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French and Indian War 1754 - 1763 WHAT: Conflict between the French (allied with the majority of the Native Americans) & England WHY: 1. FEAR 2. GREED.

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Presentation on theme: "French and Indian War 1754 - 1763 WHAT: Conflict between the French (allied with the majority of the Native Americans) & England WHY: 1. FEAR 2. GREED."— Presentation transcript:

1 French and Indian War WHAT: Conflict between the French (allied with the majority of the Native Americans) & England WHY: FEAR 2. GREED Why Fear? one country would gain more power than the other Why Greed? hope to capture the most land in the New World along with its treasures What are the treasures? natural resources

2 French and Indian War 1754 - 1763 Overall Results:
Britain gains Canada Ohio River Valley and all lands east of Mississippi open to settlement Britain gains Florida from Spain France gives Louisiana Territory to Spain France loses all claims to North America Debt caused by F & I War leads to Revolution

3 French and Indian War Effects on Georgia: Moves Georgia southern border to the St. Mary’s River and her western border to the Mississippi River

4 Proclamation of 1763 Issued by King George III
Forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains Why? Meant to stabilize relationships with the Native Americans after the F & I war Could not afford another costly war with Indians

5 Proclamation of 1763 OVERALL EFFECT:
Colonist angered after fighting for the land Settled anyway GEORGIA EFFECT: Very little effect: small & population snuggled near coast new land was opened in the South when Spain left


7 1765 – The Stamp Act First time colonists are directly taxed w/out representation Previously, tax collection left to Colonial Assemblies Now, the Parliament created the taxes Britain felt colonists should pay part of the burden of F & I War

8 1765 – The Stamp Act Reaction in colonies is swift and often violent
Hanging effigies of British leaders (royal governors & Parliament members) Tar & feathering tax collectors Sons of Liberty created Eventually repeal Stamp Act, only to issue others later (I.A.)

9 1765 – The Stamp Act REACTION IN GEORGIA:
Not as violent due to help of James Wright Georgia is only colony to sell stamps Liberty Boys established to oppose Stamp Act

10 1773 – Boston Tea Party WHAT: Sons of Liberty (dressed as Native Americans) board the tea ships and dump the tea Three years AFTER Boston Massacre In protest of the newest tax, THE TEA TAX

11 1774 – Intolerable (Coercive) Acts
WHAT: series of taxes issued by the British Parliament in response to BOSTON TEA PARTY Britain closed Boston port and refused to repeal THE TEA ACT until tea was paid for. Massachusetts colonists could not hold town meetings unless approved by the Royal Governor. British officials accused of CAPITAL CRIMES could only be tried in Britain. QUARTERING ACT: citizens had to house & feed British soldiers at own expense Britain passed laws regarding Canada that were French Catholic favorable

12 1774 – Intolerable (Coercive) Acts
OVERALL REACTION: Even more intense than that to Stamp Act United the colonies – FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS – decided to boycott British goods and pledged military support to Massachusetts

13 1774 – Intolerable (Coercive) Acts
GEORGIA’S REACTION: Minimal due to divided loyalties Strong governor (??) slows the response in Georgia Georgia does not send representative to FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS

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