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What role does family play in a community? A group of people living

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Presentation on theme: "What role does family play in a community? A group of people living"— Presentation transcript:

1 What role does family play in a community? A group of people living
in the same place.

2 Synonyms also too little small thin slim cold chilly mistake error
pretty beautiful silent quiet sad unhappy intelligent smart yell shout big huge or large

3 Initial or Final Consonant Vocabulary
lamp l a m p

4 My mom buys a new lamp.

5 Double Initial or Final Consonant Vocabulary
pond p o n d

6 We have fish in our pond.

7 Double Initial or Final Consonant Vocabulary
vest v e s t

8 She will put on a green vest.

9 Double Initial or Final Consonant Vocabulary
stamp s t a m p

10 These are stamps. This is a stamp.

11 HFW want w a n t

12 I want a cookie.

13 Daily Fix-It 1.- are Nick and friends. Gus good
1.- Nick and Gus are good friends. 1.- Gus and Nick are good friends. 2.- family pizza. eat I My and 2.- My family and I eat pizza. 3.- hard. kicks ball Tomas the 3.- Tomas kicks the ball hard.

14 To put things where people can see them.
Amazing Word display To put things where people can see them.

15 I display my trophies where my friends can see them.

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