits  Created Graduate Transition Education Certificate  Created Master Degree Specialty Area in Transition  None funded students enrolled  Several Transition Scholars became doctoral students

15 Transition Capacity Building Results
Transition Scholars Became  OSDE Transition Coordinator  Rehab Transition Coordinator  District Transition Coordinators  District Secondary SPED Supervisor  District Transition Specialist in Instructional Roles

16 Continued Problems In Implementing Transition in Oklahoma and SW US

17 Summary of Issues OSEP Dinged Oklahoma for Classroom Management Issues
 Lack of Specific Instruction of Critical Transition Skills by Previous Graduates  Too Many Sooner Scholar Doctoral Graduates Did NOT Go Into Higher Education Lack of transition education capacity at initial and graduate levels Still insufficient knowledge about transition at school and university levels

18 SOLUTION Continue and Expand Emphasis Area to Transition and ABA
Secondary ABA Transition Education Scholars (2016 – 2021): Preparing Master-Level Graduates to Serve Secondary Students with Disabilities through Applied Behavior Analysis #H325K150210  Doctoral ABA Transition Scholars (2016 – 2021): Preparing Doctoral Students to Become Higher Education Professors with a Focus on Behavior Analysis and Secondary Transition Education #H325D150083  SOLUTION Continue and Expand Emphasis Area to Transition and ABA

19 Why ABA? ABA provides an effective and evidence-based practice for teaching students with disabilities (Reichow & Volkmar, ). 

20 Prepare 40 master-level students over 5 years knowledgeable in both secondary transition education and applied behavior analysis Become transition leaders and specialists with BCBA Infuse ABA principles into transition education Masters Purpose

21 Masters Program 36-hour program
 Fellowship of $18,00 to cover majority of costs associated with a graduate degree  $1,500 per year for conference travel All must attend annual DCDT Conference

22 ABA Sequence (4TH Task List)
EDSP 5143    ABA in School Settings EDSP 6023    Single Case Research Design EDSP 5243    Applied Behavior Analysis II EDSP 5343    Applied Behavior Analysis III EDSP 5443    Ethical & Professional Conduct EDSP 5013 Instructional Strategies

23 Transition Sequence EDSP 5093 Transition & Self-Determination
EDSP 5193     Postsecondary Education and Employment EDSP 5293     Transition-Based Assessment S WK 5293     Direct Practice with Diverse Student, Disabilities, & Transition EDSP 5393     Transition Practicum

24 M.Ed. Special Education Sequence
 EDSP 5163    Collaboration, Accommodations, & Modification  EDSP 5013    Special Education Instructional Methods & Programs

25 Unanticipated Issues with Master Transition ABA Scholars
Many more applicants than anticipated Cohort 1: Total of 9 admitted out appx 50 who applied Cohort 2: Total of 9 admitted from 40 completed applications Initially OUHSC Tolbert Center would provide BCBA Supervision  Cut to severe state budget problems Transition ABA Scholars now must find and pay for own BCBA supervision BCBA rules keep changing – causes course and instructor changes

26 Become college professors
Prepare 6 doctoral-level students over 5 years knowledgeable in both secondary transition education and applied behavior analysis Become college professors Infuse ABA principles into transition education Doctoral Purpose

27 Doctoral Program 6 Scholars receive $28,000 annually for living expenses Dean supports 1 more Tuition and Fee waivers $1,500 travel funds per year

28 Doctoral Program Learn and apply college teaching strategies
Develop a line of research combing ABA and Transition Adhere to an Advisory Conference Report and Residency Plan

29 Develop a Sense of Belonging
All scholars have a desk at the ZC Center Transition Scholars are provided a desk, phone, Internet, computer, software, access to office supplies, and a network printer and copier

30 OU Zarrow Center Zarrow Center participation facilitates peer bonding and allows frequent contact with project key personnel.

31 Doctoral Courses Core Doctoral Courses Research Methods
Professional Seminar Developing Critical Thinking Skills (Research Methods) Grant Writing SPED Law Transition Seminars  Diversity in Transition Effective Transition Strategies Dissertation Research Methods Quant 1 & II Qualitative Research Methods I & II Mixed Methods Research Multivariate Statistics

32 Doctoral Courses Transition Sequence Transition & Self- Determination
Postsecondary Education and Employment Transition-Based Assessment Transition Practicum ABA Sequence  ABA I, II, and III Single Case Research Ethics and Professional Conduct of Behavior Analysts SPED Instructional Methods or Teaching Techniques in a Functional Curriculum

33 Unanticipated Issues Many more applicants than expected
27 applicants for 6 positions BCBA supervision was to be provided by OUHSC, but severe state budget cuts made this impossible Sooner Scholars now pay for supervision out of stipend or with student loans – OUCH!!! Lack of ABA experiences in secondary transition programs or with secondary aged students Lack of opportunity to teach students needed non- academic transition skills

34 Let’s Hear from the Scholars
1rwjk1ahgeh/McConnell.ABA.Tr ansition.Scholars.V.2.mp4?dl=0

35 First Year Accomplishments
Beyond completing coursework

36 TAGG-A content and item creation
DCDT Publications Website and Meetings Assistance CEC Student Committee

37 National and State Presentations
NTACT and OTI Facilitation Co-teaching Classes Assisted in IES Grant Writing

38 Submitted manuscripts for publication
Co-Wrote Book Chapters Co-Wrote Curriculum Package Led State Training for Teachers

39 Supervised Practicum Untaken National Survey Research Projects

40 Contact Information Jim Martin Kendra Williams-Diehm Amber McConnell Phone: (405) Website:

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