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Deformation and Mountain Building

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Presentation on theme: "Deformation and Mountain Building"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deformation and Mountain Building
(Brittle - ductile; stress and strain; faults and folds)

2 Brittle and ductile deformation

3 Stress (force/area) and strain
Extension Stretching Types of stress Compression Shortening

4 Shear stress and strain

5 Dip and Strike

6 Dip-slip Fault

7 Dip slip faults Compression Shortening Extension Stretching

8 Reverse fault Dip-slip faults (Compression) Normal fault Thrust fault

9 Thrust fault

10 Horst and Graben

11 Strike-slip faults and the bicycle rule

12 Oblique-slip faults

13 Thrust faults, Detachment fault and Mountain Building

14 Transform Fault San Andreas Fault North America Plate Pacific Plate

15 Folding

16 Syncline

17 Syncline

18 Folding Anticline

19 Anticline, syncline and monocline

20 Plunging and non-plunging folds

21 Plunging Anticline

22 Plunging Anticline Plunging Syncline

23 Folds and map patterns

24 Folds and map patterns Sandstone 1 Sandstone 2 Sandstone 1 Sandstone 2
28 28 29 29 Sandstone 1 Sandstone 2

25 Dome and basin formation – intersecting folds

26 Domes and basins Dome Basin Dome

27 Isostasy and Mountain building

28 Folding, faulting and mountain building

29 Mountain Building

30 Subduction and Mountain building

31 Continent-continent collision and Mountain building

32 Rift Mountains

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