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The effects of initial interview quality, and subsequent witness performance Alessandra Caso ( Professor Fiona Gabbert Dr. Gordon Wright.

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Presentation on theme: "The effects of initial interview quality, and subsequent witness performance Alessandra Caso ( Professor Fiona Gabbert Dr. Gordon Wright."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effects of initial interview quality, and subsequent witness performance
Alessandra Caso Professor Fiona Gabbert Dr. Gordon Wright

2 Overview Repeated interviews and memory
Why is it important, and what research focuses on this topic Study How I explored repeated interviews in an experimental but ecologically-valid situation Results At the first and second recall Conclusions

3 Repeated interviews Interviewing the same witness more then once is not unusual: Emergency call First account Investigative interview We want the witness to retrieve the event exactly as they remember it. We want to avoid inconsistencies often used to discredit a witness’s credibility

4 Memory in repeated interview
Memory video recorder Memory for an event retrieved on two different occasions won’t be the same each time. Inconsistencies in memory reported in repeated recall: Reminiscence (e.g., Odinot et al., 2013) Instructions at first recall (e.g., Dudukovic et al.,2004) Type of memory test at first recall ( e.g., Chan et al., 2009; Hope et al., 2014)

5 Research questions What is the impact of different types of initial interview on: The amount of information reported subsequently? The accuracy of information reported subsequently? The confidence people have in their memory for what they have seen?

6 Method Sample: 59 participants (18 – 60, mean age = 21 years) Procedure: First recall

7 Method Sample: 59 participants (18 – 60, mean age = 21 years) Procedure: First recall

8 Best practice (PEACE) interview
Ideal interview based on the PEACE guidelines , featuring - Rapport-building Clear instruction and information Three prompts: location, actions and person description Three follow up questions: Tell/ Explain/ Describe questions Interviewee’s own words as prompts Witness-led probing of topics Appropriate structure Closure

9 Baseline interview An interview representative of typical errors and deviations from PEACE guidelines Absence of rapport-building (used by 2/10) Basic instructions (used by 1/10) Three prompts: location, actions and person description 1 or 2 interruptions and 3 follow up questions: Closed and 5 wh- questions (used by 10/10) Interviewer-led probing of topics (unrelated topics) (used by 9/10) Introduction on topic area with a closed question (used by 9/10 ) Incorrect and disorganized structure Absence of closure

10 Best practice interview Baseline interview
Results: correct info Second recall First recall * * Best practice interview Baseline interview

11 Results: incorrect info
First recall Second recall Best practice interview Baseline interview

12 Results: accuracy rate
First recall Second recall Best practice interview Baseline interview

13 Results: confidence at second recall
M = 67% M = 73% M = 56%

14 Conclusions Good practice interviewing elicits more accurate information from witnesses at first and second recall. Baseline interviews, incorporating typical errors and deviations from PEACE guidelines, led to more errors. Witness confidence in memory drops following being interviewed. Slightly more so following a best-practice interview.

15 Thank you! Questions welcome Alessandra Caso

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