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Andrew Bazemore, MD, MPH Director, Robert Graham Center

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1 Integrating Social Determinants of Health Into Clinical Care Data, Research and Care Delivery
Andrew Bazemore, MD, MPH Director, Robert Graham Center Visit with University of Utah March 2016


3 In an average month: New Ecology of Medical Care – 2000, NEJM
1000 people 800 have symptoms 327 consider seeking medical care 217 physician’s office 113 primary care 65 CAM provider 21 hospital clinic 14 home health 13 emergency 8 hospital <1 academic health center hospital New Ecology of Medical Care – 2000, NEJM

4 Our future must be team-based, and integrated with Public, Community and Behavioral Health

5 Large Implications for the effective Care of Complex Chronic Disease, which already principally occurs in PC

6 RGC has a longstanding interest in contextualizing health using GIS
RGC has a longstanding interest in contextualizing health using GIS And in linking clinical and population health data Street Addresses Streets/Rivers/Land Features Hospital/Medical Center/ Clinics Zip Codes/Counties Spatial Analysis – ( times) Service Demand/Provider Density

7 …in effective data visualization…

8 Or combining multisource geospatial data to create an index of Social Deprivation and allow the better targeting of resources

9 Or in informing effective resource allocation to support the U. S
Or in informing effective resource allocation to support the U.S. Primary Care‘Safety Net’

10 What % of Low-Income population remains unserved?

11 … or visualizing social accountability in Medical Education


13 Quantum Shift to Population Based Health Care
Or in helping Australia Understand its Primary Health Care Reform & the Quantum Shift to Population Based Health Care

14 Practice level Medicaid Data + Costs + Dz Prevalence + SDH


16 Can geographically-directed prevention change outcomes?

17 …in support of local primary care development & advocacy Why should we support you? So many of your patients come from outside of DC” (DC City Council) Unity Service Area (2007) N= 77,400 (Service Area Threshold 70%)

18 “Why have 2 sites in the same neighborhood
“Why have 2 sites in the same neighborhood?” (Washington DC City Council) Hunt Place HC Service Area (2006) East of the River HC Service Area (2006)



21 …in their use for improvement of community health

22 and in the provision of Primary Health Care in a Community Context (Community Oriented Primary Care)
Drs. Sidney and Emily Kark early 1940s Developed COPC into a model of community engagement for improving health South Africa, Australia, Israel….the US


24 Other Pioneers Farley and Froom Curtis Hames Weed and Schultz

25 Contemporary Context

26 IOM Report: Social Determinants

27 Using Secondary Data instead of Patient Report?

28 Making sense of a tsunami of data

29 Opportunities in an age of Big Data & Geographic Information Systems
Street Addresses Streets/Rivers/Land Features Hospital/Medical Center/ Clinics Zip Codes/Counties Spatial Analysis – ( times) Service Demand/Provider Density

30 Our Approach



33 Our Approach

34 Community-level SDH domain
Example Indicators Data Source Built Environment Population density American Community Survey U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns U.S. Census Bureau, ZIP Code Business Patterns Environmental Exposures Percent of population potentially exposed to water exceeding a violation limit during the past year Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, Environmental Protection Agency Safe Drinking Water Information System, Environmental Protection Agency Neighborhood Economic Conditions Overall percentile ranking for the Centers for Disease Control Social Vulnerability Index Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) -Neighborhood Stabilization Program, US Department of Housing & Urban Development Neighborhood Race/Ethnic Composition Count and percent by race

35 Community-level SDH domain
Example Indicators Data Source Neighborhood Resources Urban Classification Code -Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, Environmental Protection Agency -Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns -U.S. Census Bureau, ZIP Code Business Patterns -U.S. Census Bureau; USDA Food Access Research Atlas -USDA Food Access Research Atlas -USDA Food Atlas -USDA, ERS Neighborhood Socioeconomic Composition Median household income American Community Survey Social Deprivation Index A composite measure of social deprivation

36 Social Depreivation

37 Population Health Assessment
SDH Library Geocoding API ACHIEVER Proposal (RGC/OCHIN) PRAPARE TOOL Analytic Tools Patient Reported SDH Community SDH Clinical Outcomes CLINCH-IT Outreach Population Health Assessment Point of Care Clinical Payment Policies/Risk Adjustment Referrals/Clinical Action

38 What is next? Working with OCHIN EHR vendors to embed this into one or more EHR interfaces Using PCORnet to study SDH as a modifier Grantwriting/studies to better understand use of integrated data

39 Summary Social determinants of health significantly impact morbidity and mortality; however, physicians lack ready access to this information “Community vital signs” can provide an aggregated overview of the social and environmental factors impacting patient health To inform clinical recommendations for individual patients, To facilitate referrals to community services, To expand understanding of factors impacting treatment adherence and health outcomes. To help care teams target disease prevention initiatives and other health improvement efforts for clinic panels and populations.

40 Summary Advances in big data, geospatial technologies, and democratization of data make integrating Community VS into practice data, enterprise research data, and practice-level decisionmaking The science guiding the use of SDH in practice and patient-level decisionmaking is scarce. We must build the tools and the science simultaneously

41 Who We Are: A Family of Primary Care Scholars
Questions? 115 Larry A. Green Visiting Scholars 12 Robert L. Phillips Policy Fellows Dr. Laura Makaroff, now a Medical Officer for HRSA Bureau of Primary Care

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