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Internet Safety.

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1 Internet Safety

2 Do You use the Internet? What types of things do you do when you are on the Internet? What is Internet Safety? - protecting yourself against others. - protecting your computer from viruses. What else might it include?

3 Personal Information Have you ever given information about yourself on the Internet to someone you do not know? Why should you not give out personal information? Do you know how a person can find you by the information you give on the Internet? Never give out your password to anyone.

4 Computer Viruses What is a computer virus?
Have you ever heard of anyone getting a virus on their computer?

5 Definition of A Computer Virus
Computer virus - is a small piece of software that piggybacks on real programs. For example, a virus might attach itself to a program such as Microsoft Word. Each time the word program runs, the virus runs too, and it has the chance to reproduce and attach itself to other programs or create problems within the computer system.

6 Preventing Viruses What might be the best way to prevent a computer virus? Don’t download information from source that you do not know. Use a virus program such as McVfee or Norton. If you do not have a virus program and you send your infected Word document to someone then his or her computer becomes infected too. If your computer does not have a virus program then you should never download information from people you do not know or trust

7 Who is Watching You? The police can monitor the Internet.
They can find out where certain information came from and track the source. How do they do this? Every Internet connection has an address, which is similar to your mailing address.

8 Be Friendly You should always be nice to the people you chat with on the Internet. Report to your parents or teacher anyone who sends you s or messages that make you feel uncomfortable.

9 Practice Internet Safety
Log on to your computer and visit the “Fun Links” on Mr. Gibbons’ Weebly site.

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