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Functional Question Foundation (Algebra 8) For the week beginning ….

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1 Functional Question Foundation (Algebra 8) For the week beginning ….

2 Here are instructions for cooking a turkey.
Cook for 15 minutes at 220 °C Reduce the oven temperature to 160 °C and cook for 40 minutes per kilogram.           Kirsty is going to cook a 7 kilogram turkey.           She wants to take it out of the oven at pm.           At what time must she start to cook it? Answer (Total 4 marks)

3 × 40 or 295 7 × 40 or 280 M1 – method mark           (their) 295 ÷ 60 or 4 h 55 m (their) 280 ÷ 60 or 4 h 40 m Or equivalent           12:45 – (their) 4 h 55 m 12:45 – (their) 4 h 40 m – 15 m           07:50 SC3 08:05 A1 - Accuracy marks are awarded when following on from a correct method [4]

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