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Deep Web Mining and Learning for Advanced Local Search

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Presentation on theme: "Deep Web Mining and Learning for Advanced Local Search"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deep Web Mining and Learning for Advanced Local Search
CS8803 Advisor Prof Liu Yu Liu, Dan Hou Zhigang Hua, Xin Sun Yanbing Yu

2 Competitors Yahoo! Local Yelp CitySearch Google Local Yellow Page
How to beat them?

3 Research Background Deep Web Crawling Sentimental Learning
Sentimental Ranking Model Geo-credit Ranking Model Social Network for Businesses

4 Show Time! Local Biz Space

5 Architecture Database JDBC Query-based Crawler HTML Parser
Sentimental Learner Super Local-Search Apache Server

6 Tools Open source social network platform Elgg, OpenSocial LAMP Server
Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP Google Map API, eg, Geocode,

7 Crawling Dynamic Pages

8 Crawling Dynamic Pages

9 Parsing Dynamic Pages

10 Database Design

11 Sentimental Learning

12 Sentimental Learning

13 Sentimental Learning Can we use ONE score
to show how good/ bad the store is?

14 Sentimental Learning Objective Dataset
To identify positive and negative opinions of a store Dataset Reviews represented by bag-of-terms Normalized TF-IDF feature (normalized) Two ways of sentiment representation Simply average the scores but “what you think good might be bad for me” Manual labeling 1 to 5 (“least satisfied” to “most satisfied”) consensus based time-accuracy tradeoff

15 Dimension Reduction High dimensionality Dimension Reduction
6857 tokens Memory limitation Possibly under-fitting Dimension Reduction PCA (Principle Component Analysis) an orthogonal linear transformation transforms the data to a new coordinate system retains the characteristics of the data set that contribute most to its variance Get the most important features without losing generality

16 Principle Component Analysis
Original Dimension: 6857 Covariance Reserved: 95% Different Granularity Manual Labeling: Score Averaging: Downsampling Rate 40% 20% 4% Result Dimension 231 135 41 Downsampling Rate 40% 20% 4% Result Dimension 344 211 37

17 Sentimental learning Features used for sentimental learning:
Vector Space Model (reviews/comments) Some keywords related to sentiments: Positive: good, happy, wonderful, excellent, awesome, great, ok, nice, etc Negative: bad, sad, ugly, outdated, shabby, stupid, wrong, awful, etc Most words unrelated to sentiments: e.g. buy, take, go, iPod, apple, comment, etc… Causing noise for sentimental learning!!

18 What we do? How to learn sentiments from a large set of features with lots of noise? Vector Space Model: MXN (Entity-Term, e.g. 6,000X20,000) Dimensionality reduction (PCA) Using supervised learning for sentimental learning Human labeling vs. Average rating An online entity always includes many reviews with each review containing a rating Average Rating is an alternative labeling for the entity Manual labeling: 1 (least satisfactory) – 5 (most satisfactory) Three persons do labeling, most-vote-adopted

19 Manual labeling vs. Average rating
Machine learning Around 300 entities from local search, 6800 features after stop words removing and stemming Using different SVM kernels Avoiding overfit Leave-one-out estimation Nonlinearity of features Polynomial kernel achieves best performance Manual labeling Training more precise Labeling more consistent Rate averaging Training less precise Rating more random E.g. average(5, 5, 1) = 3

20 What we learned? Dimensionality reduction is necessary
Term Vector Space Model (VSM) is huge in nature Human labeling is necessary Sentimental learning involved subjective judge instead of objective judge. Human rating is very random because it is not consistent across different people More labeling data is needed Other methods to be used: Unsupervised learning (clustering) Gaussian Mixture Model (an alternative to learn sentiments, while it is difficult to know the # of hidden sentiments)

21 How to use learned sentiments?
Sentimental learning can be used to improve ranking of local search Because sentimental value represents an important metrics to evaluate the rank of an entity Local search is influenced by the sentiment Sentimental ranking model (SRM): SentiRank = a*ContentSim + (1-a)*SentiValue Empirically setting the parameter as “0.5”. Similar to PageRank PageRank = b*ContentSim + (1-b)*PageImportance

22 Geocoding Geocoding of Addresses
For example , the geo-center of store AA National Auto Parts Is located at 3410 Washington St, Phoenix, AZ,85009 Using Geocode, we can get the exact latitude and longtitude ( , ) Haversine Formula of Great-circle distance: Distance between two pairs of coordinates on sphere = (3959 * acos( cos( radians(33.448) ) * cos( radians( lat ) ) * cos( radians( lng ) - radians(-122) ) + sin( radians( ) ) * sin(radians( lat ) ) ) )

23 Geo-Sentimental Ranking Model (GSRM)
Three Measurements Content Similarity term-frequency Sentimental Value sentimental learning Geo-distance Google Map API GSRM Ranking model

24 Example

25 Thank You ! QA time

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