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Young Arthur Medieval Legend Retold by Robert D. San Souci

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1 Young Arthur Medieval Legend Retold by Robert D. San Souci
Prof. Jim Rush 8th Grade Literature October, 2017 / Trimester 3

2 Summary This excerpt from Young Arthur tells the legend of how the lost heir to Britain’s throne discovered his identity. Taken for safekeeping as a baby from his father, King Uther, Arthur grows up ignorant of his royal lineage. On a trip to London with his foster family, Arthur pulls an enchanted sword from a stone—an act possible only for the true king of Britain. His destiny revealed, young Arthur is hailed as king.

3 Always a Fan Robert D. San Souci born 1946 Meet the Author
One of the first books Robert D. San Souci ever read was a book about King Arthur, and he remembers being fascinated by dragons and knights. In addition to Young Arthur, San Souci has written three other books about the Arthurian legend: Young Guinevere, Young Lancelot, and Young Merlin. San Souci has also retold the tales and legends of groups ranging from the Alaska Natives to the native Australians.

4 Arthurian Legends and Merlin
Background to the Legend Pretenders and Kings The Arthur legends paint a vivid picture of the intrigues of medieval life. In the Middle Ages, a king’s oldest son was considered the heir to his father’s throne. When the enemies of a king wished to take over his kingdom, they might try to kill his son. Arthurian Legends and Merlin In the Arthur legends, a magician named Merlin plays an important role. Legends often include unreal or magical people and relate events that could never happen in real life. Some legends also contain magical objects that confer special powers or privileges on their bearers.

5 Characteristics of Legend
Find the characteristics of legends evident in the Merlin story. It is a very old story, possibly based in history, about an inspiring figure. Identify other legendary figures. In the 1100s, Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote about Merlin, Arthur’s adviser. This wise and beloved wizard may have been based on a figure in Welsh history. Robin Hood and Aladdin Why are these figures admired?

6 Identify Chronological Order
Lancelot was kidnapped as a baby by the Lady of the Lake. While serving King Arthur, he became known for his bravery. His son, Galahad, ultimately found the Holy Grail. Identify the words that show chronological order. 1 as a baby while 2 ultimately 3 Use chronological order and words such as later and next to summarize a movie.

7 Background: Knighthood and Chivalry
In medieval times, a knight (line 20) was a soldier who possessed weaponry and a horse—two signs that he had greater advantages than most people of his time. Often, a knight worked for a wealthy landowner. An aspiring knight might enter his master’s house as a child and become an apprentice, known as a page, while he trained for knighthood. Knights became associated with a code of values and ideals known as chivalry. These values included loyalty, courtesy, honor, and valor (bravery). Arthurian legend is one of the best-known sources of lore about knighthood and chivalry.

8 Cultural Connection: Modern-day Knights
Today, the sovereign of the United Kingdom bestows honorary knighthood as an award for outstanding achievement. Among the Americans who have received this honor from Queen Elizabeth are film director Steven Spielberg, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and former mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani. An honorary knight is entitled to use the letters KBE after his name, for “Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.”

9 Analyze Visuals: pg. 683 Examine the main character in this illustration. What kind of personality do you think he might have? The young man looks sensitive and thoughtful; his face seems to reveal feelings of concern. The young man looks cautious; his posture and facial expression suggest that he is not overly confident. The young man looks determined; he has positioned himself carefully to pull out the sword.

10 Read with a Purpose To help you set a purpose for reading as you read Young Arthur, think about the relationship between Kay and Arthur and how it affected each of them.

11 Revisit the Big Question Is there a job you were born to do?
In lines 5–7, what does Merlin say Arthur will do—and when does he say it? How do Merlin’s words support the idea of destiny? Even before Arthur was born, Merlin foretold that he would be a great king. The fact that Arthur’s future role could be known before he was born suggests that it is his destiny—what he was born to do.

12 List other reasons a person might feel that way.
Own the Word: melancholy (n.) sadness; depression Identify the reason for Uther’s melancholy. List other reasons a person might feel that way. failure in a major effort such as getting in to a certain college Queen Igerna’s death death of a loved one loss of a job

13 A: Chronological Order: Lines 1-13
What events have happened so far? Mark the events in order on your timeline. Merlin offers to take the baby for safekeeping. 4 Arthur’s mother dies. 3 Arthur is born 2 Uther says that Arthur will be a great king. 1

14 Own the Word: reclaim (v.) to get back; recover
The prefix re- means to do again, as in reprint or refurnish. Use reclaim in a sentence. She reclaimed her purse from the lost and found.

15 1. Targeted Passage: Lines 11-31
This passage explains the context for the legend: the wizard Merlin seeks to protect baby Arthur, heir to the throne. Why does Merlin bring baby Arthur to Sir Ector and his lady? (lines 11–19) Merlin brings Arthur to Sir Ector to protect him from the traitors because Sir Ector lives far from the danger, and they have lost a child. What does he tell them? (lines 16–17) Merlin told them the that the baby’s name was Arthur and nothing else. What happens to Uther? (lines 22–23) The traitors poisoned the well, and this killed U|ther and his men. Merlin was the only one that survived. What do the rebels want to do to Uther’s son? Why? (lines 30–31) They want to kill baby Arthur to end King Uther’s line.

16 Pair up and read the selection by alternating paragraphs.
Develop Reading Fluency Lines 11-36 To practice in reading for accuracy in both dialogue and description, demonstrate effective reading skills by reading the lines aloud. Voice the text by switching between dialogue and description smoothly. Practice Pair up and read the selection by alternating paragraphs. Correct Yourselves Partners should check for errors and provide insight.

17 grievous (adj.): painful; serious
Own the Words Lines 37-48 taskmaster (n.): a person who sets tasks for others to do flinching (n.): drawing back from difficulty or danger. From flinch v. grievous (adj.): painful; serious Note that taskmaster is a compound word which combines two smaller words. Give examples of a taskmaster. parents teachers supervisors If you’re going to be hit by something……… Antonyms for grievous are slight and minor. Use grievous and an antonym in a sentence. She suffered a grievous injury in the car accident, but his injuries were only slight.

18 Admirable or Undesirable
B: Characteristics of Legend 1 Which of the characters you’ve met so far represent admirable characteristics and which represent undesirable ones? Admirable or Undesirable 2 Discuss the actions of various characters, noting how they treat others. Actions 3 Identify words that describe their traits. Traits 4 Admirable—Merlin is wise and loyal. Undesirable—Kay is vain and jealous. Answer

19 upstart (adj.) suddenly risen to wealth or power
Own the Word: upstart Name an area of modern life in which an upstart might gain power or fame. upstart (adj.) suddenly risen to wealth or power music entertainment politics

20 Oral Fluency The letter w in each word is silent. In both words, sw is pronounced like s, as in sore. gh in light, p in psychology, t in listen, n in hymn, b in bomb. Notice the words broadsword in line 54 and sword in line 56. Note that many English spellings and pronunciations involve silent letters. Provide some examples of words that contain silent letters in the pronunciation.

21 A: Chronological Order: Lines 52-57 1
What phrase tells you when Merlin put the sword in the stone? 2 Mark the event on your timeline. 3 “One Christmas Eve……” (line 52)

22 Revisit the Big Question: Is there a job you were born to do?
Lines: 51-60 1 Answer 2 Destiny 3 Answer 4 What happens when the knights and other people try to pull the sword from the stone? The people cannot pull the sword from the stone. What does this suggest about the uniqueness of destiny? This suggests that personal destiny is unique; you cannot fulfil another person’s destiny, no matter how hard you try.

23 Own the Word: dismounted
1 2 3 4 Note that the prefix dis makes dismount the antonym of mount, just as in discomfort and discharge. dismounted (v.) to get down or off The cowboy dismounted his horse. Use dismount in a sentence.

24 2. Targeted Passage: Lines 52-82
Only the true king with a good heart, courage, and honesty may draw the sword. To go get Sir Kay’s sword and bring it back before Kay’s turn at the tournament. On the way home , he finds a sword in a stone and pulls it out to give to Sir Kay. Because it is Arthur’s destiny to be the true King of England. Only he can draw the sword. What test does Merlin create? (lines 54–57) What errand does Sir Ector send Arthur to do? (lines 69–70) How does Arthur complete it? (lines 71–80) Why is Arthur able to pull the sword from the stone? (lines 56–57) This passage presents a turning point: Merlin has put a sword in a stone that only the true heir (Arthur) can remove.

25 Why does Kay tell Arthur to get away?
D: Characteristics of Legend: Lines 83-85 Kay tells Arthur to get away because he wants people to think that he, Kay, is the rightful king of England, as written on the sword. Why does Kay tell Arthur to get away?

26 pommel (n.) a knob on the handle of a sword
Visual Vocabulary: Pommel pommel (n.) a knob on the handle of a sword

27 all eyes turned toward (line 113) brought ruin upon (line 97)
Vocabulary: Idioms and Sayings all eyes turned toward (line 113) brought ruin upon (line 97) Use the phrases to create original sentences: “caused trouble for” “everyone watched”

28 3. Targeted Passage: Lines 92-120
Why does Arthur ride away? (lines 92-94) Why does he return? (lines 95–100) What does Merlin tell Kay to do? (lines 109–110) How does Arthur prove his destiny? (lines 117–118) This passage presents the climax: Kay tries to pass himself off as the heir, but Arthur’s identity as the true heir is revealed. Arthur thought that he committed a crime, stole the sword of the king. He didn’t want Sir Kay to suffer for a crime that he committed, thinking that he must exhibit the true qualities of knight. Merlin tells Sir Kay to put the sword back in the stone and pull it out again. Arthur easily pulls the sword from the stone a second time, proving that he is the true King.

29 E: Characteristics of Legend: Lines 92-120
A legend is a story handed down from the past about a specific person, usually someone of heroic stature. What hero’s task does Arthur perform? Like an epic, a legend may also feature a hero’s task, a trial in which the hero is tested against another warrior or monster. Arthur pulls the sword from the stone, making him the rightful king.

30 1 2 3 4 Own the Word: homage Definition Example Practice Answer
In this case, homage is a visible display of deference. Create a sentence using both words correctly. He treated the leader with deference but didn’t think he needed to actually pay homage to him. homage (n.) a display of loyalty and respect

31 F: Chronological Order: Lines 121-126
After Sir Ector pays Arthur homage, who else does? Kay pays homage to Arthur; then many others in the crowd do the same. Mark the final events of the story on your timeline.

32 Selection Wrap-up 01 02 03 Read With a Purpose: Answer: Critique:
How did reading about Kay and Arthur’s relationship help you understand what each boy is like? 01 Answer: Kay appears jealous of Arthur; Arthur remains true to Kay even though he was not always treated kindly. 02 Critique: Does it make the story better to have Arthur take the sword out of the stone without being aware of its significance? Explain. 03

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