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Religious Inputs/Outputs

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Presentation on theme: "Religious Inputs/Outputs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religious Inputs/Outputs
MDMP Steps Receipt of mission Mission Analysis Course of Action (COA) Development COA Analysis (War Game) COA Comparison COA Approval Orders Production, Dissemination and Transition Outputs Commander’s initial guidance Initial allocation of time Problem and mission statements Initial CDR intent Initial planning guidance Updated IBP/Running estimates Assumptions Courses of Action (COA) Refined COAs Potential decision points War-game results Initial assessment measures Update assumption Approved COA Adv/Disadvantages of each COA COA Selection Update running estimates Update assumptions Consider throughout analysis/war gaming Consider consequences of each COA Consider during COA development Religious Inputs/Outputs Gather/Research /Assess/ RS capability requirements for RS concept of support development for (new) mission (Provide/Advise) Determine RS internal and external advisement requirements (Advise) Continue RS for current mission (Provide/Advise) Determine and Develop Religious support requirements for each COA for RS concept of support development (Provide/Advise) Religious impact on operations (Assess religious factors) COA Religious Considerations Allies/Others Religious acceptability – Allies/population Analyze RS requirements for development of RS concept of support (Provide/Advise) Religious Feasibility Religious Acceptability Religious Suitability Compare Religious requirements for RS concept of support for each COA/by phase (Provide/Advise) Religious Factors Impact on each COA/by phase (Advise) Update running estimate Execute/Assess Develop/Execute RS concept of support (Provide/ Advise) Communicate plan to higher/subordinates and supervise subordinate RS planning/execution (Provide/ Advise) Assess for next planning cycle and update running estimate (Provide and Advise) (Provide/Advise) (Advise) Decision making in the military As complex as the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) is, religion must now be included in the process. The inclusion of religious factors in Mission Analysis provides a more robust picture of the situation and can allow for a more comprehensive plan of action. While there are situations in which cultural factors may not be applicable or appropriate for mission accomplishment, they will provide a more comprehensive understanding of possible reactions of the populace and allow for additional planning to compensate for those reactions. Religious information should be viewed as a tool, rather than a hindrance.

2 Step 1 Receipt of Mission
MDMP Inputs MDMP Outputs Step 1 Higher headquarters’ plan or a new mission anticipated by the commander Alert the staff and key participants Gather Tools Conduct Initial Assessment Step 1 Receipt of Mission Commander’s initial guidance Initial allocation of time Issue Warning Order Warning Order #1 Initial Warning Order: Includes at a minimum the type of operation, general location of the operation, the initial timeline, and any movement or reconnaissance necessary Targeting Blank Targeting Support Matrix (TSM) Blank asset chart Blank AGM, HPTL, & TSS chart Problem Statement – a concise statement of the issue or issues requiring resolution The mission statement contains the elements of who, what, when, where, and why, but seldom specifies how. Commander’s intent - Expanded purpose, key tasks, and end state. IPB Determine available assets by WfF.

3 MDMP Inputs MDMP Outputs Step 2
Mission Analysis Briefing format (proposed): Mission and commander‘s intent of the headquarters two levels up. Mission, commander‘s intent, and concept of operations of the headquarters one level up. A proposed problem statement. A proposed mission statement. Review of the commander‘s initial guidance. Initial IPB products, including civil considerations that impact the conduct of operations. Specified, implied, and essential tasks. Pertinent facts and assumptions. Constraints. Forces available and resource shortfalls. Initial risk assessment. Proposed information themes and messages. Proposed CCIRs and EEFIs. Initial ISR plan. Recommended timeline. Recommended collaborative planning sessions Higher headquarters’ plan or order Higher headquarters’ knowledge and intelligence products Knowledge products from other organizations Develop proposed Problem Statement Develop a proposed mission statement Develop initial commander’s intent Develop initial planning guidance Update running estimates Determine specified, implied, and essential tasks Review available assets Determine constraints Design Concept (if developed) Perform Initial IPB Identify critical facts and develop assumptions Develop initial CCIRs and EEFIs Develop initial R&S synchronization tools Develop R&S plan Update plan for use of available time Develop initial themes and messages Begin composite risk management 4 Steps of IPB Define the operational environment. Describe the effects of the operational environment. Evaluate the threat. Determine threat courses of action. Step 2 Mission Analysis MDMP Outputs Approved Problem Statement Approved Mission Statement Issue initial commander's intent Issue initial planning guidance Issue initial CCIRs and EEFIs Updated IPB and running estimates Updated assumptions Conduct mission Analysis Brief Issue initial themes and messages Resource shortfalls Issue updated operational timeline Issue Publish updated operational timeline Develop COA evaluation criteria Present the mission analysis briefing Targeting • Perform target value analysis to develop fire support (including cyber/electromagnetic and inform/influence activities) high- value targets. • Provide fire support, inform/influence, and cyber/electromagnetic activities input to the commander’s targeting guidance and desired effects. Issue Warning Order Warning Order #2 Approved mission statement Commander’s intent Changes to task organization Unit AO (sketch, overlay, some other description) CCIRs and EEFIs Risk guidance Priorities of war fighting functions Military deception guidance Essential stability tasks Specific priorities Targeting Develop High Payoff Target List Develop Named Areas of Interests (NAIs) Develop TSS / AGM

4 Religious Inputs/Outputs
Gather/Research /Assess/ RS capability requirements for RS concept of support development for (new) mission (Provide/Advise) Determine RS internal and external advisement requirements (Advise) Continue RS for current mission (Provide/Advise)

5 MDMP Inputs MDMP Outputs Step 3 Step 3 Course of Action (COA)
Development Access relative combat power Approved problem statement Approve mission statement Initial commander’s intent, planning guidance, CCIRs, and EEFIs Updated IPB and running estimates Facts and Assumptions COA Briefing format: An updated IPB. Possible enemy COAs. The approved problem statement and mission statement. The commander‘s and higher commander‘s intent. COA statements and sketches, including lines of effort if used. The rationale for each COA, including— Considerations that might affect enemy COAs. Critical events for each COA. Deductions resulting from the relative combat power analysis. The reason units are arrayed as shown on the sketch. The reason the staff used the selected control measures. The impact on civilians. How the COA accounts for essential stability tasks / LOE. Updated facts and assumptions. Refined COA evaluation criteria. COA Statements and sketches - Tentative task organizations - Broad concept of the operations Generate options Identify resource shortfalls Updated Facts and Assumptions Updated IPB and running estimates Revised planning guidance Conduct COA briefing Select or modify COAs for continued analysis Targeting • Designate potential high-payoff targets. • Deconflict and coordinate potential high payoff targets. • Develop high-payoff target list. • Establish target selection standards. • Develop attack guidance matrix. • Develop fire support and cyber/electromagnetic activities tasks. • Develop associated measures of performance and measures of effectiveness. Receive HPTL The COA decision briefing includes: The commander‘s intent of the higher and next higher commanders. The status of the force and its components. The current IPB. The COAs considered, including— Assumptions used. Results of running estimates. A summary of the war game for each COA, including critical events, modifications to any COA, and war-game results. Advantages and disadvantages (including risk) of each COA. The recommended COA. If a significant disagreement exists, then the staff should inform the commander and, if necessary, discuss the disagreement.

6 Religious Inputs/Outputs
Determine and Develop Religious support requirements for each COA for RS concept of support development (Provide/Advise) Religious impact on operations (Assess religious factors) COA Religious Considerations Allies/Others Religious acceptability – Allies/population

7 MDMP Inputs MDMP Outputs Step 4 Step 4 COA Analysis (War Game)
Updated running estimates Revised planning guidance COA Statement and sketch Updated Facts and Assumptions Refined COAs Potential Decision Points War gaming results Initial assessment measures Updated assumptions War-game briefing format includes the following: Higher HQ‘s mission, commander‘s intent, and military deception plan. Updated IPB. Friendly and enemy COAs that were war-gamed, including— Critical events. Possible enemy actions and reactions. Possible impact on civilians. Possible media impacts. Modifications to the COAs. Strengths and weaknesses. Results of the war game. Assumptions. War-gaming technique used. Targeting Targeting Provide hard copy of TSM, HPTL, AGM, and TSS (part of order requirements) Targeting Finish TSM with input from all WfF Refine AGM and TSS Develop targeting FSCM

8 Religious Inputs/Outputs
Analyze RS requirements for development of RS concept of support (Provide/Advise) Religious Feasibility Religious Acceptability Religious Suitability

9 MDMP Inputs MDMP Outputs Step 5 MDMP Inputs MDMP Outputs Step 6 Step 5
COA Comparison Updated Running Estimates Evaluate COAs Evaluation Criteria Recommended COA Updated assumptions Evaluated COAs Recommended COAs Updated running estimates Updated assumptions Refine TSM wit input from all WfF Refine AGM and TSSDevelop target list and FSCM MDMP Inputs MDMP Outputs Step 6 Commander-selected COA and any modifications Refined commander’s intent, CCIRs, EEFIs Updated assumptions Targeting Finalize the high-payoff target list. Finalize target selection standards. Finalize the attack guidance matrix. Finalize the targeting synchronization matrix. Finalize fire support tasks. Finalize associated measures of performance and measures of effectiveness. Submit information requirements to S-2. Step 6 COA Approval Updated Running Estimates Refined COAs Evaluation Criteria War-game result Issue Warning Order Warning Order #3 Mission Commander’s intent Updated CCIRs and EEFIs Concept of the operations The AO Principal tasks assigned to subordinate units Preparations and rehearsal instructions not included in the SOPs Final timeline for the operations. Refine TSM wit input from all WfF Refine AGM and TSS Develop target list and FSCM

10 Religious Inputs/Outputs
Compare Religious requirements for RS concept of support for each COA/by phase (Provide/Advise) Religious Factors Impact on each COA/by phase (Advise) Update running estimate

11 MDMP Inputs MDMP Outputs Step 7
Commander-selected COA with any modifications Refined commander’s intent, CCIRs, and EEFIs Updated assumptions Step 7 Orders Production Approved operations plan or order Plans and Orders Format (page 12-16) Base OPORD SITUATION MISSION EXECUTION SUSTAINMENT COMMAND & SIGNAL ANNEXES: A – Task Organization B – Intelligence C – Operations D – Fires E – Protection F – Sustainment G – Engineer H – Signal I – not used J – Inform and Influence Activities K – Civil Affairs Operations L – Reconnaissance and Surveillance M – Assessment N – Space Operations O – not used P – Host-Nation Support Q – spare R – Reports S – Special Technical Operations T , W, X, Y– spares U – Inspector General V – Interagency Coordination Z – Distribution

12 Religious Inputs/Outputs
Execute/Assess Develop/Execute RS concept of support (Provide/ Advise) Communicate plan to higher/subordinates and supervise subordinate RS planning/execution (Provide/ Advise) Assess for next planning cycle and update running estimate (Provide and Advise)

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