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Water-base Activities ..Surfing..

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1 Water-base Activities ..Surfing..
Kamonwan Kathipotjananun Tourism & Hospitality

2 Surfing Surfing is the act of riding down a breaking wave, gathering speed from the downward and forward movement. Most commonly, the term is used for a surface water sport in which the person surfing moves along the face of a breaking ocean wave.

3 Two major subdivisions within contemporary stand-up surfing are longboarding and shortboarding, reflecting differences in surfboard design and riding style.

4 Learning to surf The best way to learn how to surf is by taking lessons with an experienced instructor. They can teach you all the techniques as well as how to look after yourself in the water. 

5 The best way is to begin in the so-called "smooth waters" (without waves) and by learning the basic board-controlling techniques: row, course, turns and sitting, among others.  Although surfing certainly requires good physical condition and a sense of balance, both can be developed with practice.

6 The equipment for surfing consists of: -Board -Sealed water suit -fins

7 Dangers Drowning - People drown at ocean beach every year
Dangers Drowning - People drown at ocean beach every year. Mostly it's folks who are inexperienced with the ocean and not wearing a wetsuit. At some places it's easy to underestimate the strength of the whitewash, the wave, and the current.

8 Sandbars, Rocks, Reef - Another danger of surfing is anything your body can impact other than water, like a reef, sandbars, or rocks

9 Safety -You need to be a good swimmer
Safety -You need to be a good swimmer. -Take lessons from a qualified instructor. -Use a bounding strap with the surf board. -Surf only on beaches without rocks at the bottom. -Choose a beach where the waves form and break -Avoid riding a wave beyond your skills.

10 1 day surfing : $95 2-Day Surfing : $170
Cost of surfing 1 day surfing : $95 2-Day Surfing : $170

11 Thank you for your attention.

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