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Ghana For traders to make it to the Western coast they had to pass through Ghana Built a huge Army, may have had 200,000 troops Controlled the SALT and.

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Presentation on theme: "Ghana For traders to make it to the Western coast they had to pass through Ghana Built a huge Army, may have had 200,000 troops Controlled the SALT and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ghana For traders to make it to the Western coast they had to pass through Ghana Built a huge Army, may have had 200,000 troops Controlled the SALT and GOLD that people wanted

2 MALI Took control of the SALT and GOLD trade after the fall of the Ghana Empire Rules an empire for about 100 years

3 Songhai 1468 the Songhai capture Timbuktu
Used the Niger River to maintain control of their empire This empire included parts of the former empires of Mali and Ghana

4 Reminders Reports Cards due by Wednesday, April 2nd
Social Studies Grade Reports due by Wednesday, April 2nd Test Corrections due by Wednesday, April 2nd

5 Homework 03-31-2014 Test Corrections due Wednesday, April 2nd
Finish Activities #2, 3, and 4 in your booklets

6 6.4.1 Compare the major contributions of the African civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, including the impact of Islam on the cultures of these kingdoms. 6-4.2 Describe the influence of geography on trade in the African kingdoms, including the salt and gold trades.

7 Objective The students will be able to identify the major features of the Songhai, Mali, and Ghana empires, using concept maps and a teacher created chart.

8 AFRICAN RELIGIONS In most of north Africa the people practice ISLAM. The empires of Ghana Mali, and Songhai all practiced ISLAM. In southern Africa people practice mostly CHRISTIANITY

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