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Mid-Term Review Meeting

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1 Mid-Term Review Meeting
ESR Dmytro Iurashev Supervisors: Ing. Federico Daccà, Prof. Alessandro Bottaro Keele

2 M.Sc. in Heat and Power Engineering
Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine Keele

3 3.7 Numerical and analytical study of combustion instabilities in industrial gas turbine
In-house code including mean flow and nonlinear effects was developed and implemented in COMSOL environment Limit cycle. Prediction of the amplitude of pressure perturbations Simulations in time domain The main aim: To develop a simplified fast and precise tool able to predict combustion instabilities in industrial gas turbine burners Keele

4 Recent research results
1) Model works like a FILTER Harmonics Noise 2) Changing flow velocity Growth in the amplitude of the pressure fluctuations Decrease in the amplitude of the pressure fluctuations Saturation 3) It is possible to reach Limit Cycle using the proposed model Keele

5 Future investigations
Verification of the model with literature cases 2-D and 3-D models are to be discussed Add motion of the flame Interaction between entropy and acoustic waves Keele 5

6 Technical University of Munich
TANGO network Project themes Alessandra Keele University Alp Technical University of Munich Dmytro Ansaldo Energia Keele

7 TANGO Workshops attended
n3l Summer School and Workshop (June 2013) 1st Workshop on Communication and Outreach (September 2013) Workshop on Experimental Methods in Thermoacoustics (February 2014) Workshop on Aeroacoustics in Confined Flows of Low Mach Number (May 2014) Workshop on Gender Issues (May 2014) Keele

8 Training sessions at the University of Genoa
Continuum Mechanics Partial Differential Equations and Applications Advanced Fluid Dynamics Perturbation Methods Hydrodynamic Stability Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Turbulence OpenFOAM course Course on Soft Skills and Integration in Working Environments Keele

9 Conferences attended Publications
21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Beijing, China, July 2014, July 2014, Beijing, China. Publications D. Iurashev, A. Di Vita, E. Cosatto, G. Campa, F. Dacca` and A. Bottaro (2014) "A limit cycle for pressure oscillations in a gas turbine burner", Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 2014, Beijing, China. Keele

10 Secondment plans Technical University of Munich
October – December 2014 Topic: Verification of my model and extension to include flame movement. Keele

11 Career plans I would like to continue working in thermoacoustics either at research institute or in industry, trying to understand the relevant physical mechanisms and devising methods to control thermo-acoustic instabilities in industrial gas turbines. Keele

12 Thank you for your attention!
Keele 12

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